Discussion Forum: Messages by Bricklord (17796)
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 Author: Bricklord View Messages Posted By Bricklord
 Posted: Jan 26, 2023 16:26
 Subject: Re: Any Value to 252 glued Blacktron 1 sp001
 Viewed: 34 times
 Topic: Help
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Nail polish remover is to Lego people what pure sulphuric acid is to humans.

Given the age of the figures and the strength of the glue, I would think that
they are best left as is. Just my thoughts.

In Help, ghyde writes:
  In Help, MikeysMom2 writes:
  I now have a bag of 252 Blacktron sp001 minifigs which do not have their tanks
but do have the helmet, visor, correct head, torso, hands and legs. Unfortunately,
their heads and hips have been glued so that I can't take the head off nor
turn the head. I also cannot take the leg/hips off.
Tried just simple warm water soaking but that did not work.
I do not know what kind of glue. I am guessing super-glue.
I did break one while trying really hard to get the hip/legs off. So I can see
where it was glued and that the body has the right torso.

Any brilliant thoughts on what to do with them or how to tackle the mysterious
Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

If it is superglue then acetone, or as it is more commonly known to women, nail
polish remover, should have loosened the glue bonds. I'm unsure, however,
of the effect that acetone would have on LEGO plastic. You should try a small
amount of nail polish remover on the broken figure, if that is the correct glue,
then it should remove it.

Most plastics, however, are glued with the following, obtained by Googling it:

Plastic glue is typically made from volatile organic compounds and is toxic.
The medium viscosity glues are typically made from xylenes and n-butyl acetate,
while liquid glues are made from methyl-ethyl-ketone and ethyl acetate.

If it is plastic glue that fuses two plastics together at the contact points
of the plastic where the glue is applied, then there is no known way of reversing
the fused bonds. You would have to be exceptionally lucky to get usable minifigs
that could be taken apart and reassembled.

You can sell them as a minifigure, but you should list in the description for
the item that they have been glued together.

Cheers ...

 Author: Bricklord View Messages Posted By Bricklord
 Posted: Jan 26, 2023 13:21
 Subject: Alleged Bricklink Customer Support email
 Viewed: 138 times
 Topic: Problem
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Admin Russell,
If you would be so kid as to message me - NOT email - I would like to report
a highly dubious email exchange from someone claiming to be from Bricklink Customer
I will not post a name/username at this time, but I would caution other Sellers
to be wary of any non messaged communications they receive purporting to be from
Bricklink Customer Support.

 Author: Bricklord View Messages Posted By Bricklord
 Posted: Jan 10, 2023 14:14
 Subject: Re: "Canada Tax" - Possible error for some
 Viewed: 54 times
 Topic: Taxes
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Admin Russell,
To clarify what the issue on the Sellers end is that Emporiosa is seeking
to have addressed is that any entity collecting GST either for a Goods or a Service,
as in the case of the fees Bricklink collects, that entity is obliged to provide
their GST# on the bill/receipt they issue for that collection. An entity that
charges for GST on an eligible Goods or Service that either fails or refuses
to provide their GST# when billing for it will run afoul of the CRA. Those of
us who already collect GST on our sales on Bricklink and are registered businesses
with the CRA will obviously be claiming our ITC's, of which any GST Bricklink
collects for its services will be a part. CRA will very quickly realize that
Bricklink is doing so without providing its GST #.

In Taxes, Admin_Russell writes:
  In Taxes, Emporiosa writes:
  To whomever it may concern at BrickLink (I'll also send a copy to support)
- Primarily a heads-up as this could have a financial impact for BrickLink if
they are in error of collection from some sellers:

I was checking the receipt for the Nov/Dec because I am registered for GST/HST
and I am refunded as an ITC credit for these amounts paid (whether it be a service,
for goods, etc..). The newsletter made me realize it was already starting to
be collected. I noticed the receipt had no GST # on it, which in Canada is usually
required when you collect GST/HST. I'm not exactly sure how it works for
the cross-border digital tax like this one (and I'm not talking about the
ones you guys will implement in the future - just the one on the seller's
commissions), but when researching, I found this (and BrickLink is most definitely
aware that I'm GST/HST registered as I'm the one who keeps pushing for
tax settings for Canada ):


Determining the status of your customers
Your customer is considered a specified Canadian recipient if:

-the usual place of residence of the customer is situated in Canada, and
-the customer does not provide you with satisfactory evidence that the customer
is registered for the GST/HST under the normal GST/HST regime.

If you obtain the GST/HST registration number of your customer who is registered
for the GST/HST under the normal GST/HST regime, you are not required to charge
and collect the GST/HST on the specified supply that you make to this customer.
If the GST/HST registered customer provides their GST/HST registration number
and the GST/HST is still charged and collected, the customer is able to request
a refund from you. Any GST/HST paid by the registered customer in such cases
is not recoverable by claiming an input tax credit or by filing a rebate application
for an amount paid as tax paid in error.


If I'm interpreting this correctly, and I'll verify with CRA today, BrickLink
wasn't supposed to be collecting this tax on sellers who were already registered
for GST/HST and we can request a refund not from the CRA, but from BrickLink
and BrickLink will not be able to reclaim this from the CRA because it was an
error in how they collected.

Reference: https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/tax/businesses/topics/gst-hst-businesses/digital-economy-gsthst/charge-collect/cross-border.html
(that blurb came from the "Who charges and collects the GST/HST"

We have received your message and passed it along to the appropriate team. Just
to clarify, the tax BrickLink is charging Canadian sellers now is tax on the
fees, not tax on the orders. Charging the tax due on an order is a separate matter,
and BrickLink is working with the Canadian authorities to determine our obligation
in this area. We will share the result of that discussion when it is settled.
 Author: Bricklord View Messages Posted By Bricklord
 Posted: Dec 13, 2022 17:25
 Subject: Re: Mobile friendly site!
 Viewed: 46 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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Why encoruage people to Darwin themselves out of the gene pool (and customer
pool). Use a computer like a proper homo sapien.

In Suggestions, enzo_mmx writes:
  Getting strait to the point, why has this not been a priority? With all the mobile
devices today this should be a top item to work on - getting this site mobile

It would enhance so much on both sides from the buyer to seller - the ability
to open it on your phone and not be scrolling left right, zooming etc.

Please please Bricklink!
 Author: Bricklord View Messages Posted By Bricklord
 Posted: Nov 9, 2022 11:50
 Subject: Re: Fix contradictory rules - assembled minifigs
 Viewed: 48 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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I have been selling 20+ years on here and on Ebay before that. I have always
assembled miinfigs taken from sets, less cloth parts, and sealed them individually
in baggies. This is done to both ensure completeness of the minifigs and that
the parts don't scratch and damage one another. What you are complaining
about and your suggested course of action for it will cause far more issues for
those reasons than is worth the sating of your splitting of hairs 'complaint'.

In Suggestions, enig writes:
  Currently rules are as follows:
New Parts - Parts are brand new, taken directly from new sets or were purchased
"as new" in another form such as accessory packs or Pick A Brick and have been
handled only for sorting. These parts have never been used in any manner. If
a minifigure or part assembly was originally sold assembled by LEGO, its component
parts after disassembly can also be listed as new.

New Minifigures - Minifigures are brand new, taken directly from new sets
or were purchased "as new" in another form such as accessory packs or Pick A
Brick and have been handled only for sorting. Minifigures may be listed as new
either assembled or unassembled.

Scenario - I buy a NEW minifig from a seller with an intention to part it out
and sell as parts. But the seller is inconsiderate enough to assemble the new
minifigs for sale.

Rules only allow the sale of the previously assembled minifig's parts as
'new' only if the said assembled minifig was originally sold assembled
by LEGO.

@BL Team - please explain how this is not contradictory and/or fix this
once and for all. Disallowing the assembly of NEW minifigs for sale would be
the sensible thing to do?

OR! And this would be the worst way to solve this and thus I assume the most
likely one - add an additional setting for 'assembled' or 'unassembled'
for minifig listings and specifically disallow the sale of minifig parts as new
if they were previously assembled by someone else other than LEGO.

This must have been raised a million times before. Why is there such a strong
unwillingness to address this?


If the rule change is made, there should also be an exemption for listings with
IDs that precede the date of the rule change. Plus perhaps a greyed-out small
text added to ALL 'mew' minifig listings telling the buyer to familiarize
themselves with the rules.

Being a bit acid on this topic is, I am afraid, becoming mandatory. You know

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