Discussion Forum: Topics
TopicMessagesLast Post
Discussion GroupAnnounce
Non-sales related announcements from BrickLink members.
33171 day ago
Discussion GroupBuying
Buying general discussion.
57549 hours ago
Discussion GroupCoupons
Discussion about coupons and sellers posting coupon offers.
23913 hours ago
Discussion GroupCurrency
Discussion about currency and exchange rates.
1099 days ago
Discussion GroupFeedback
Feedback forum, feedback profiles, posting feedback, etc.
286514 hours ago
Discussion GroupGeneral
General discussion group for things related to BrickLink that don't fit anywhere else.
164601 hour ago
Discussion GroupMy Collection
My Collection feature discussion including requests for new functionality and pro tips.
103 days ago
Discussion GroupNew Stores
Announcements of new stores.
15396 days ago
Discussion GroupPayment Methods
Discussion about payment services such as PayPal and methods of payment accepted.
94411 days ago
Discussion GroupPrice Guide
Price Guide feature general discussion, pricing of items and appraisals.
11419 days ago
Discussion GroupProblem
General discussion about problems that are not order related.
30468 days ago
Discussion GroupProblem Order
Problem with Order and problem with Buyer or Seller in Order.
39752 hours ago
Discussion GroupRetail
Discussion about retail sources where LEGO products can be purchased - S@H, PaB, etc.
2381 month ago
Discussion GroupSales
Store sales and new items for sale announcements. Please limit these to one post per month.
244484 hours ago
Discussion GroupSearching
Searching Items for Sale, Catalog, Storefront, My Store Inventory, Help and Discussion Forum.
15952 days ago
Discussion GroupSelling
General discussion about selling.
101095 hours ago
Discussion GroupShipping
Shipping, handling, packaging and everything that relates to it.
486321 hours ago
Discussion GroupTaxes
VAT, sales tax, customs duties, etc.
13961 day ago
Discussion GroupTerms and Policies
Store terms and policies and BrickLink terms of service.
7314 days ago
Discussion GroupTrades
Trade offers. At least one side must involve a sale through a BrickLink store.
36514 days ago
Discussion GroupWanted List
Wanted List feature discussion and "I want to buy" announcements.
12429 days ago
TopicMessagesLast Post
Discussion GroupHelp
Ask for help, general discussion.
209536 hours ago
Discussion GroupTechnical Issues
Bugs (both actual and perceived) and any other technical issues such as downtime, slow pages, or error messages.
61313 hours ago
Discussion GroupTranslation
Ask for help to translate something from one language to another.
193 months ago
Reference Catalog
TopicMessagesLast Post
Discussion GroupCatalog
Reference Catalog general discussion.
- Open (2339)
- Completed (1)
- Discarded (315)
176304 hours ago
Discussion GroupCatalog Identification
Questions about identifying LEGO items (parts, sets, etc).
71923 hours ago
Discussion GroupCatalog Requests
Suggestions to the BrickLink Catalog Administrators to change something in the catalog that can't be changed using the catalog Change Item form.
- Open for Catalog Associate (125)
- Open for Inventories Admin (5)
- Completed (866)
- Discarded (227)
46694 hours ago
Discussion GroupColors
Discussion about the various colors that LEGO parts come in.
- Open (443)
- Completed (0)
- Discarded (64)
35321 day ago
Discussion GroupInventories
Inventories general discussion.
- Open (688)
- Completed (0)
- Discarded (15)
33572 days ago
Discussion GroupInventories Requests
Automatic posting of requests submitted to the Inventory Change Request form.
- Open (24786)
- Completed (0)
- Discarded (124)
397796 hours ago
Discussion GroupModulex
All about Modulex.
- Open (18)
- Completed (0)
- Discarded (3)
1032 months ago
Discussion GroupPacking Dimensions
Active requests for adding or correcting system Packing Dimensions.
175 months ago
Discussion GroupPacking Dimensions X
Completed/processed requests for adding or correcting system Packing Dimensions, plus discussion of Packing Dimensions.
122 years ago
TopicMessagesLast Post
Discussion GroupSuggestions (My Favorite Suggestions)
Suggestions to the BrickLink Admininstration to improve website functionality and design.
- Open (2515)
- Implemented (135)
- Discarded (723)
242092 hours ago
Community Life
TopicMessagesLast Post
Discussion GroupDesigner Program
Discussion of the BrickLink Designer Program.
8049 days ago
Discussion GroupEvents
Real-life community fan events, gatherings, shows, etc.
15330 days ago
Discussion GroupLEGO products
General discussion about LEGO products.
35973 days ago
Discussion GroupMedia
News related to the LEGO Group other than new products.
3622 days ago
Discussion GroupMy Own Creation
Discussion and showcasing of original creations from LEGO bricks.
16894 days ago
Discussion GroupNew Sets
Discussion about sets and themes not yet released or recently released.
34112 days ago
Off Topic
TopicMessagesLast Post
Discussion GroupContests
Trivia, guessing games, etc.
27755 hours ago
Discussion GroupOff Topic
Discussion about things that are not related to LEGO products or BrickLink.
100776 hours ago
Discussion GroupRelated Software
Discussion of any offline software designed to work with the BrickLink site.
153115 hours ago
Language Specific
TopicMessagesLast Post
Discussion GroupLANG Deutsch
Allgemeine Diskussion auf Deutsch.
5963 days ago
Discussion GroupLANG Español
Para la discusión general en el idioma Español.
128 months ago
Discussion GroupLANG Français
Discussion générale en Français.
1732 months ago
Discussion GroupLANG Italiano
Discussione generale in lingua Italiana.
4020 days ago
Discussion GroupLANG Nederlands
Algemene discussies in het Nederlands.
5984 days ago
TopicMessagesLast Post
Discussion GroupAdministrative
Announcements from the BrickLink Administration.
202114 hours ago
TopicMessagesLast Post
Discussion GroupNEWS
News from the BrickLink Administration.
142 years ago