Feedback Forum: Profile of ziegefrau (246)
ID Card

ziegefrau (246)

Location:  USA, California
Member Since Contact Type Status
Mar 8, 2016 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - Revoked
Store Closed Store: Purple Chick Brick

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 246 
Neutral: 1 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 7 247 
 Buying  Selling 
52 194 

52 195 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  MrsBricks (2857)  Sep 2, 2024  26058607  Buyer 
 Great customer! You are always welcome in the future at CostaBricks
 Praise  cvillebricks (4024)  May 17, 2024  25246185  Buyer 
 Good buyer; thank you from CVilleBricks
 Praise  MrsBricks (2857)  May 6, 2024  25106616  Buyer 
 Great customer! You are always welcome in the future at CostaBricks
 Praise  EGTC (4361)  Apr 30, 2024  24908478  Buyer 
 Very fast and friendly Buyer.
 Praise  alijamvan (303)  Apr 22, 2024  24908399  Buyer 
 Great customer! A+
 Praise  faccocode (184)  Apr 8, 2024  24701379  Buyer 
 Great buyer, welcome back anytime! CIAO! :)
 Praise  tszabi (2065)  Apr 8, 2024  24531531  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Excellent communication, fast payment. Thanks.
 Praise  chriscaron (1061)  Oct 25, 2023  23088721  Buyer 
 Fast & easy transaction. Enjoy the Lego's. Thanks & come back soon!
 Praise  sircueball (1177)  Sep 13, 2023  23082287  Buyer 
 Great buyer, fast payment, Thanks for the order!!
 Praise  RecycledBrick (9011)  Sep 11, 2023  23073885  Buyer 
 Thank You For Shopping At Recycled Brick!! Excellent Buyer!!

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