Feedback Forum: Profile of TheBrickShoppe (3694)
ID Card

TheBrickShoppe (3694)

Location:  USA, North Carolina
Member Since Contact Type Status
Mar 11, 2008 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: The_Brick_Shoppe

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 12 139 3696 
Neutral: 3 
Complaint: 2 

Total: 6 12 139 3701 
 Buying  Selling 
2419 1277 

2420 1281 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  MMBrick (2070)  Feb 12, 2025  27518064  Buyer 
 Excellent buyer, prompt payment. Best regards from M&MBRiCK Team!
 Praise  xdelacru (6384)  Feb 11, 2025  27502781  Buyer 
 Excellent Bricklinker as always. Thanks again.
 Praise  xdelacru (6384)  Feb 11, 2025  27281226  Buyer 
 Excellent Bricklinker as always. Thanks again.
 Praise  xdelacru (6384)  Feb 11, 2025  26947562  Buyer 
 Excellent Bricklinker as always. Thanks again.
 Praise  xdelacru (6384)  Feb 11, 2025  26578742  Buyer 
 Excellent Bricklinker. Prompt payment. Thanks.
 Praise  gcarter03 (8571)  Feb 10, 2025  27388290  Buyer 
 Thank you for returning to my store. Another flawless transaction. Thank you.
 Praise  sigbrick (1746)  Feb 8, 2025  26455612  Buyer 
 Fast payment. Smooth communication. Recommended customer.
 Praise  Brixalotl (19160)  Feb 7, 2025  27508672  Buyer 
 Easy to work with, welcome back anytime!
 Praise  helge (25192)  Feb 6, 2025  27371049  Buyer 
 Great transaction, thanks!
 Praise  thebrickwave (496)  Jan 30, 2025  27371059  Buyer 
 Great repeat customer! Fast payment and thanks for your order!

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