Feedback Forum: Profile of bb156 (334)
ID Card

bb156 (334)

Location:  Australia, Victoria
Member Since Contact Type Status
Aug 13, 2000 Contact Member Seller
No Longer RegisteredNo Longer Registered
Store Closed Store: Ausbricks
No Longer Registered

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 340 
Neutral: 9 
Complaint: 6 

Total: 0 0 0 355 
 Buying  Selling 
99 241 

99 256 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  bricksy (64435)  Sep 2, 2019  11582048  Buyer 
 Everything fine. Thanks!
 Praise  JimiBrix (3614)  Mar 6, 2016  6326841  Buyer 
 Great Bricklinker! Please let me know if there are any problems
 Praise  ChromeBricks (60788)  Mar 8, 2012  2591401  Buyer 
 A pleasure to deal with, great buyer! Thanks from
 Praise  bricks_germany (1910)  Feb 12, 2012  2412641  Buyer 
 Praise  torquay (7058)  Aug 30, 2011  2132652  Buyer 
 Great buyer - thanks
 Praise  jfetzner (8829)  Jul 16, 2011  2126610  Seller 
 Excellent bricks but service a bit slow, thank you
 Praise  wjgreener (135)  Jun 6, 2011  2058614  Seller 
 Many thanks for the bricks! Well packed and received in top condition!
 Praise  rapister (317)  Apr 11, 2011  2066581  Seller 
 Good seller.
 Complaint  mherbie (97)  Mar 25, 2011  2051447  Seller 
 TO slow. no updates. has arrived, no update on this sight from you!
 Praise  teddybearsh (2266)  Feb 26, 2011  1998624  Seller 

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