Feedback Forum: Profile of rulerob (1515)
ID Card

rulerob (1515)

Location:  USA, Minnesota
Member Since Contact Type Status
Mar 26, 2015 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: The Brick Awakens

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 17 177 1515 
Neutral: 1 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 4 17 177 1516 
 Buying  Selling 
376 1139 

376 1140 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  MRBrickDesigner (3240)  Feb 14, 2025  27413389  Seller 
 Everything looks great! Thank you!
 Praise  brickai76 (156)  Feb 14, 2025  27497523  Seller 
 This order was perfect!
 Praise  Stnadad (7)  Feb 13, 2025  27504371  Seller 
 Awesome fast delivery..nothing missing
 Praise  sschar (183)  Feb 8, 2025  27456727  Seller 
 Good communication, quick shipping, items exactly as described. Great seller!
 Praise  tabbykets (1289)  Feb 5, 2025  27284460  Seller 
 Excellent seller, thank you!
 Praise  samwisegamgei (10)  Feb 4, 2025  27426786  Seller 
 Everything came as described and packed neatly! Thank you so much!!
 Praise  rewolf (451)  Feb 1, 2025  27403219  Seller 
 Fantastic parts, fantastic seller! Thank you!
 Praise  thomasahawk (100)  Feb 1, 2025  27404332  Seller 
 A++++ Great Seller super prices and fast shipping thanks
 Praise  1Pidginstyle2 (375)  Jan 30, 2025  27391233  Seller 
 Super Product, Super Fast Shipping, Super Duper Bricklinker!, Thanks again!
 Praise  LilStreetlamp (22)  Jan 23, 2025  27302090  Seller 
 arrived quickly and neatly packaged

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