Catalog: Sets: Town: City: Police: 30227-1: InvPrinter-friendly page
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Police Watercraft polybag

Set No: 30227  Name: Police Watercraft polybag

This Set Consists of the following Items:

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 Image   Qty   Item No  Description   MID 
Regular Items:
Part No: 3022  Name: Plate 2 x 2
 2  3022Black Plate 2 x 2
Catalog: PartsPlate
Part No: 2540  Name: Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Bar Handle on Side - Free Ends
 1  2540Black Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Bar Handle on Side - Free Ends
Catalog: PartsPlate, Modified
Part No: 2654  Name: Plate, Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom (Boat Stud)
 1  2654Black Plate, Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom (Boat Stud)
Catalog: PartsPlate, Round
Part No: 3023  Name: Plate 1 x 2
 3  3023Blue Plate 1 x 2
Catalog: PartsPlate
Part No: 61678  Name: Slope, Curved 4 x 1
 2  61678Blue Slope, Curved 4 x 1
Catalog: PartsSlope, Curved
Part No: 48183  Name: Wedge, Plate 3 x 4 with Stud Notches
 1  48183Blue Wedge, Plate 3 x 4 with Stud Notches
Catalog: PartsWedge, Plate
Part No: 30031  Name: Minifigure, Utensil Handlebars
 1  30031Dark Bluish Gray Minifigure, Utensil Handlebars
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Utensil
Part No: 3069px7  Name: Tile 1 x 2 with Currency / Money, 100 Bill / Note Pattern
 2  3069px7Green Tile 1 x 2 with Currency / Money, 100 Bill / Note Pattern
Catalog: PartsTile, Decorated
Part No: 30162  Name: Minifigure, Utensil Binoculars Town
 1  30162Light Bluish Gray Minifigure, Utensil Binoculars Town
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Utensil
Part No: 3795  Name: Plate 2 x 6
 1  3795Light Bluish Gray Plate 2 x 6
Catalog: PartsPlate
Part No: 11476  Name: Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Clip on Side (Horizontal Grip)
 1  11476Light Bluish Gray Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with Clip on Side (Horizontal Grip)
Catalog: PartsPlate, Modified
Part No: 30150  Name: Container, Crate 3 x 4 x 1 2/3 with Handholds
 1  30150Reddish Brown Container, Crate 3 x 4 x 1 2/3 with Handholds
Catalog: PartsContainer
Part No: 87585  Name: Minifigure, Utensil Oar / Paddle Reinforced
 1  87585Reddish Brown Minifigure, Utensil Oar / Paddle Reinforced
Catalog: PartsMinifigure, Utensil
Part No: 3024  Name: Plate 1 x 1
 4  3024Trans-Dark Blue Plate 1 x 1
Catalog: PartsPlate
Part No: 3710  Name: Plate 1 x 4
 1  3710White Plate 1 x 4
Catalog: PartsPlate
Part No: 93606  Name: Slope, Curved 4 x 2
 1  93606White Slope, Curved 4 x 2
Catalog: PartsSlope, Curved
Part No: 4871  Name: Slope, Inverted 45 4 x 2 Double with 2 x 2 Cutout
 1  4871White Slope, Inverted 45 4 x 2 Double with 2 x 2 Cutout
Catalog: PartsSlope, Inverted
Part No: 43713  Name: Wedge 6 x 4 Triple Inverted Curved
 1  43713White Wedge 6 x 4 Triple Inverted Curved
Catalog: PartsWedge
Minifig No: cty0488  Name: Police - City Officer, Life Jacket
 1  cty0488 (Inv)Police - City Officer, Life Jacket
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCityPolice
Minifig No: cty0463  Name: Police - Jail Prisoner 86753 Prison Stripes, Dark Bluish Gray Knit Cap, Backpack, Crooked Smile and Scar
 1  cty0463 (Inv)Police - Jail Prisoner 86753 Prison Stripes, Dark Bluish Gray Knit Cap, Backpack, Crooked Smile and Scar
Catalog: MinifiguresTownCityPolice
Extra Items:
Part No: 3024  Name: Plate 1 x 1
 1  3024Trans-Dark Blue Plate 1 x 1
Catalog: PartsPlate


 Type  Unique Lots  Total Qty 
Regular Items:
 Parts  18  26 
 Minifigures  2  2 
Extra Items:
 Parts  1  1 

Parts List

BrickArchives (128) inventoried this Set on Feb 24, 2014, inventory last updated on Jul 30, 2014.

 randyf (444) confirmed accuracy of this inventory on Apr 2, 2015.  (source: Sealed Set Contents)

Links Related to this Inventory:

See explanation on what Regular, Extra, Counterpart and Alternate means.

Disclaimer: BrickLink does not guarantee an inventory to be correct and therefore an inventory should be only used as a guide.