Discussion Forum: Messages by EJFJCorp (164)
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 Author: EJFJCorp View Messages Posted By EJFJCorp
 Posted: Dec 29, 2017 12:39
 Subject: Order Placed / Order Received - improvements.
 Viewed: 107 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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You need to show in status layers informations about the whole activities of
the account owner :

ID : when the mouse is over, you should show the total number of commands done
or received...

Date : when the mouse is over, you should indicate the date of first command
and date of last command, and informations about regularity of commands...

Seller/Buyer : when the mouse is over, you should indicate the total number of
sellers/buyers and the average commands done with indication of maximum (32 commands
by this shop) and 1 command to 42 shops among the 52 shops used...

Items/Lots : when the mouse is over, you should indicate all lots received and
number of items received, and informations about those in shop and those owned
in wishing lists...

Ship. : when the mouse is over, you should indicate the total fees paid for delivery
(=== wastings, compared to Mail Direct International PSC...)

Insur. : when the mouse is over you should indicate the total amount wasted for
insurance fees and the use of such service when problems occured! (=== wastings,
compared to Bill !T by use of EJFJ Contexual Computing for retribution of any
useful act...)

Chrg. : when the mouse is over you should indicate the total amount of charges
paid, and indication if this is above or lower to what other bricklink.com users

Credit : when the mouse is over you should indicate the total amount owned by
other shops and the number of concerned shops, with the maximum due by some of
them and the minimum amount due, and you should indicate the pieces they own
from wishing lists and coupons available and special promotions made by these
shops!!! Read after, for letting the user being able to click on links to open
the shop in a new panel...

Order Total : when the mouse is over you should indicate the total amount paid
for the pieces in all commands (with of course all those deleted, older than
12 months)...

Grand Total : when the mouse is over you should indicate the total amount paid
for all bricklink users/partners services and an evaluation of the position of
the member according to other members...

Pmt In : when the mouse is over you should indicate the number of currencires
used, and the paiement methods used

Status : when the mouse is over you should indicate how many commands were done,
how many are completed (delivered and finalized), and how many are still not
delivered, and how many need to be paid, how many need to be prepared, ...

Changed : I do not know what can be put there, the date does not reflect anything
accurate without EJFJ Contextual Computing, as you can change this date by changing
the status of the command and restoring the previous status by changing it again
and only the date will be kept changed (mistake)!!!

Feedback Me/Them : when the mouse is over you should indicate how many feedbacks
were done by the user, with comparizon to 100% (hidding that some users do not
evaluate correctly their sellers... With Bill !T this is done automatically,
with price proactive adaptation during 20 years, so no constraint and no risk
for anyone, all benefit of the most effective average!

Paid/Pmt Method : when the mouse is over you should indicate how many commands
are paid and some informations which are more accurate from the Status layer
and from the Pmt In layer...

To improve the efficiency of your website, you should add a first table-row with
all these informations, this should be kept hidden, and when a layer
need to be shown when the mouse enter (onmouseover) the header cell, it take
the content of the hidden row to show only this cell content, and this layer
need to be hidden
onmouseout... But when the member clicks on the table header, the row appears
or disappears, showing all informations of all colums and allowing the member
to click on the link to access the different parts of your website, in a new
panel (target="_blank") allowing the member to get more informations or benefit
of coupons and making new commands... and the informations given in this command
allow him/her to have a global view of what has been done on your bricklink.com
website with positive comparizon compared to other users, allowing them to spare
wastings and use more efficiently your tools... thank you for proceeding immediately
: only the best is legal according to EJFJ Principles http://principles.ejfj.org,
and you should not have anything to do to benefit of this, only if you can make
improvements, for the benefit of all, and not only those who use your website
(illegal partiality, unrespect of EJFJ Equity Principle!).
 Author: EJFJCorp View Messages Posted By EJFJCorp
 Posted: Nov 26, 2017 04:31
 Subject: Re: Adding picture to Wanted List
 Viewed: 17 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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In Suggestions, Xavier1982 writes:

Would it be an idea to add a picture to a created wanted list?

Kind regards,

Little bit too expensive, but if this correspond to a set, a picture already
owned by bricklink.com should of course be shown!!!
 Author: EJFJCorp View Messages Posted By EJFJCorp
 Posted: Nov 26, 2017 04:27
 Subject: Wishlist sharing properties...
 Viewed: 42 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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I notice for many months that you annouced wishing to allow wishlist sharing
possibilities, and according to all the needs requested by all type of users,
I propose you the following method, which is very easy and cheap to implement
in the database...

Beside the Wishlist sharing actuator, add a dropbox with the following items
(activate those whoch are useable, from easiest to most complex (last one...)

- visibility (give a sharing link like http://sharing.bricklink.com/wishlist767676
and whatever you need but no personal informations, all need to be encrypted
with numbers or letters)
- visibility + global comment (one comment field for all users, and especially
wishlist owner to allow sharing ideas... Only owner can delete part of the comment!
But all those who have the link can add new lines below, signed with their bricklink
- visibility + personal comment (comments can be added by anyone, signed with
the bricklink identifier/username of the member, and can be reedited and completed
by the wishlist owner and by the member who has access to the wishlist, this
is like in any shop comment tool...)
- propose item ability (allow the user to propose with his blicklink username
a new item to the list, which need to be accepted by the wishlist owner before
appearing in the wishlist to all others who have access to it...)
- add item ability (allow the user to add an item, signed by his bricklink username,
without confirmation requested by the wishlist owner who can delete it, as any
other item)
- define quantity ability (allow the user to change the quantity of owned items,
if possible with his username so that the wishlist owner can see where the requested
pieces are : make another table with only items id and quantity (not color :
defined in the wishlist owner's database! and no specific information, as
the number of requested items is calculated from the rest of missing items less
the ones already owned by this wishlist user... When any user add some pieces
in the wishlist as found, the amount of such requested pieces is reduced, till
the pieces are given/sold to the wishlist owner...))
- define requested quantity ability (allow the user to change the quantity of
requested items and owned items, if possible with his username so that the wishlist
owner can see where the requested pieces are...)

In all wishlists, add a colour converter, as requested previously : it will be
much easier to change for example all orange pieces in this wishlist by same
blue ones or/and all the yellow ones by red ones, and this step by step with
all sorts of colours! To replace red by black and black by blue, it need to pass
by another coulour so please check that there are no pieces of this coulour in
the set now so that coulour are not all mixed up (very rare colour are perfect
for this, and the special technic pieces stay in the available colour, and the
user should be able to choose if he wants to keep the standard colour for special
technic pieces or use the more expensive personalized ones... and choose how
much he wants for each of them (with + and - buttons beside the number field,
the rest staying in standard black/light blueish grey/... colour))...

Thank you for proceeding, feel free to ask more accurate questions to undertand
better what I tried to explain shortly...
 Author: EJFJCorp View Messages Posted By EJFJCorp
 Posted: Aug 25, 2017 10:14
 Subject: Re: Wanted Lists requests
 Viewed: 29 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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In Suggestions, ErtmanB writes:

I have a couple of suggestions to improve usability of the Wanted List feature:

One of the things that would really make life easier for me is to be able to
group Wanted Lists. Say like this:

Wanted List Group: Cars
- List: Ferrari California
- List: Peugeot 205 T16
- List: Porsche 911

Wanted List Group: Jets
- List: F-14 Tomcat
- List: F-15 Strike Eagle

etc, etc. It can be purely cosmetic in the UI. So I don't want extra functionality
for groups. At least for now

Another request would be to have a quick filter (checkbox?) to hide completed
wanted lists. I know I can sort lists on completion, but hiding them can still
be useful.

Thanks for considering these options!

A happy user!

Another very important thing, is to have a button on top of the list to show
all required sort of pieces, or only those still missing, showing only the lines
which need to add one or more pieces...

The request of ErtmanB is just adding a subcategory property (with a text box
and if at least one subcategory is already registered, a dropdown box showing
all subcategories made by simial users and the option to propose a new subcategory
(by filling a text box... or writing directly in the combo box))!
 Author: EJFJCorp View Messages Posted By EJFJCorp
 Posted: May 2, 2017 20:13
 Subject: Automatic management of wishlists...
 Viewed: 73 times
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Some improvements are required, according to EJFJ Contextual computing :

- wishlists should be sortable, to put up the very important wishlists, and organize
them according to the priority of fullfilling them...
- commands should be doable from many wishlists, and when pieces are commanded
and not paid one icon should appear saying this piece is reserved in one shop
(with the number of such pieces in the same color) and when the command is paid
another icon should illustrate the piece will be delivered (with the mouseover,
the number of command and few informations should be shown) and when the command
is declared as arrived, the pieces should automatically shown as owned in the
wishing list, showing to the user how to split them all in the different wishlists
(as you did with Apply Order link, but automatizing this, allowing the user processing
when and how he wants, without any obligation...). There are problems not recommanding
many times the same pieces, those which are not used in wishlists should be immediately
put as soldable (if the user has a shop and if the pieces are not put in the
special "reserved wish list"). You should use aliases for everything, allowing
users to rename default wishlist and other special items as aliases of official
- Colors should illustrate in any shop the importance of buying such pieces according
to the number of items in the wishlist and the percentage reached by this wishlist
and its priority position in the wishlist queue! Informations should be given
according to the number of such items being commanded and to be paid and those
beings delivered and those already received and not attributed to a specific
wishlist (a button should allow to immediately make the transfer of these pieces
in the reserved wishlist, to a specific buying model wishlist, based on priority!)
- Only the best is legal, you command system is very nice, but with Mail Direct
International PSC, any transporter should own the pieces and any step should
be viewable to the final owner of the pieces, and if some are used by someone
else, other pieces are delivered from another shop (automatically!). Please make
things easier for users and more effectiver for all human beings, sparing risks
of any mistake... Put reminders and inform what is being done and how to proceed
to solve any problem (unavailable pieces commanded should be commanded from another
shop having same or lower price)... Delivery should be quite free (because of
Mail Direct International PSC international reference norms!) based on Bill !T
automatic retribution of any convenient act! Thank you...
 Author: EJFJCorp View Messages Posted By EJFJCorp
 Posted: Apr 3, 2017 13:45
 Subject: Re: Ban selling custom parts
 Viewed: 50 times
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In Suggestions, metropolis1927 writes:

I suggest to ban selling custom parts from bricklink that aren't official
LEGO parts.
LEGO guarantee for quality of their parts and we can't know of what kind
of plastic are made custom parts. Plastic maybe toxic or another way harmful.
And what guarantee we have that those parts aren't from fake LEGO brands
like Lepin or similar.
Let those fake parts be on ebay and other sites, let bricklink be just for LEGO
and not for "Lego".


I just requested adding Sbrick and SBrick Plus Bluetooth command devices, they
are not from Lego, but much better ! It all depands, so bricklink should propose
anything convenient, compatible with normal Lego pieces, toxic ones or not convenient
ones are illegal in EJFJ State, not only on bricklink, and no one should waste
anything while considering them! Only the best is legal, bricklink.com is a nice
solution (international reference norm)...