Feedback Forum: Profile of morgoth (28)
ID Card

morgoth (28)

Location:  Germany, Bayern
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jan 3, 2011 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 28 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 3 8 28 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Steinenbrick (162)  Jan 21, 2025  27298970  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer. Thank you for buying @Steinenbrick
 Praise  Einfach.Thomas (326)  Jan 20, 2025  27298983  Buyer 
 Alles bestens, vielen Dank für deine Bestellung ;)
 Praise  Shotya69 (48)  Jan 20, 2025  27298974  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping at stormtroopers brickecke
 Praise  kcball (6080)  Apr 3, 2024  24438197  Buyer 
 Great buyer, thanks for shopping at I Like Sets.
 Praise  Basic_Bricks (5595)  Mar 6, 2024  24400227  Buyer 
 1A Buyer, smooth transaktion!
 Praise  NoBrickNoFun (1565)  Mar 2, 2024  24400226  Buyer 
 Thanks for your Order, great Buyer
 Praise  Nofarian (1066)  Mar 1, 2024  24438202  Buyer 
 Alles super gelaufen! Vielen Dank!
 Praise  Philipp18 (83)  Feb 14, 2024  24400221  Buyer 
 Vielen Dank für deine Bestellung:)
 Praise (3178)  Feb 9, 2024  24378321  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer! Thank you for choosing Upper Sky Brick Store ☁️
 Praise  generationbrick (9907)  Nov 20, 2023  23618075  Buyer 
 Danke für den erneuten Kauf bei Generation Bricks

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