Discussion Forum: Messages by StarBrick (7056)
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View Thread Search for parts of specific set in store.... - StarBrick (7056)0 Rpl
In your own store inventory, you can search for parts of a specific set. See attached picture. In the buying area of a store, this is not possible. The functionality is there, [...]
(96 months ago, Jun 15, 2016, to Suggestions)
View Thread Set quoting OFF in forum posts - StarBrick (7056)12 Rpl
In replying to forum posts, the standard system setting is to quote the post you are replying to. This generates LARGE texts that one has to scroll through to get the additional [...]
(117 months ago, Oct 1, 2014, to Suggestions)
View Thread NSS / NRS Overhaul - StarBrick (7056)3 Rpl
(probably multiple times suggested before....) Overhaul of the NSS/NRS system required. Regarding recent posts of blocked shops due to a cummulation of three (!) [...]
(117 months ago, Sep 15, 2014, to Suggestions)
View Thread Fee deduction program - StarBrick (7056)32 Rpl
As this is still a community build and moderated site, all efforts by members to improve the site, listings, behaviour of members etc, should result in a discount on fees to [...]
(120 months ago, Jun 16, 2014, to Suggestions)
View Thread Blocked user? Block feedback too! - StarBrick (7056)17 Rpl
When a user has its buying privileges revoked, it should automatically revoke its feedback privileges. This in order to prevent retaliatory actions from buyer and seller. Please [...]
(156 months ago, Jul 14, 2011, to Suggestions)