Feedback Forum: Profile of ronhat (3903): Neutral Comments
ID Card

ronhat (3903)

Location:  USA, Ohio
Member Since Contact Type Status
May 29, 2005 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store Closed Store: LoosePlates

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Neutral  jrwynia (94)  Jan 21, 2025  27277994  Seller 
 Great seller, accurate and fast, beware excess charges not indiccated up front,
 Neutral  YankeeDoodle002 (69)  Sep 29, 2024  25822974  Buyer 
 buyer has different perspective on used parts, has high expectations
 Neutral  BriBaker90 (16)  Mar 3, 2023  21460458  Seller 
 No problem with seller/shipping. Tossed 8 brick in trash due to color
 Neutral  2x2bricklover (146)  Jan 10, 2023  20944996  Seller 
 R2d2 had multiple scratches and losing paint, everything else is fine.
 Neutral  Robertjohn (196)  Feb 29, 2020  12527945  Seller 
 This order came very fast. Just wish the minifig had the right head
 Neutral  mlayman013 (59)  Dec 4, 2019  11987913  Seller 
 Overcharged me on shipping; but upon communication reimbursed me the difference.
 Neutral  BLUSER_345248 (6)  Feb 11, 2013  3301766  Seller 
 Two parts missing, and 3 with cracks. Other as described. Shipped well. +gift ))
 Neutral  bb212266 (-4)  Aug 12, 2010  1762942  Seller 
 Neutral  rdschoon (666)  Jun 17, 2010  1699291  Seller 
 Buyer Beware SH charges exceed 9.00 for orders less than 50g
 Neutral  BLUSER_277489 (68)  Mar 11, 2010  1585837  Seller 
 crazy shipping charge!
 Reply: The buyer don't know the Euro to Dollar conversion rate.

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