Feedback Forum: Profile of Doughboy6480 (566)
ID Card

Doughboy6480 (566)

Location:  USA, Idaho
Member Since Contact Type Status
Nov 15, 2015 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: Doughboys Brick House

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 18 105 566 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 4 18 105 566 
 Buying  Selling 
136 430 

136 430 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  SlipsFromARose (283)  Feb 8, 2025  27472174  Seller 
 Super-fast shipping! Everything is as described. Thank you!
 Praise  beekuhl (64)  Feb 3, 2025  27397900  Seller 
 Perfect order. Thank you.
 Praise  NanerMane (119)  Feb 3, 2025  27433605  Seller 
 All items came fast and packaged well. A+ seller!
 Praise  trajan (274)  Feb 2, 2025  27354454  Seller 
 Great Seller. Thanks.
 Praise  Figures_Store (221)  Jan 29, 2025  27414033  Buyer 
 Great Buyer! Thank you for your order, enjoy your build!
 Praise  wildcat144 (5227)  Jan 28, 2025  27347249  Buyer 
 Another fast payment from a great Bricklinker! Come back anytime…AZWildcat
 Praise  zero42593 (1995)  Jan 25, 2025  27330159  Buyer 
 Thank you for your continued business at Turtle Bricks! 2 orders
 Praise  ggyuen (8004)  Jan 24, 2025  27312502  Seller 
 Thank you
 Praise  Candiebricks (51)  Jan 24, 2025  27313863  Seller 
 Absolutely perfect, every time, thank you again 🙂
 Praise  Dave734 (1498)  Jan 23, 2025  27278213  Buyer 
 A+ Customer fast payment always welcome back to dave&ashleys brickhouse

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