Feedback Forum: Profile of ToyBrickBrigade (59809): Neutral Comments
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ToyBrickBrigade (59809)

Location:  USA, New Jersey
Member Since Contact Type Status
Nov 12, 2004 Contact Member Seller
No Longer RegisteredNo Longer Registered
Store Closed Store: Toy Brick Brigade
No Longer Registered

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Neutral  leoferryma (135)  Feb 22, 2022  16975698  Seller 
 Neutral  BrichN (47)  Nov 18, 2021  16857106  Seller 
 What I get for ordering used pieces.
 Reply: Orders used parts, receives used parts. *Surprised Pikachu Face*
 Neutral  kusaka (95)  Nov 4, 2021  16945004  Seller 
 There were a few errors, refund was provided.
 Neutral  ns9273 (62)  Sep 15, 2021  16908183  Seller 
 Missing 1 piece. Said would be sent. Requested update. Nothing.
 Reply: Owners don't care and will lie to you to get you to leave them alone.
 Neutral  bricksnorthwest (7826)  Sep 13, 2021  17031144  Seller 
 Got all the parts but over 2 weeks to get, but I'll still when the time comes
 Neutral  tnbrrobinson (319)  Sep 13, 2021  17018626  Seller 
 Order took over two weeks to arrive. This seemed unaacceptable to me.
 Reply: I'd agree with you but then we'd both be wrong.
 Neutral  fugglestone (603)  Sep 3, 2021  16901519  Seller 
 Pieces I got were good. Took 3 weeks to ship. Missing one part.
 Reply: NSS filed for missing one 10 cent piece.
 Neutral  loctrinh96 (3)  Aug 26, 2021  16892265  Seller 
 Good shop, slow bc of COVID but np. Missed a 2x4 in a 300 pieces order but itsok
 Reply: Slow bc owner didn't pay employees and everyone quit.
 Neutral  ElephantKnight (584)  Aug 8, 2021  16744654  Seller 
 Invoice was very late, but all parts there.
 Neutral  cartmanbd (367)  Jul 20, 2021  16399682  Seller 
 1 and a half months between order and receipt
 Reply: Owner refused to pay employees so orders sat for weeks/months.

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