Feedback Forum: Profile of David.Heath212 (195)
ID Card

David.Heath212 (195)

Location:  USA, Utah
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jun 12, 2017 Contact Member Buyer
Buying Privileges - OK

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 24 195 
Neutral: 0 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 1 4 24 195 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  bricklabtx (3970)  Feb 14, 2025  27521063  Buyer 
 Great Customer! Thank you for shopping at brickLAB
 Praise  detroitsaab (1819)  Feb 2, 2025  27426159  Buyer 
 Ordered and paid quickly! Let us know if you need anything else!
 Praise  ricka (29739)  Jan 30, 2025  27425598  Buyer 
 Thank You for your order, We will look forward to the next order. Happy Legoing!
 Praise  wildchildbricks (265)  Jan 24, 2025  27263460  Buyer 
 Thanks for your order! Happy Building!
 Praise  jmaune01 (3170)  Jan 13, 2025  27105659  Buyer 
 Excellent customer - appreciate the feedback!
 Praise  BrickWYBrick (2997)  Dec 31, 2024  27130847  Buyer 
  Thank you for your order! Check back as we add more inventory every day!
 Praise  RockiesGuyLego (1210)  Dec 27, 2024  27078683  Buyer 
  Great buyer - a pleasure working with you - always welcome at my store
 Praise  TedNFlitsBricks (8204)  Dec 18, 2024  26957942  Buyer 
 Fast payment..Excellent buyer...Welcome back to TedNFlits anytime!!!
 Praise  gnelson147 (4696)  Dec 14, 2024  26992377  Buyer 
 Thanks for shopping Nelson's bricks! Great buyer, welcome back anytime!
 Praise  Allmybricks13 (1950)  Dec 13, 2024  26903173  Buyer 
 Great Buyer!

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