Feedback Forum: Profile of wgeorge139 (148)
ID Card

wgeorge139 (148)

Location:  USA, Ohio
Member Since Contact Type Status
Feb 1, 2021 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 148 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 2 148 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  13thWarrior (6581)  Mar 5, 2024  24618728  Buyer 
 Super fast payment. Thank you very much for the order.👍
 Praise  Aquabot (1419)  Mar 4, 2024  24606666  Buyer 
 Thank you for choosing MAASA Bricks!
 Praise  diehl114 (1119)  Jan 22, 2024  24192503  Buyer 
 Prompt payment and great customer. Thank you for choosing Brick Diehls
 Praise  777lego (249)  May 10, 2022  19050677  Buyer 
 Good transaction , thanks
 Praise  Taz21 (547)  May 2, 2022  19037265  Buyer 
 Great buyer
 Praise  shonboi (12254)  Mar 7, 2022  18141312  Buyer 
 Good buyer. Welcome to Sable Wyvern!
 Praise  hfdpro (1374)  Mar 7, 2022  18613133  Buyer 
 Immediate payment, thank you for shopping at Don't Go Bricking My Heart
 Praise  tramchase (1893)  Mar 6, 2022  18574831  Buyer 
 Great buyer! A+ Recommended!!
 Praise  G3NU5 (874)  Mar 6, 2022  18542999  Buyer 
 Great transaction! Thanks for the order and hope to see you again soon..
 Praise  Bricks4cheap (2042)  Mar 1, 2022  18565660  Buyer 
 Fast payment and a pleasure to do business with A++++++++++

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