In Store Settings, sellers have the option of making their store:
On a member's ID Card a lock icon |
Store Closed Password: |
To sell privately, close your store, type in a password for your store and then e-mail the members you wish to sell to your store password. They will be able to "unlock" your store while it is closed and buy from it by typing in this password in your store.
If a Seller Closes their Store while a Buyer is Shopping: |
A buyer has 30 minutes to complete adding items to their shopping cart and checkout. While a store is closed, a banner with the number of minutes left is displayed to a buyer in the detail screen and shopping cart. Here is an example:
After the 30 minutes, the buyer will not be able to add any more items to their shopping cart, view their cart or checkout. The following will be displayed:
If a buyer has passed the checkout area before the time has expired, they will still be able to submit the order even if the time expires before they submit the order. If a buyer has entered the store password upon entering a closed store, there is no time limit and these banners are not displayed. |
Automatic Close Setting: |
You can also additionally specifiy if you want your store to be closed automatically after not logging in for a specified number of days. Logging in is also done automatically if you selected the remember me option and click on any page that requires a login. If you store is automatically closed, the system will send you an e-mail notifying you that the store was closed and the store menu frame will indicate that the store was closed automatically. Minimum number of days is 3. |