Feedback Forum: Profile of gregb41404 (1571)
ID Card

gregb41404 (1571)

Location:  USA, New York
Member Since Contact Type Status
Oct 8, 2000 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: GB's New Parts and Sets

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 45 1572 
Neutral: 3 
Complaint: 1 

Total: 3 8 45 1576 
 Buying  Selling 
1184 388 

1187 389 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Brewster007 (4076)  Feb 13, 2025  27458937  Buyer 
 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Thank you for shopping at Brewster's Brick's & Block's
 Praise  eprespite (2196)  Feb 13, 2025  27460201  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Always welcome back at Játék placc!
 Praise  MyTwoPence (20349)  Feb 13, 2025  27459963  Buyer 
 Thank you!
 Praise  VolksAddict (1952)  Feb 6, 2025  27458968  Buyer 
 Great buyer! Thank you & happy building!! 😊
 Praise  Feta1999 (271)  Jan 30, 2025  27428697  Buyer 
 Thank You For buying from my store! Enjoy your LEGO!
 Praise  uticabrix (14873)  Jan 30, 2025  27428391  Buyer 
 Always an Excellent Buyer! Thank you for choosing Utica Brix again!
 Praise  Jwa1024 (81)  Jan 27, 2025  27287036  Seller 
 Items arrived quickly and as the seller stated!
 Praise  ToppleBricks (1135)  Jan 20, 2025  27232931  Buyer 
 Thanks for your order!!! Enjoy the Coupon! Hope you visit our store again soon!
 Praise  Bb_Rebuild (645)  Jan 8, 2025  27202477  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping BbR Bricks! We appreciate your order!
 Praise  tramchase (1895)  Jan 6, 2025  27103878  Seller 
 Great seller! Thanks!

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