Discussion Forum: Messages by If_you_build_it (960)
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 Jan 1, 2024 10:46View Thread
Series 25 CMFs now available - If_you_build_it (960)- 
 May 14, 2023 11:02View Thread
Offering store credit for items on my ISO lis - If_you_build_it (960)11 
 Jan 6, 2023 22:12View Thread
My Series 24 for your Dinos, heroes, ninjas - If_you_build_it (960)- 
 Dec 1, 2022 15:47View Thread
Unknown Colors - If_you_build_it (960)
 Sep 12, 2022 21:39View Thread
I have Series 23 CMFs, what do you have? - If_you_build_it (960)- 
 Sep 1, 2022 10:42View Thread
Series 23 on hand, sealed, and ready to ship - If_you_build_it (960)- 
 Jan 13, 2022 14:52View Thread
Are you looking for new CMFs or Super Mario? - If_you_build_it (960)- 
 Apr 18, 2018 00:10View Thread
Negative feedback on orders that are "purged" - If_you_build_it (960)