Discussion Forum: Messages by hpoort (427)
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 Apr 23, 2023 09:08View Thread
Longer EV3/NXT cable - hpoort (427)
 Sep 25, 2022 11:10View Thread
Very Light Gray - Very excluded - hpoort (427)
 Sep 11, 2022 08:44View Thread
Presentation 'From Brick to Model' - hpoort (427)
 Jul 2, 2022 02:30View Thread
Electric categories and systems - hpoort (427)
 Feb 21, 2021 12:43View Thread
Mini doll torso shapes - hpoort (427)
 May 6, 2020 08:56View Thread
Dual molded arms - hpoort (427)
 May 3, 2020 10:06View Thread
Ants - hpoort (427)20 
 Jan 2, 2020 03:51View Thread
Policy change - Undetermined versus Unknown a - hpoort (427)20 
 May 20, 2015 02:39View Thread
Color search in catalog - hpoort (427)