Feedback Forum: Profile of nick42294 (39)
ID Card

nick42294 (39)

Location:  USA, Massachusetts
Member Since Contact Type Status
Dec 24, 2021 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store Closed Store: Accounting 4 Bricks

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 39 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 6 39 
 Buying  Selling 
19 20 

19 20 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  pashah (4307)  May 1, 2024  25026583  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thank you for ordering from Polaris
 Praise  Don_The_Builder (1121)  Apr 23, 2024  25046094  Buyer 
 Very fast payment. Thanks!
 Praise  Dagooo (2162)  Apr 20, 2024  25026637  Buyer 
 Excellent Customer :) Thank you for shopping Dagooozle's!!
 Praise  brickxbrickllc (339)  Apr 19, 2024  24947912  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer!
 Praise  BRICK_OCEAN (8972)  Feb 29, 2024  24348718  Buyer 
 Quick Payment. Easy transaction. Good buyer.
 Praise  CollegeFund (1971)  Feb 20, 2024  24427604  Buyer 
 Fast payment! Great Buyer! Thank you!
 Praise  dfresh (2014)  Feb 7, 2024  24348738  Buyer 
 Thanks for your order!!
 Praise  bricksandfigure (4272)  Feb 6, 2024  24348726  Buyer 
 Awesome buyer! Thanks for shopping at Bricksandfigures! Come back anytime! A+++
 Praise  BrickMastaMike (1991)  Feb 5, 2024  24348758  Buyer 
 Thanks for choosing The Rare Piece!
 Praise  chrismauff (13)  Jul 17, 2023  21851806  Seller 
 Great seller

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