Feedback Forum: Profile of astoriaguy76 (203)
ID Card

astoriaguy76 (203)

Location:  USA, New York
Member Since Contact Type Status
Dec 6, 2022 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 32 45 203 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 7 32 45 203 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  BrickOutLoud (5437)  Feb 11, 2025  27520603  Buyer 
 Thank you.
 Praise  bugsplaylizards (1272)  Feb 8, 2025  27466261  Buyer 
 Thank you!
 Praise  canadian26 (1289)  Feb 8, 2025  27495175  Buyer 
 Good transaction!!
 Praise  BaumSmithBricks (1136)  Feb 6, 2025  27466050  Buyer 
 Great buyer. Thank you for the smooth transaction.
 Praise  uwjedi (6247)  Feb 5, 2025  27493091  Buyer 
 Praise  Brick_Chix (1520)  Feb 5, 2025  27305689  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping at Brick Chix!
 Praise  Tabbricks (182)  Feb 5, 2025  27418317  Buyer 
 Great Buyer! Looking forward to more business from them!
 Praise  Rainbowuser (7100)  Feb 3, 2025  27465952  Buyer 
 Quick payment, smooth transaction, welcome back anytime!
 Praise  inroberts (12560)  Jan 31, 2025  27436211  Buyer 
 Fast payment. Good customer. Thank you.
 Praise  blackmarkers (383)  Jan 29, 2025  27398002  Buyer 
 A+ buyer! Thank you for shopping with us!

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