Feedback Forum: Profile of coyote2170 (18)
ID Card

coyote2170 (18)

Location:  Belgium, Liege
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jan 7, 2017 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 18 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 3 18 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  3_BRICKS (39799)  Dec 20, 2024  26965905  Buyer 
 ✅ EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for shopping at 3 BRICKS!
 Praise  Speciale (4869)  Dec 19, 2024  26965789  Buyer 
 nice and fast . thanks
 Praise  Leonbricks (56)  Dec 14, 2024  26965910  Buyer 
 Always welcome!
 Praise  tomdie (6482)  May 20, 2022  18884391  Buyer 
 Very nice business partner - I am willing to do more business
 Praise  3_BRICKS (39799)  Apr 15, 2022  18884402  Buyer 
 ✅ EXCELLENT CUSTOMER! Thank you for shopping at 3 BRICKS!
 Praise  Lumatan (511)  Apr 14, 2022  18884383  Buyer 
 Great customer, fast payment. Thank you for choosing Lumas Technic Bude
 Praise  Zombricks (4824)  Jul 14, 2020  13581056  Buyer 
 fast paying buyer welcome back
 Praise  thies9 (322)  Jul 5, 2020  13581098  Buyer 
 Praise  Gaston.La.Brick (1934)  Jun 27, 2020  13581063  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order! Welcome again any time!
 Praise  Dimi_DBB (235)  Jun 26, 2020  13581085  Buyer 
 Good buyer, smooth transaction. Welcome back at Dream, Buy & Build anytime!

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