Feedback Forum: Profile of Agent_Blocks (972): Buyer Feedback
ID Card

Agent_Blocks (972)

Location:  South Africa, Eastern Cape
Member Since Contact Type Status
Sep 10, 2016 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: Agent Blocks

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  ZerstBricks.Ltd (1425)  Sep 10, 2024  26173691  Buyer 
 Excellent Customer, welcome back anytime! Thank you for shopping at ZerstBrick
 Praise  bslbricks (7935)  Aug 31, 2024  25375665  Buyer 
 Thank you for ordering at BSL Bricks! Welcome back any time!
 Praise  bslbricks2 (13074)  Jun 6, 2024  25374676  Buyer 
 Thank you for ordering at BSL Bricks! Welcome back any time!
 Praise  Rodaalviir (246)  May 15, 2024  25184704  Buyer 
 Thank you for your order! Excellent communication
 Praise  Rodaalviir (246)  Apr 29, 2024  25084743  Buyer 
 Great buyer, excellent communication. Thank you for your order
 Praise  Stefkruger (416)  Jan 12, 2024  24042989  Buyer 
 Awesome buyer! Always welcome! Thanks for your support.
 Praise  WestCoastBrickz (2142)  Jul 8, 2023  22460460  Buyer 
 Positive! Great buyer! Appreciate your business!
 Praise  BrickXtreme (11334)  Jun 22, 2023  20870037  Buyer 
 Everything´s fine, gladly again - thank you for shopping at Brick-X-Treme! :)
 Praise  SandraPio (842)  May 21, 2023  21709029  Buyer 
 Thank you for your continued support.
 Praise  SandraPio (842)  May 18, 2023  22135048  Buyer 
 A compliment to have new items you need. Thank you for looking in.

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