Feedback Forum: Profile of poses.shawn (426)
ID Card

poses.shawn (426)

Location:  USA, Ohio
Member Since Contact Type Status
May 28, 2020 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - Revoked
Store: The MOC Shop

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 49 431 
Neutral: 3 
Complaint: 5 

Total: 2 3 50 439 
 Buying  Selling 
331 100 

331 108 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  crispy1007 (318)  Feb 10, 2025  27525362  Buyer 
 Thank you for your purchase come back again Addy'sBrickz
 Praise  BrickOutLoud (5443)  Feb 8, 2025  27486584  Buyer 
 Thank you.
 Praise  BonfireBricks (12240)  Feb 6, 2025  27492127  Buyer 
 Great Buyer, Welcome back to Bonfire Bricks anytime!
 Praise  Tlbricks (777)  Oct 14, 2024  25680427  Buyer 
 Thanks for the order!!
 Complaint  Chuds26 (42)  Sep 3, 2024  21354932  Seller 
 Never shipped, never even communicated
 Praise  BRICK_BLUE (2896)  Jul 24, 2024  25680336  Buyer 
 Praise  yayson (1047)  Jul 22, 2024  25758492  Buyer 
 Thank you for another order! Cheers from Fused Bricks :)
 Praise  roxanne (10331)  Jun 24, 2024  25516562  Buyer 
 Awesome customer! Fast payment and left feedback! Thank you very much!
 Praise  No.1_Brick_Cat (141)  Jun 21, 2024  25477396  Buyer 
 Great Buyer, Thanks for your purchase!
 Praise  the_sim (2056)  Jun 21, 2024  25461448  Buyer 
 Thanks... and enjoy!

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