Feedback Forum: Profile of ronhat (3903): Buyer Feedback
ID Card

ronhat (3903)

Location:  USA, Ohio
Member Since Contact Type Status
May 29, 2005 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store Closed Store: LoosePlates

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  oasis (3280)  Feb 5, 2025  27360885  Buyer 
 thanks for shopping at Oasis Trading Post !!
 Praise  geril19 (191)  Dec 11, 2024  26950721  Buyer 
 Great customer fast payment thank you!
 Praise  McBricks (8429)  Oct 31, 2024  26202361  Buyer 
 Thank you for a GREAT transaction !!
 Neutral  YankeeDoodle002 (69)  Sep 29, 2024  25822974  Buyer 
 buyer has different perspective on used parts, has high expectations
 Praise  Justalittlebric (272)  Sep 23, 2024  26202392  Buyer 
 Praise  OldBarnMerc (329)  Sep 20, 2024  26251464  Buyer 
 Thank You!!!! We greatly appreciate your business-Cory
 Praise  chipmunk12 (608)  Sep 18, 2024  25879054  Buyer 
 Thank You for Your Order!
 Praise  Bneighbor (1040)  Aug 27, 2024  25987402  Buyer 
 Thank you for choosing my store come back any time
 Praise  Kodabricks (505)  Aug 10, 2024  25924845  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer thank you for the purchase!
 Praise  RyantheAreat (364)  Aug 5, 2024  25748877  Buyer 
 Thank You!!

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