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 Author: crazylegoman View Messages Posted By crazylegoman
 Posted: Jun 11, 2020 20:24
 Subject: Re: Bricklink Gift Cards
 Viewed: 46 times
 Topic: Payment Methods
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PayPal offers gift cards. Many sellers here accept PayPal, so that would be
an option.

 Author: crazylegoman View Messages Posted By crazylegoman
 Posted: May 28, 2020 23:20
 Subject: Re: Retail Pricing
 Viewed: 72 times
 Topic: Retail
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Bricklink tried that once years ago. A lot of people didn't like it, so
it didn't last long. You can always check retail prices on Brickset.

 Author: yorbrick View Messages Posted By yorbrick
 Posted: May 26, 2020 11:49
 Subject: Re: Don't show impossible discounts
 Viewed: 43 times
 Topic: Buying
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In Buying, crazylegoman writes:
  In Suggestions, yorbrick writes:
  Why does bricklink show this? A simple IF statement could be used to only show
a discount when it is possible for a buyer to achieve. Then it doesn't make
the store look stupid by offering discounts that a buyer cannot possibly take
advantage of.

The older version of Bricklink used to do this automatically. It's a bug
that they've never fixed.


Yeah, I thought it used to work correctly but couldn't really remember. It
is difficult to tell whether something automatically disappeared or the seller
removed a discount.
 Author: crazylegoman View Messages Posted By crazylegoman
 Posted: May 26, 2020 09:01
 Subject: Re: Don't show impossible discounts
 Viewed: 43 times
 Topic: Buying
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In Suggestions, yorbrick writes:
  Why does bricklink show this? A simple IF statement could be used to only show
a discount when it is possible for a buyer to achieve. Then it doesn't make
the store look stupid by offering discounts that a buyer cannot possibly take
advantage of.

The older version of Bricklink used to do this automatically. It's a bug
that they've never fixed.

 Author: crazylegoman View Messages Posted By crazylegoman
 Posted: May 25, 2020 22:18
 Subject: Re: Comments during instant Checkout
 Viewed: 40 times
 Topic: Feedback
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In Suggestions, tEoS writes:
  I have never seen a feedback, as long as, your most recent neutral. I thought
we were limited to 80 or so characters?

Yeah, what's up with that? I thought all feedback (positive, negative and
neutral) had the same character length limit.

 Author: Acorn04 View Messages Posted By Acorn04
 Posted: Mar 13, 2020 14:50
 Subject: Re: Bricklink Discord
 Viewed: 88 times
 Topic: Announce
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Could I get a discord invite?
 Author: rick_holl View Messages Posted By rick_holl
 Posted: Mar 9, 2020 13:04
 Subject: Re: 8 x 8 dish
 Viewed: 52 times
 Topic: General
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In Catalog, rick_holl writes:
Anyone knows what finish the 8 x 8 DBG dish that is included in 75159 death star
comes into? There seems to be 2 variants of finish on this one (smooth and shiny)
 Author: Sadler_Bricks View Messages Posted By Sadler_Bricks
 Posted: Oct 10, 2019 03:37
 Subject: Re: mx1142m
 Viewed: 37 times
 Topic: General
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Nice mix here

I'm doing something similar to create a nice color grid for my store I do
3 high but yes will be harder to get all the colors I have most at the moment

 Author: maxx3001 View Messages Posted By maxx3001
 Posted: Oct 9, 2019 16:56
 Subject: Re: mx1142m
 Viewed: 91 times
 Topic: General
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In Modulex, yoavheskia writes:
  Hi there.
Maybe one of the modulex experts here knows how many colours this brick have?
I have 14 colours and I know that I'm missing at list 4: mx medium blue,
mx violet, mx pink-red & mx light bluish grey.
Is there more colours I'm not aware of?
Thanks in advance,

There are two different M logo bricks, the old ones and the newer ones.

There are even a few very rare colors found, like dark red and a bluish green.

See picture for the standard colors, row one are the LEGO logo bricks, the middle
are the old M logo bricks etc.

Transparent M logo may not exist, I am still hoping to find one.

2. white, light gray, black, terracotta, buff, red , orange, lemon, pastel green,
pastel blue, pink

3. Light bluish gray, charcoal, light orange, light yellow, medium blue, aqua
green, pink, violet
 Author: Adjour View Messages Posted By Adjour
 Posted: May 1, 2019 12:37
 Subject: Re: Make website mobile-friendly
 Viewed: 49 times
 Topic: General
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In General, crazylegoman writes:
  I cannot figure out why someone would try to use Bricklink on a phone. A tablet
maybe, but even the biggest phone screens wouldn't be enough to make good
use of this site in any form.


I use my tablet to pull orders and its meh, could be better, but I've used
my phone to check prices or sell rates when in a store sometimes and its awful.

I end up just doing "lego" + "set number" + "bricklink" in google to just skip
straight to the entry. It's faster to do it that way then through the BL
site, on my old phone at least.
 Author: yorbrick View Messages Posted By yorbrick
 Posted: May 1, 2019 12:36
 Subject: Re: Make website mobile-friendly
 Viewed: 37 times
 Topic: General
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In General, crazylegoman writes:
  I cannot figure out why someone would try to use Bricklink on a phone. A tablet
maybe, but even the biggest phone screens wouldn't be enough to make good
use of this site in any form.


It depends what you are buying. If just minifigures, then a normal to larger
smart phone screen would be fine if there was a decent interface. Similarly,
if buying from an already set up wants list, a smaller screen is fine.
 Author: calsbricks View Messages Posted By calsbricks
 Posted: May 1, 2019 11:17
 Subject: Re: Make website mobile-friendly
 Viewed: 50 times
 Topic: General
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In General, crazylegoman writes:
  I cannot figure out why someone would try to use Bricklink on a phone. A tablet
maybe, but even the biggest phone screens wouldn't be enough to make good
use of this site in any form.


Couldn't agree more.
 Author: crazylegoman View Messages Posted By crazylegoman
 Posted: May 1, 2019 11:12
 Subject: Re: Make website mobile-friendly
 Viewed: 56 times
 Topic: General
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I cannot figure out why someone would try to use Bricklink on a phone. A tablet
maybe, but even the biggest phone screens wouldn't be enough to make good
use of this site in any form.

 Author: crazylegoman View Messages Posted By crazylegoman
 Posted: Apr 18, 2018 00:33
 Subject: Re: Negative feedback on orders that are "purged"
 Viewed: 69 times
 Topic: Feedback
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No feedback, whether positive, neutral or negative, ever expires. It
lasts as long as your account exists.

 Author: Brickwilbo View Messages Posted By Brickwilbo
 Posted: Mar 3, 2018 11:45
 Subject: Re: "Hide Items if Have Qty is ≥ Want Qty" option
 Viewed: 21 times
 Topic: Buying
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In Suggestions, othellico writes:
the "Hide Items if Have Qty is ≥ Want Qty" option in wishlists does not work
any more.

It's a known technical issue.
Report to the Helpdesk https://www.bricklink.com/helpDesk.asp?helpDeskID=114
 Author: PurpleDave View Messages Posted By PurpleDave
 Posted: Mar 1, 2018 22:56
 Subject: Re: Getting Frustrated Now With Bricklink
 Viewed: 114 times
 Topic: Problem
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In Problem, tEoS writes:
  It seems that I don't have a choice of what I offer for PayPal payments,
even though BL says I have a choice between onsite and offsite.

So...if someone switched to Onsite Paypal, it sounds like that's been shut
down to force users to sign up for Marketplace. If you have Instant Checkout,
I'm assuming the same applies. For Non-Broken Paypal, they probably shut
off the ability to add it to your store as an option if it's not already
there. But I just placed several orders last weekend, and all of them were offering
Actually-Works Paypal as a payment option. And of course, since that's what
I selected for all of them, all I had to do was log onto that site that didn't
grind to a halt after being hacked...twice, type in some payment info, and wait
for the shipments to arrive.
 Author: tEoS View Messages Posted By tEoS
 Posted: Mar 1, 2018 22:33
 Subject: Re: Getting Frustrated Now With Bricklink
 Viewed: 99 times
 Topic: Problem
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It seems that I don't have a choice of what I offer for PayPal payments,
even though BL says I have a choice between onsite and offsite.

There is an option to select PayPal marketplace.

  It's working fine for me. All I do is select standard "Paypal" as the payment
option (or empty my cart if it's not available), wait for the invoice to
come in, and then log in to Paypal to submit payment. Now, come late April,
it'll be jacked twelve ways from Sunday...
 Author: PurpleDave View Messages Posted By PurpleDave
 Posted: Mar 1, 2018 20:39
 Subject: Re: Getting Frustrated Now With Bricklink
 Viewed: 81 times
 Topic: Problem
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In Problem, leopard37 writes:
  I've had two quotes within the last two days and the quotes have been accepted
and the system has created blank invoices send to the customer multiple times.
I then have to send an invoice manually afterwards for them to pay.

It is most definitely not working fine.

It's working fine for me. All I do is select standard "Paypal" as the payment
option (or empty my cart if it's not available), wait for the invoice to
come in, and then log in to Paypal to submit payment. Now, come late April,
it'll be jacked twelve ways from Sunday...
 Author: leopard37 View Messages Posted By leopard37
 Posted: Mar 1, 2018 17:45
 Subject: Re: Getting Frustrated Now With Bricklink
 Viewed: 103 times
 Topic: Problem
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In Problem, BigBBricks writes:
  In Problem, Admin_Jaclyn writes:
  Is the quote function broken? I had a quote come in 5 days ago and I had no notification
or anything regarding it. I only knew because the buyer messaged me last night.
This is not acceptable.

Hi there,

Fortunately, the quote system is working just fine. Even if you did not receive
an email, the quote notification was displayed on your My BL page, on the My
BL hover icon in the navigation bar, and a count of all pending quotes would
have shown when you hovered over the My Store icon as well.

Jac, I had a buyer submit a quote last week and it came through as a purchase
with an unknown shipping type. It is definitely not working just fine. Luckily
I knew it was a quote as they had messaged me before had asking what it cost
to ship to HK and I asked them to submit a quote. This was an experienced buyer,
not a newbie that clicked the wrong button.

BL has tons of bugs preventing people from checking out correctly. Either your
devs and/or support people are lying to you or they are unaware due to lack of

I've had two quotes within the last two days and the quotes have been accepted
and the system has created blank invoices send to the customer multiple times.
I then have to send an invoice manually afterwards for them to pay.

It is most definitely not working fine.

 Author: BigBBricks View Messages Posted By BigBBricks
 Posted: Mar 1, 2018 17:00
 Subject: Re: Getting Frustrated Now With Bricklink
 Viewed: 124 times
 Topic: Problem
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In Problem, Admin_Jaclyn writes:
  Is the quote function broken? I had a quote come in 5 days ago and I had no notification
or anything regarding it. I only knew because the buyer messaged me last night.
This is not acceptable.

Hi there,

Fortunately, the quote system is working just fine. Even if you did not receive
an email, the quote notification was displayed on your My BL page, on the My
BL hover icon in the navigation bar, and a count of all pending quotes would
have shown when you hovered over the My Store icon as well.

Jac, I had a buyer submit a quote last week and it came through as a purchase
with an unknown shipping type. It is definitely not working just fine. Luckily
I knew it was a quote as they had messaged me before had asking what it cost
to ship to HK and I asked them to submit a quote. This was an experienced buyer,
not a newbie that clicked the wrong button.

BL has tons of bugs preventing people from checking out correctly. Either your
devs and/or support people are lying to you or they are unaware due to lack of

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