Discussion Forum: Thread 332298

 Author: CE_Anastasia View Messages Posted By CE_Anastasia
 Posted: Dec 23, 2022 10:59
 Subject: New Seller Verification changes for the EU
 Viewed: 1117 times
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Location:  USA, California
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BrickLink Administrator
Dear BrickLink members,

Due to legal compliance with DAC-7 rules, we are required to collect additional
information from new business sellers in the European Union starting from the
middle of next week. Refer to Article 8ac of the document to find out if you
have the documentation to qualify as a business seller.


Additional information that we will be collecting includes the following:

- Name of business
- Business registration number, including a supporting document. As different
rules apply for each EU member state, refer to your local authority for more
- Tax Identification Number (TIN), including a supporting document:
- OSS Number and/ or VAT ID for each country of registration:

At the moment, only new business sellers who are registering after the launch
are going to be affected by the new procedure. However, if a current EU seller
changes their country, they will be required to provide additional documentation
as well.

All existing EU business sellers should be aware that these rules will also apply
to them starting from 2024, when the re-verification of existing details will
happen. Until then, we will continue working closely with authorities to establish
the best process for this next step.

Thank you,
BrickLink Team
 Author: SylvainLS View Messages Posted By SylvainLS
 Posted: Dec 23, 2022 11:15
 Subject: Re: NSV changes for business sellers in EU
 Viewed: 128 times
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SylvainLS (46)

Location:  France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
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Apr 25, 2014 Contact Member Seller
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BrickLink Discussions Moderator (?)
In Administrative, cs_anastasia writes:
  Dear BrickLink members,

Due to legal compliance with DAC-7 rules, we are required to collect additional
information from new business sellers in the European Union starting from the
middle of next week. Refer to Article 8ac of the document to find out if you
have the documentation to qualify as a business seller.


Missing a digit at the end:
 Author: Nubs_Select View Messages Posted By Nubs_Select
 Posted: Dec 23, 2022 11:23
 Subject: Re: NSV changes for business sellers in EU
 Viewed: 113 times
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Nubs_Select (4000)

Location:  Canada, Ontario
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Mar 15, 2016 Contact Member Seller
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Store: Nub's Select
Cough cough still waiting for the Canada tax update that was supposed to be out
almost half a year ago…
 Author: StarBrick View Messages Posted By StarBrick
 Posted: Dec 23, 2022 11:51
 Subject: NSV changes for business sellers in EU-DUTCH ONLY!
 Viewed: 147 times
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StarBrick (7130)

Location:  Netherlands, Gelderland
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Oct 18, 2008 Contact Member Seller
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Store: StarBrick's BrickShop
Voor de NL members hier, dit lees ik op Blz 19 (definities) van de NL versie
van het document naar wordt verwezen door BL.

B. Te rapporteren verkopers

1. “Verkoper”: een gebruiker van een platform, hetzij een natuurlijke persoon,
hetzij een entiteit, die op enig ogenblik tijdens de rapportageperiode op het
platform is geregistreerd en een relevante activiteit verricht.

Dat betekent dat ook private personen gemeld moeten worden door BL. Of lees ik
dat verkeerd?


De rapporterende platformexploitant verzamelt alle volgende inlichtingen voor
elke verkoper die een natuurlijke persoon en geen uitgesloten verkoper is: (en
dan volgt een hele waslijst).

En dit is wat BL moet verstrekken over de verkopers:

e) de totale tegenprestatie die is betaald of gecrediteerd tijdens elk kwartaal
van de rapportageperiode, en het aantal relevante activiteiten waarvoor deze
is betaald of gecrediteerd;
f) alle honoraria, commissielonen of belastingen die door de rapporterende platformexploitant
tijdens elk kwartaal van de rapportageperiode ingehouden of geheven werden.

Feedback welkom
 Author: rmfloris View Messages Posted By rmfloris
 Posted: Dec 27, 2022 11:54
 Subject: Re: NSV changes for business sellers in EU-DUTCH ONLY!
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rmfloris (44)

Location:  Netherlands, Utrecht
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Jul 13, 2016 Contact Member Seller
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Store Closed Store: Brick Gatherer
I believe DAC-7 requires also private entities to be reported. There is a threshold
before the need to report to the tax authorities. How will Bricklink handle these
cases as requesting the needed information, can be seen as a breach of GDPR regulations,
requesting more private information then it needs to do their daily business.

The link provided ends up at a 404 page.

With kind regards


In Administrative, StarBrick writes:
  Voor de NL members hier, dit lees ik op Blz 19 (definities) van de NL versie
van het document naar wordt verwezen door BL.

B. Te rapporteren verkopers

1. “Verkoper”: een gebruiker van een platform, hetzij een natuurlijke persoon,
hetzij een entiteit, die op enig ogenblik tijdens de rapportageperiode op het
platform is geregistreerd en een relevante activiteit verricht.

Dat betekent dat ook private personen gemeld moeten worden door BL. Of lees ik
dat verkeerd?


De rapporterende platformexploitant verzamelt alle volgende inlichtingen voor
elke verkoper die een natuurlijke persoon en geen uitgesloten verkoper is: (en
dan volgt een hele waslijst).

En dit is wat BL moet verstrekken over de verkopers:

e) de totale tegenprestatie die is betaald of gecrediteerd tijdens elk kwartaal
van de rapportageperiode, en het aantal relevante activiteiten waarvoor deze
is betaald of gecrediteerd;
f) alle honoraria, commissielonen of belastingen die door de rapporterende platformexploitant
tijdens elk kwartaal van de rapportageperiode ingehouden of geheven werden.

Feedback welkom
 Author: SylvainLS View Messages Posted By SylvainLS
 Posted: Dec 27, 2022 12:43
 Subject: Re: NSV changes for business sellers in EU-DUTCH ONLY!
 Viewed: 111 times
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SylvainLS (46)

Location:  France, Nouvelle-Aquitaine
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Apr 25, 2014 Contact Member Seller
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Store Closed Store: BuyerOnly
BrickLink Discussions Moderator (?)
In Administrative, rmfloris writes:
  I believe DAC-7 requires also private entities to be reported. There is a threshold
before the need to report to the tax authorities. How will Bricklink handle these
cases as requesting the needed information, can be seen as a breach of GDPR regulations,
requesting more private information then it needs to do their daily business.

AFAIU, the GDPR forbids keeping the info, not asking for it, especially when
you need the info to obey other laws.

As an example, a shop owner can ask you to prove your identity (ID card, passport…)
when you pay by cheque but the GDPR forbids them to take a photo(copy).

  The link provided ends up at a 404 page.

It’s missing a ‘4’ at the end.
 Author: rmfloris View Messages Posted By rmfloris
 Posted: Jan 2, 2023 06:57
 Subject: Re: NSV changes for business sellers in EU-DUTCH ONLY!
 Viewed: 149 times
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rmfloris (44)

Location:  Netherlands, Utrecht
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Jul 13, 2016 Contact Member Seller
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Store Closed Store: Brick Gatherer
I believe in the announcement, it does both. So I need to verify myself, which
can be done without breaking the GDPR laws. But Bricklink will also need to report
the information to the tax authorities, hence it need to store the information.

There is a threshold for DAC-7, so not all sellers are reported towards the tax
authorities. In that case holding the information goes against GDPR guidelines,
as it store's PII data with no clear use case.

I believe the information should only be requested with the sellers once the
threshold is reached and there is a justification for storing the sensitive data.

In Administrative, SylvainLS writes:
  In Administrative, rmfloris writes:
  I believe DAC-7 requires also private entities to be reported. There is a threshold
before the need to report to the tax authorities. How will Bricklink handle these
cases as requesting the needed information, can be seen as a breach of GDPR regulations,
requesting more private information then it needs to do their daily business.

AFAIU, the GDPR forbids keeping the info, not asking for it, especially when
you need the info to obey other laws.

As an example, a shop owner can ask you to prove your identity (ID card, passport…)
when you pay by cheque but the GDPR forbids them to take a photo(copy).

  The link provided ends up at a 404 page.

It’s missing a ‘4’ at the end.
 Author: morsormail View Messages Posted By morsormail
 Posted: Feb 21, 2023 17:09
 Subject: Re: New Seller Verification changes for the EU
 Viewed: 115 times
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morsormail (633)

Location:  Denmark
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Store: MSBrickCity
In Administrative, cs_anastasia writes:
  Dear BrickLink members,

Due to legal compliance with DAC-7 rules, we are required to collect additional
information from new business sellers in the European Union starting from the
middle of next week. Refer to Article 8ac of the document to find out if you
have the documentation to qualify as a business seller.


Please assist with understanding your term 'business seller'.

In the linked document it uses 'individual' and 'Entity' for
the definition of 'Active Seller'. So is the 'business seller'
used here to be understood as only being 'Entity'? Or does it also include

And if it does include the type 'individual', and the member state does
not require a business registration, what will the be required to provide to
bricklink? Is it name, address, place of birth and date of birth?

/ Morten
 Author: brunocandeias View Messages Posted By brunocandeias
 Posted: Oct 30, 2023 12:20
 Subject: Re: New Seller Verification changes for the EU
 Viewed: 82 times
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brunocandeias (255)

Location:  Portugal
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Store: Candeias Bricks

In 2024 the EU sellers will need to present some documents to continue selling?


In Administrative, CE_Anastasia writes:
  Dear BrickLink members,

Due to legal compliance with DAC-7 rules, we are required to collect additional
information from new business sellers in the European Union starting from the
middle of next week. Refer to Article 8ac of the document to find out if you
have the documentation to qualify as a business seller.


Additional information that we will be collecting includes the following:

- Name of business
- Business registration number, including a supporting document. As different
rules apply for each EU member state, refer to your local authority for more
- Tax Identification Number (TIN), including a supporting document:
- OSS Number and/ or VAT ID for each country of registration:

At the moment, only new business sellers who are registering after the launch
are going to be affected by the new procedure. However, if a current EU seller
changes their country, they will be required to provide additional documentation
as well.

All existing EU business sellers should be aware that these rules will also apply
to them starting from 2024, when the re-verification of existing details will
happen. Until then, we will continue working closely with authorities to establish
the best process for this next step.

Thank you,
BrickLink Team