Feedback Forum: Profile of ibrickshop (520)
ID Card

ibrickshop (520)

Location:  USA, Washington
Member Since Contact Type Status
Nov 7, 2005 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: ibrickshop

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 37 521 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 1 

Total: 1 7 38 522 
 Buying  Selling 
145 376 

145 377 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Blunglorp (13)  Feb 1, 2025  27383300  Seller 
 100 percent accurate, great seller. Thanks for accommodating the tiny order!
 Complaint  legosaber (44)  Jan 28, 2025  27237766  Seller 
 Avoid this seller.
 Praise  SamDrew (27)  Jan 25, 2025  27347562  Seller 
 Great items, quick shipping, thank you!
 Praise  andy.hightech (6)  Jan 21, 2025  27218968  Seller 
 Thanks! All pieces accounted for, well packaged, and good condition.
 Praise  GoulishDemon16 (270)  Jan 15, 2025  27183507  Seller 
 Stellar service; recommended
 Praise  lego_mr_K (85)  Jan 12, 2025  27163386  Seller 
 Great seller, super fast shipping, amazing packeging! +
 Praise  menton1228 (60)  Jan 7, 2025  27115146  Seller 
 Everything was perfect and as advertised. Shipped right away after purchase
 Praise  LegoPilot82 (279)  Jan 2, 2025  27099877  Seller 
 As described, quick to ship! Thanks!
 Praise  menton1228 (60)  Jan 2, 2025  27082257  Seller 
 Everything was perfect and as advertised. Shipped right away after purchase
 Praise  ectoBiologist (168)  Dec 26, 2024  26208818  Seller 
 Perfect condition and carefully packaged!

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