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 Author: infiniter View Messages Posted By infiniter
 Posted: Oct 19, 2023 11:43
 Subject: Re: BDP sets confusion and questions
 Viewed: 32 times
 Topic: General
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In General, SylvainLS writes:
  You get 5% on the sale price.  On a €100 set, it’s €5 per set.  You could say
that’s low and you could get more selling the instructions elsewhere… but would
you sell 3,000 to 20,000 copies ‘elsewhere’?

Hard to say. 5% is a good share. Didn't know that it's that much. Ok,
so we can only hope the competitor doesn't win and starts to sell the instruction
asap, as hard as it sounds, because the chance of getting on of the BL produced
is even lower than the chance to win the BDP.

  Would you get the “had a set made and sold by LEGO” badge ‘elsewhere’?

Does it matter? Does LEGO matter anymore? No.
 Author: infiniter View Messages Posted By infiniter
 Posted: Oct 19, 2023 08:54
 Subject: Re: BDP sets confusion and questions
 Viewed: 32 times
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In General, yorbrick writes:
  If the designers of potential sets in the BDP sell instructions, then this undermines
their entries and would also limit sales of the sets when they get produced.
Why wait a year for the sets to be produced if you can buy the instructions?

If they fail to get made in the BDP, they can get entered into the MOC shop,
which is currently on trial. There is a way of buying just the instructions of
these "failed"* sets, by adding them then removing the parts. *Failed
in the sense of not going to be produced by LEGO as boxed sets, so selling instructions
or full kits does not undermine the set sales when they are finally produced.

OK, so the goal is to sell the set on BL? As I learned, BL sells very little
sets, way less than were in competition, plus the availability is bad and the
chance for a designer to have his set being produced and sold by BL is very low.
Why even bother? Also, the money he could make is only per sold set and since
the sets are very limited and also extremely expensive, the gross profit cannot
be good.
 Author: infiniter View Messages Posted By infiniter
 Posted: Oct 19, 2023 06:41
 Subject: BDP sets confusion and questions
 Viewed: 116 times
 Topic: General
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Hello! Perhaps this is answered already somewhere else on this website, but I
couldn't find. I'm not a regular user of BL and only bought bricks in
the past from various shops, but now I noticed the BDP.

The BDP lists quite a few nice sets which, in series 3, are not available for
purchase (instructions, part list). This is confusion nr. 1. Why would the creator
of a MOC on a platform that is primarily designed for shopping, not sell at least
the instructions, no matter if they take part in the sort of competetion that
the BDP seems to be? I know, BL is made to buy bricks or also sets, but not instructions.

However, series 2 sets can be purchased. There comes confusion nr. 2. As it seems,
you cannot just buy the instructions, like you would on Rebrickable. Why? I mean,
if I happen to have all the parts of a nice MOC already, why buy any brick? Ok,
another thing BL was not made for parts management. I have my parts collection
over on Rebrickable, but the challenge would be to bring the parts list of a
MOC from BL, BDP or not, over to Rebrickable to see what parts am I missing.

So the optimal solution would be, the designer/creator of a set would also offer
the list and instruction for purchase on Rebrickable, which most likely some
of them do, but in my case where I looked up two MOC designers from series 2
and 3 on Rebrickable, they were not to be found. Confusion nr. 3. What is the
designer's goal by listing his/her set in, obviously, just the BDPand just
on BL? Is it just to show it? Don't they want make money from selling instructions?
 Author: infiniter View Messages Posted By infiniter
 Posted: Mar 21, 2022 07:42
 Subject: Re: Store search settings in cookie
 Viewed: 23 times
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I meant "Ships from" - "Sellers location"
 Author: infiniter View Messages Posted By infiniter
 Posted: Mar 21, 2022 07:41
 Subject: Store search settings in cookie
 Viewed: 44 times
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I know there are global search settings, but they're only a few. I'm
in Germany and usually want to find parts from sellers in Germany, because of
shipping time and shipping costs.
So, by now, I have to activate "Ships from: Germany" every time I do a search.
Every time!

That is so annoying. My suggestion is: either make this a global search setting
or store my last settings in a cookie so that I don't have to select this
every time.
Thank you!
 Author: infiniter View Messages Posted By infiniter
 Posted: Dec 20, 2021 07:50
 Subject: Re: Part 6175 different on LDRAW site
 Viewed: 41 times
 Topic: Catalog
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In Catalog, peregrinator writes:
  In Catalog, infiniter writes:
  Just a notification of an error: part 6175 is a standing cat which is, unfortunately,
missing in Studio, but BL links it to 6175 on LDRAW where it's something
else. Found the matching cat as 22378 there.

Where does BL link to LDraw? I can see BL links to Rebrickable, LUGnet, and Peeron
(Rebrickable, in turn, links to LDraw where a search for 6175 only turns up pages
for 16175).

Sorry, I confused this with Rebrickable. Will delete the topic if I can.
Weird is that I searched for a cat part in Studio and didn't find under the
filter "cat", but now as I found it in the part designer and got the number and
it showed up in Studio. Weird.
 Author: infiniter View Messages Posted By infiniter
 Posted: Sep 29, 2021 03:45
 Subject: Re: Real or fake LEGO
 Viewed: 52 times
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In Help, jeffgerry writes:
  Is the 7L real or FAKE?

Thank You!

Why would you call it "fake"? LEGO is only one manufacturer of many, not holding
the patents anymore, so if the same part is from another manufacturer, which
can nowadays produce even better quality than LEGO, then it's just not from
LEGO, but it's no fake.
Since not all part can have a LEGO logo, you can never know. Does it matter?
 Author: infiniter View Messages Posted By infiniter
 Posted: Jun 3, 2021 15:38
 Subject: Vorhandene Sets angeben
 Viewed: 70 times
 Topic: LANG Deutsch
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Ich bin neu hier und zu Bricklink gekommen, weil es an Studio gekoppelt ist.
Die Software finde ich ziemlich genial. Nun hat man ja auch eigene Sets und findet
hier MOCs mit kompletten Teilelisten und will die vielleicht bauen. Da können
die eigenen Teile aus Sets oder Reste helfen.

Kann bricklink.com das irgendwie wie rebrickable.com, daß man seine LEGO-Sets
auflistet, damit die Datenbank weiß, welche Teile man hat und einem dann sagen,
was zu einem MOC oder sonstigen Set noch fehlt?
Ich finde da irgendwie nichts.