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 Author: sbpyrat View Messages Posted By sbpyrat
 Posted: Mar 12, 2024 23:05
 Subject: Re: Is this a legit email?
 Viewed: 74 times
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I received it too and was also wondering if it was legit.
 Author: sbpyrat View Messages Posted By sbpyrat
 Posted: Feb 2, 2024 11:26
 Subject: Re: Comment from seller missing from invoices
 Viewed: 34 times
 Topic: Technical Issues
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Same as others. Invoices yesterday were fine, today Seller's Comments aren't
 Author: sbpyrat View Messages Posted By sbpyrat
 Posted: Jan 24, 2024 19:04
 Subject: Re: Important proposal regarding catalog variants
 Viewed: 46 times
 Topic: Catalog
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I'm late to the game, but got the email this morning and just checked this
forum discussion. I scrolled through the beginning and end comments on this
thread, but it's a little overwhelming to get through it all.

Like many, I hate the loss of data. Many replies say, you can make notes as
to which variation you have, which is fine. But if a vintage set doesn't
list which variation, then a customer trying to complete a vintage set with original
variation parts won't know which part to be looking for.

Also, it seems the average 6 month/for sale prices will merge rarer and common
variation prices together, rendering the price date far less accurate when there
is a large variation in the value of different variations.

If this change is inevitable, there is something I haven't seen in the comments
so far (though I definitely could have missed it because there are so many).

When two variations with different prices are merged in a store's inventory,
what price will be used? Or will there still be two lots, now with two different
prices? If the latter, then at least it would be easier (not as easy for stores
with larger inventories) to sort by duplicate lots, then add the text notes as
to which of each is which.

I do appreciate the very long list of affected parts, but realistically I likely
won't have time go through that list pre-merge. Would it be possible for
Bricklink to just assign that text to the affected lots when making this change.
It seems like it would be much more efficient for that to be done programmatically
than manually. Then if Sellers wanted to merge the parts on their own and remove
the comments, they could make those changes themselves.

While I'm not in favor of these changes as a whole, if they are going to
happen, it would be nice if the impact was as minimal as possible.

Not sure the feasibility, could the pre-change set inventories be preserved somewhere?
That way the current data would be available for people completing vintage sets?
 Author: sbpyrat View Messages Posted By sbpyrat
 Posted: Oct 30, 2019 02:15
 Subject: Adding box contents for sets?
 Viewed: 99 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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I was wondering if there'd be a possibility of adding box contents to LEGO
sets on here. Something like listing the number of each bag, unmarked bags/unbagged
parts, etc.

I deal with a lot of secondhand sets and come across sets with open boxes (or
like today no boxes), but sealed bags of parts. Today I scored 14/17 numbered
backs for set 10237 Tower of Orthanc. I almost missed out on getting the second
bag #3 because it didn't obviously go with the other bags. Thankfully I
was able to find an old unboxing video on YouTube and figured out I'm missing
3 numbered bags (#1, #4, and one of the two #5s), plus the unnumbered eagle bag.
But usually when I'm in this situation, I haven't been so lucky. It's
especially tricky with sets that have unnumbered bags. I usually end up opening
them to do the inventory if I'm uncertain, but it would be nice to keep them
sealed and be able to know what was missing.

I'd be willing to provide the list for any new sets I open, if it might help
someone else out down the line. It seems like a fairly easy thing and I'm
surprised that, at least as far as I'm aware, there isn't somewhere to
find this information easily (at least for modern sets). Bricklink seems like
a natural place for this information to exist.

I'm not sure how many folks would be interested in that information, but
in the last year I've probably had questions on the contents for close to
10 different sets.

Anyway, I'm not even sure if this is the appropriate place to mention it,
but I thought I'd give it a shot.