Discussion Forum: Catalog Requests: with Status of Completed: Messages by MrPetovan (925)(Post New Message)
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View Thread Add an alternate stickered part - MrPetovan (925)
Hi, I tried to add a part but I kept getting the error "The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.". Please add the part manually with the following [...]
(30 months ago, Oct 31, 2021, to Catalog Requests)
View Thread Change name of part 58947pb01 - MrPetovan (925)
(Part 58947pb01) I just added this part as counterpart to the set (Set 7692-1) So I wanted to add the set number in the part name but the form field limits the length of the [...]
(35 months ago, May 29, 2021, to Catalog Requests)