Discussion Forum: Suggestions(Post New Message)
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 Feb 10, 2018 04:24View Thread
Please bring Order Download up to date - calsbricks (8615)
 Feb 8, 2018 05:00View Thread
New, previously unsold items, for sale - Majerr (74)- 
 Feb 6, 2018 15:23View Thread
Shopping cart compare function - expos1994 (115)
 Feb 1, 2018 22:42View Thread
Order Item Removal Request - PartID/Item No - agulus (1583)- 
 Feb 1, 2018 00:44View Thread
API to handle in progress orders - minithings4life (17258)
 Jan 31, 2018 20:26View Thread
Add Adyen as an onsite payment method - Cob (3588)
 Jan 31, 2018 12:02View Thread
Separate category for damaged items - CanadaFirst (33664)
 Jan 28, 2018 06:53View Thread
BL Suggestion to raise revenue for BL+Sellers - infinibrix (5140)
 Jan 26, 2018 06:39View Thread
Buy 2 items - AnthonyH (801)
 Jan 25, 2018 14:18View Thread
The LEGO Batman Movie Series 1 & 2 - metropolis1927 (106)- 
 Jan 24, 2018 20:58View Thread
Display seller rating a la eBay or Amazon - undetected (107)
 Jan 24, 2018 08:35View Thread
Pending item removal on order page?! - fors (326)
 Jan 23, 2018 23:03View Thread
The utter powerlessness of buyers - undetected (107)25 
 Jan 23, 2018 14:40View Thread
Politics, LEGO and Bricklink - laurenyves (420)11 
 Jan 23, 2018 11:58View Thread
Add total volume to order summary - MMillere (5407)
 Jan 22, 2018 07:08View Thread
AJAX error while searching for stores - a213jf (260)
 Jan 21, 2018 20:09View Thread
extra charges - macmanx (27)
 Jan 19, 2018 22:18View Thread
Sellers who smoke should let buyers know - oracle271 (836)30 
 Jan 19, 2018 12:51View Thread
Another missed coupon, and no site resolution - alahaka (645)
 Jan 18, 2018 17:28View Thread
Superlot Pricing Suggestion - Cob (3588)

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