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 Author: waltzking View Messages Posted By waltzking
 Posted: Mar 20, 2020 18:55
 Subject: Fix the NPB and Cancellation Process
 Viewed: 172 times
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I think BrickLink has a broken order process now due to the ever changing online
buying experience. For me I have seen an influx of buyers since the LEGO takeover
of BL, most new, but many clearly aware of the site though having limited use
of it in the past.

These buyers are often of the mindset that they are the ones calling the shots
on cancellations, payment time frames, etc. all while having no regard for the
BL or my store terms regarding such. Anything from unilateral ability to
cancel, expectations of free shipping, allowance to pay 10-days after ordering,
etc. and just the general "buyer rules" attitude that other selling sites (need
I name them?) have allowed buyers to abuse sellers with. These other sites have
taken some steps to protect sellers and buyer alike, but BL has fallen behind
the times.

Granted, these buyers are often new to BL which has a major learning curve, but
when you sell the exact same item 3 times in one week, and all 3 buyers want
to cancel after accurate shipping is invoiced for, it gets annoying. Why not
ask for a quote? And why only ask to cancel after days of the invoice being
sent? This and the increase in NPB buyers tying up stock have left me convinced
payment time-frame allowances need to be changed. The following is my view of
the changes this site needs to consider to move forward in a all-parties friendly

Suggested Changes
1a: NPB should be changed to allowable to be filed 3-days from invoice (not
the order date).
This would be similar to other online selling sites. Not
auto-started, but optional so situations and agreements allowing additions, extended
payment, etc. can all still run as before.

1b: NPB should be allowed to complete after 7-days from the invoice date (4
days of being opened).
14 days (21 if buyer responds) is a ludicrous amount
of time to send payment or tie up a sellers stock. 7-days is actually really
long, but much better than 14-21.

Most all decent buyers pay well before 3-days, and a NPB started is simply a
reminder to pay as it cannot be completed unless the buyer fails to ever pay.
So I can only see this as a positive change making bad situations end sooner
than later and keeping stock available on the marketplace.

2: Additionally I would suggest that a feature be added to protect sellers
WHILE allowing unconditional buyer requested cancellations.
However, if
a cancellation is buyer requested the buyer should not be allowed to leave a
review (or an auto-positive given by default), and they should by default be
given a feedback showing an "Order Was Canceled By Buyer" message with a neutral
rating by default. Like an NPB's three-times-and-you're-out policy,
the buyer cancel option should be limited to 2, maybe 3 in a 6-month period,
or something reasonable. This allows buyers a true out when needed, and protects
the seller who after a customer gets pushy or rude the ability to safely allow
cancellation (when the buyer initiates) without needing the NPB and now current
2-3 weeks to prevent an unwarranted negative feedback. As is the system turns
good sellers into captive sellers, needing a NPB to save them from nightmare
feedback, but at the extremely high cost of wasted time and tying up their items
for weeks. No buyer needs 7, 14 or 21 days to pay and should not be granted
an ability to push payment back this far.

The current system for cancellations and NPB simply needs reformed. Buyers need
to be able to cancel in select situations such as a pushy seller trying to gouge
them on handling/shipping or holding the order hostage refusing to cancel, a
threat of pay or get an NPB. Sellers likewise need protection from the long
tied up inventory, or negative despite granting buyer an unwarranted cancellation.
The above should reduce 90% of all problem orders to being resolved in days,
not weeks, and all parties moving on largely unaffected. Bad sellers and buyers
will still get weeded out, and good ones will thrive.

Thanks for considering,
 Author: athornberg View Messages Posted By athornberg
 Posted: Mar 18, 2020 09:51
 Subject: Decorated categories
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Replace "decorated" categories with 2 new categories, "printed" and "with stickers".
 Author: samsam2 View Messages Posted By samsam2
 Posted: Mar 17, 2020 15:27
 Subject: adding new inventory then edit
 Viewed: 68 times
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is it just my browser settings causing all input to be lost when going back to
edit an inventory before submission? When I'm changing an existing inventory,
that page seems to let you go back and edit your work and even add extra rows
and you don't lose your work, but I do lose all my work when I have to correct
a new inventory I'm trying to add.
 Author: miskox View Messages Posted By miskox
 Posted: Mar 17, 2020 05:38
 Subject: Quotes
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I would really like to delete/file... quotes. If I hover over 'my store'
icon I see 13 Quotes. They have all been filed so I would prefer not to see this
number there. Please change something (maybe display only not filed quotes?).

 Author: Kuboteka View Messages Posted By Kuboteka
 Posted: Mar 14, 2020 20:29
 Subject: Promocode Functionality
 Viewed: 83 times
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Hi all!

Sorry for my bad english, but this idea I really want to share with you

I think that Bricklink need functionality for sellers to offer Promocode additionaly
to coupons.
Coupons can be used just by registered users and mostly work with returned buyers
But promocode functionality is a reason for seller to grow up his social network
auditory and could help to bring more new users to bricklink.

I think it should work this way:

Seller can set up many promocodes at the settings.
He can chose the % or fixed ammount for each promocode.
He can set up it same way as coupon (for parts or sets / new or used / additionaly
to current discounts or not / how long it will work for buyers (should be possible
to set up permanent promocode))

On the forum should be special Topic for promocodes. It will work instead of
forum messages like "coupon for each who write me here"

Promocodes are realy good working strategy for social marketing and also can
be added to the bussiness cards or to the store page or many other places.

How do you think about it?
 Author: BrickenbergNC View Messages Posted By BrickenbergNC
 Posted: Mar 14, 2020 15:01
 Subject: Bulk Coupon Create Functionality
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I think that an option to create coupons in bulk would be very useful.

The submission form could include the basic coupon parameters and then have some
way of selecting the members that will receive the coupon. This could be filtering
options such as everybody over x number of orders, or it could be a text box
where the usernames could be copied and pasted in bulk.
 Author: KCFBricks View Messages Posted By KCFBricks
 Posted: Mar 14, 2020 05:21
 Subject: Item cost auto worked out when parting out
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Hi there,

Do you think a feature will be added in which when you part out a set you can
add in how much the set cost and then the system would calculate how much was
paid per piece? It's a pain adding it in individually especially when you
have over 300 items! It would be nice if a feature like this also worked out
how much each part cost based on how much they sell for (depending on if you
picked current average/6 month average etc). For example if you bought a set
for $20 and it had 4 parts equally the cost would be $5, however if two of the
parts average was $10 each and the other two were $1 each having a cost of $5
for each part wouldn't make sense. Having to work that out for each part
by hand is just way too time consuming, but if the system did it on part out
entry it would be awesome.
 Author: DrDrewBlood View Messages Posted By DrDrewBlood
 Posted: Mar 11, 2020 11:59
 Subject: Purist Custom Figures
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I would like a Purist Custom Figures catalog. People can submit pictures, descriptions,
and links to specific components. Buyers can click "add all to wanted list".
Picture Source: Reddit User pumpkinsunrise
 Author: peregrinator View Messages Posted By peregrinator
 Posted: Mar 10, 2020 08:59
 Subject: Wanted List Buying Page - open carts
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My apologies if this has already been suggested.

It would be great if, in addition to showing favorited stores and those with
coupons first, you could also show stores in which you have open carts first.
 Author: peregrinator View Messages Posted By peregrinator
 Posted: Mar 6, 2020 09:40
 Subject: Sending coupons to store fans
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This is in reference to this thread in General: https://www.bricklink.com/messageThread.asp?ID=264579

My suggestion is, that when a user favorites a store, he or she should also have
the option to receive coupons from that store. This should get around any concerns
about privacy.
 Author: axaday View Messages Posted By axaday
 Posted: Mar 6, 2020 08:33
 Subject: Build Feature For Casual Sellers
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I realize this a high level coding idea, not something quick and easy, but it
just occurred to me when I saw something shown here on the forum. I think it
attract business to Bricklink from eBay and Craigslist and various other platforms.

We could make a feature where one item could be casually sold without becoming
a store, offered on the forum or some other way, and the sale could be official
and register for fees and everything. Buyer would know it was different from
buying from an established store, but it would make it easier for someone who
just wanted to sell 3 sets from their childhood or just wanted to get rid of
a box of their children's used Lego. Right now someone just has to tell
someone in the forum that they'll have to make a store and I expect 98 times
out of 100, they shrug their shoulders and go to eBay or Craigslist.
 Author: Threewit View Messages Posted By Threewit
 Posted: Mar 4, 2020 20:41
 Subject: Have an inventory for instruction books
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When I need a full set of books and a seller only has 1. I feel like I should
be able to buy the full set or it should be easier to find a full set.
 Author: miskox View Messages Posted By miskox
 Posted: Mar 3, 2020 04:41
 Subject: Add Shipped button (+ others?) to OrderRcvd p
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It would be good to have a Shipped check box on the OrderDetail page (https://www.bricklink.com/orderDetail.asp?ID=xxxxxxx)
so we don't have to go back to the previous page.

Maybe some others can be added (leave feedback?).

 Author: Miro78 View Messages Posted By Miro78
 Posted: Feb 29, 2020 11:27
 Subject: Inventory Backup/Restore/Deletion Prevention
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To prevent accidental deletion of inventory or restore of store's inventory
for various reasons like accidental deletions, price changes, etc. Currently
changes cannot be undone and a self administered restore function would be beneficial.
Requiring administrative assistance in restoring one's inventory is inconvenient
on both the seller and the BL team.

Remedy Option 1
To prevent strain on the infrastructure of constant periodic backups of everyone's
inventory, the backup would only initiate when a user enters their store's
inventory page, and limited to certain time intervals (once a day, once per hour,
or whatever the system can handle). The seller would have the option of self
initiate backup as needed.

Remedy Option 2
If the infrastructure cannot handle backups on their own system, perhaps Bricklink
can prompt user with an option to download inventory prior to deletion or major
changes being done to it, and self administer restore function.

Remedy Option 3
At the least, the system should require a re-login to the account when inventory
deletion function is selected to prevent accidental deletion of the store's

The above options are no mutually exclusive and can be implemented in tandem
depending on what Bricklink system/team can implement.
 Author: Heartbricker View Messages Posted By Heartbricker
 Posted: Feb 27, 2020 16:36
 Subject: Allow sellers ability to check red 'paid' box
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We allow payment both onsite and offsite.
The issue is that offsite payments require the buyers to check the 'red'
paid box.
some buyers (specially new ones) mistakenly take this to mean that their offsite
payment didn't go through and re-submit payment for the second time (sometimes
even after the order was shipped) which creates more work to refund and with
the new paypal policy might also cost sellers extra fees.

It would be great if seller can manually check this paid box and switch it to
green in order to avoid this misunderstanding. i know we can mark the order paid
and shipped but a buyer yesterday in one of many examples wanted to make sure
they paid because they saw the box was red and ended up paying for the second
Thanks for considering.
 Author: Milble_79 View Messages Posted By Milble_79
 Posted: Feb 26, 2020 09:11
 Subject: Bricklink Studio part
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Please add to the Bricklink Studio parts list:

87610pb02 - Minifigure, Headgear Helmet with Holes, SW Mandalorian with Blue
and White Pattern
 Author: WildBricks View Messages Posted By WildBricks
 Posted: Feb 26, 2020 06:05
 Subject: Add rejected to payment status options
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I have found an order to be stuck in limbo land. A buyer paid with PayPal through
instant check-out, but his payment was flagged to hold because it hadn't
cleared. Then PayPal rejected his payment. Because he went through instant check-out
I cannot reset his payment status to NONE, therefore I cannot place a NPB on
the order.

I would like to see a status of REJECTED added to payments. I'm sure I'm
not the first one to have this problem.
 Author: tpr View Messages Posted By tpr
 Posted: Feb 25, 2020 15:57
 Subject: Order page totals in different colours
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On the orders page, the grand total is Black, and when the order is marked as
paid by either buyer or seller it is Black, but Bold.

Is it possible to have these as 2 different colours for clarity.

Also it changes to bold when marked as paid, but when marked as Packed (which
happens after paid) if the buyer hasn't marked as paid, it goes back to original
type. Please can it remain at Bold.


 Author: miskox View Messages Posted By miskox
 Posted: Feb 25, 2020 05:25
 Subject: Add # of booklets to OrderReceived page
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It would be very useful to have this information (even if only 1 booklet is in
the set).

(I can't find in the Setting if this is possible at the moment).

Currently I see:

(Instructions) for Set 10229 Winter Village Cottage
Instruction No: 10229-1
(my remarks (item location etc.))

What I want is:
(Instructions) for Set 10229 Winter Village Cottage
Instruction No: 10229-1
(my remarks (item location etc.))
Booklets: 2

 Author: calsbricks View Messages Posted By calsbricks
 Posted: Feb 20, 2020 06:18
 Subject: Add to Community Experts group
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Suggestions over the past 6 years have not been very successful, however we now
have a new 'kid on the block' in charge. Let's see what happens with
this one.
We are all aware of the new Community Expert program that has been introduced
aimed at the technical side of the site e.g. catalogue, inventories etc.

How about adding to that group with a community advisory panel, whose members
could help with the usability testing of new features as well as offering advice
on both direction and functionality for the site.

These would also be volunteers and a method for rotation could be put in place
to ensure no one individual dominated that side.

You could even have regional representation say USA, UK, Europe (or Germany,
France Netherlands, etc). This would help enormously on the variations that are
both desirable and needed for the site, as well as the legal requirements, postal
systems, etc.

It would, of course also help communications and community spirit.
 Author: gibsili View Messages Posted By gibsili
 Posted: Feb 19, 2020 20:30
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Hi, the last days I spent with creating a list with BrickLink Item Numbers and
Description of all parts in my collection that I did not use for about 50 years
because I want first to document them for myself and then sort out and get rid
of them. I noticed that a lot of parts are not to find at BrickLink. In addition
I used https://www.toysperiod.com/lego-set-reference/ as source of information
but even there I could not find all parts. It would be very nice if BrickLink
would try to become a complete documentation of all parts that Lego ever released.
br from the tiny crazy alpine country Austria in the middle of Europe - "gibsili"
- one of the oldest AFOLs (67 years old and fan since the age of at least 10
 Author: Brick_Junkies View Messages Posted By Brick_Junkies
 Posted: Feb 18, 2020 07:26
 Subject: Search Parts by STATE ?!?!
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Can we get a "By State" drop down search box please ??
All the data's already there, we just need the filter added to sort it. It
should be an easy query to add to the search form

I buy and sell, and really like buying from local sellers, as the shipping is
usually 1-2 days at the most. Or some are even willing to meet you the same day
to come pick up parts. I met another local seller in my town searching for local
sellers, and she was totally cool with meeting u pto get parts. As would I if
someone was close enough.
If we could filter a single state, and sort by best price, BAM !! Instant parts
just about.

The current option kind of sucks... Go to the main sellers list, open every
store in your state in a new tab, and search every store for the parts you want.
WAY to slow !!
 Author: jbroman View Messages Posted By jbroman
 Posted: Feb 17, 2020 20:48
 Subject: Mass email for wanted list notification
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There should be an option to confirm that you really want to send a mass email
for wanted list notification.

I accidently hit the button after uploading new stock.
I was hoping that there would be another screen/button asking if I really wanted
to send this email. I take these emails as "spam" and I really didn't like
that I was the perpetrator.
 Author: yapke View Messages Posted By yapke
 Posted: Feb 2, 2020 10:51
 Subject: Feature which shows if BL member is active
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I was wondering if a feature or timer, to see whether a BrickLink
member is active or has been active (like on FB messenger or WhatsApp), would
be a great idea.

The reason why I'm wondering:
I'm sure there are members who logs in daily to see if another
member has reacted to their order('s invoice)/message, and are nervously
waiting until he/she/they react(s).

It will also be handy to see if a member (who placed an order on your store)
is active on BL and isn't responding to your multiple messages (or just ignoring),
and easier to decide to cancel an order.

For example (my example):
There is a member (USA) who has placed an order on my store (Belgium) a few days
ago. I instantly filled in and sent the invoice to serve him and be able to send
the parcel (after payment) as quickly as possible. But until now, two days later,
he hasn't read the message nor has paid for the order. Now I'm just wondering
if he was active or not lately... cause the hole situation is making me nervous.
I know I should be patient... but I find it kind of weird he responded very quickly
to my last call for buying, and afterwards not responding anymore.

So if you recognize yourself in such a situation, maybe vote 'YES' and
perhaps selling on BL will be more pleasant and more serious. I'm sure there
is a lot of members thinking this way, isn't it?

Kindly greetings,

 Author: Erikmax View Messages Posted By Erikmax
 Posted: Jan 29, 2020 09:16
 Subject: Address fields require clear labels
 Viewed: 87 times
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From 1/1-2020 it is no longer possible to ship goods internationally in a letter
by PostNL. There has been a lot about this in this forum.

Professional dealers can still ship at a special rate using the online system.

But this online system requires filling in fields ´very strictly´ so street,
number, extra number, region, city, postcode.

We used to copypaste BL adresses, annd expected the local post to make the right
interpretation. But this is no longer possible.

Especially Asian adresses (S.Korea,Taiwan,Japan, China, Hong Kong) now gives
some questions, because it is not allways clear ´what is what´. Japanese addresses
come in the opposite order, sometimes there is as name or number, appartment
names and numbers that can be mixed up with a streetname, and there is the problem
that numbers come before streetnames on the label- streetnumbers are printed
AFTER the streetname. In many adresses it looks that things are mentioned twice,
but possible name of city and region are the same.

More postal administrations will adopt this new system thatis required by UPU,
(countries like USA will no longer accept and may even destroy shipments without
'prior notice of content', that's what postNL tells us) so this problem
would grow in the future.

In fact this requires a new way to display adresses ( "WITH LABEL") on brickink
to avoid `wrong` or incomplete adresses to be used.

Even more important because the lines on this label is limited and unneccesary
information pushes out important information from the line.
 Author: infinibrix View Messages Posted By infinibrix
 Posted: Jan 28, 2020 14:31
 Subject: Lego AMA Should we +1 questions?
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With regards to the below part of the announcement Lego says they will update
the FAQ with our ‘MOST’ top-of-mind questions does that mean those questions
that get asked the most will more likely get answered? and in which case if I
have the same question as what someone else has already asked should I just +1
it or would that cause more confusion?
I would assume that all the main questions will remain on the far left and easy
for Lego to spot in fact any staggered +1’s underneath it should actually indicate
to Lego that several people are showing an interest in the same question but
at the same time I don’t know if it’s a good idea or not? Only repeating the
same questions again would seem even more confusing? Any thoughts?

“Please do add your questions in the thread below*. We will update the LEGO FAQ
on an ongoing basis with your most top-of-mind questions, until the closing of
the AMA on 31st January 2020 at 9AM EST.”
 Author: CALBrickLAB View Messages Posted By CALBrickLAB
 Posted: Jan 25, 2020 20:21
 Subject: USPS postage zones
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As I go through updating my postage for the USPS rate increase in effect on Monday,
I'm reminded that we still don't have the ability to use zone pricing
based on zip codes for shipping. We all use the same zone groupings, so we would
just need a chart set up like we do for international shipping, but with the
9 zone fields. I end up overcharging and giving refunds if the amount is excessive.
 Author: leggodtshop View Messages Posted By leggodtshop
 Posted: Jan 23, 2020 14:36
 Subject: 2FA or some other additional login security
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Please implement 2FA or some other additional login security to BrickLink account.

2FA = 2-Factor-Authentication

It could help prevent hacking or stealing of accounts and account & inventory

Of course this could be set as optional on the account.

Thank you.
 Author: Rarah View Messages Posted By Rarah
 Posted: Jan 23, 2020 11:57
 Subject: multiple shipping addresses ?
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Is it possible to create 2 addresses that I can always choose from when completing
an order? I have one address in Slovakia for most orders and one in Czech Republic
for CZ orders. Now the only way around is to simply edit my address and after
order placed change it back. because some stores have automated payment for shipping
and if I don´t change the country i don´t get the right options. I know people
in US will probably not understand why I need something but specifically for
people in SK/CZ many people have address in both countries to optimize shipping
cost etc. It´s from the past but that country difference makes me save 7 EUR
on shipping when I instead of 9€ pay just 2€.
 Author: seclimar View Messages Posted By seclimar
 Posted: Jan 23, 2020 09:28
 Subject: Search for multiple pieces shops
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I would like to have a search that allow to search multiple part numbers (maybe
comma separated)

so that I don't have manually to check if each seller is also selling other
needed parts
is already existent a similar funcionality ?

if today I need to buy 2 different pieces, I search for one part. in the list
of shops that appears, I will manually see all the ones selling also the second
Imagine if I am looking for 3 or more different pieces!

thanks for any enhancement or tip

 Author: markmamer View Messages Posted By markmamer
 Posted: Jan 20, 2020 15:58
 Subject: My own private warehouse to keep my inventory
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Is there a way to put my own inventory up on the site under my own private warehouse?
I do not want to be a seller yet but I would like to keep my inventory on the
 Author: PotterMoreBrick View Messages Posted By PotterMoreBrick
 Posted: Jan 20, 2020 08:35
 Subject: Instruction Books for CMF
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Hello Admin,

I hope I am in the right place.

Is there any reason why Collectible Minifigure's instruction books are inventoried
as each specific minifigure when all instruction books are the same?

This causes confusion for buyers (and annoyance for sellers) who think they are
getting the specific minifigure's instruction booklet when it will just be
a generic book.

So when parting out a CMF, instead of:

(Instructions) for Set col19 Video Game Champ, Series 19

It should read:

(Instructions) for Series 19 Collectible Minifigure

Just my 2 cents... thanks!!

Potter More
 Author: BricksWithWings View Messages Posted By BricksWithWings
 Posted: Jan 20, 2020 00:17
 Subject: Compare Wanted Lists
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I have a model I designed in 2017 that has 1,600+ parts. I updated the model
in 2020, adding about 150 parts and simplifying the design considerably. However,
I think 80% of the parts are the same between the 2 versions. I'd like to
be able to compare the wanted list from the two models to see what I already
have so that I only order the difference.
 Author: atkk View Messages Posted By atkk
 Posted: Jan 19, 2020 16:47
 Subject: Package restriction
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Please add "Maximum number of parts" as a Package restriction in the shipping
options. I just had someone place an order for 500 parts; this cannot be shipped
as lettermail, since 500 parts is too big for this option.
 Author: thexfile View Messages Posted By thexfile
 Posted: Jan 18, 2020 15:17
 Subject: Easy buy
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Hi is it possible to sort stores not just by price or quantity but by country
or proximity to the home country you select ?

Because I felt on getting stores from all over the place even outside Holland
and then I figured out that the stores in Holland have the stuff I want but it
was not the cheapest way to get the parts .... So I now set it to highest quantity
but ideal I would only easy buy to select : 1 holand : 2 most items in 1 store
: 3 as least stores possible pref just 1 but not 6 like it does now ....

I want only Holland because I will have the bricks sooner as it only takes 1
or 2 days and its cheaper.

Hope you can do this as for now easy buy is far from that sorry.

Thank hope you understand
 Author: chetzler View Messages Posted By chetzler
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 11:39
 Subject: Please include Tax field when download orders
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I recently dowloaded my orders in Excel format here:

I've done this before but I am now making a concerted effort to import this
into my own database primarily for tax purposes. I just realized that the process
imports every field except for Tax. Surely this was an oversight since the tax
field was added later. However it is frustrating because it means I still have
to manually search out every Minnesota order manually to calculate my total 2019
sales tax collected.

Surely this will be an easy fix and it can be corrected promptly!

Thank you,
 Author: HillbillyBricks View Messages Posted By HillbillyBricks
 Posted: Jan 11, 2020 04:37
 Subject: Ability to identify parts for a specific set
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How can you get a list of parts that you have in your inventory for a specific
set. In the price guide it will tell you how many parts you have in inventory
for a set. I want to knw what those parts are.
 Author: nzcam View Messages Posted By nzcam
 Posted: Jan 8, 2020 21:45
 Subject: Search for parts from favourite sellers
 Viewed: 52 times
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Via check-box option, It would be very handy to be able to restrict part searches
to just those sellers included in your favourite list, and separately to this,
those sellers you have open carts with.

This would be useful when adding to existing open orders (to save on shipping
or small batch orders) - If I know I'm already going to be placing orders
with Sellers A, B, C, & F, and I realise I need some more of a particular part,
being able to see which of those sellers have that part and what they're
chargning for it, is useful since I don't need to go back out to the wider
market (and shipping cost), AND I don't need to go to each open seller's
Store to search on them individually. One search does the trick.
 Author: bb75359 View Messages Posted By bb75359
 Posted: Jan 7, 2020 09:41
 Subject: New Payment Method
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Would it be possible to add another payment method.
Zip Pay
or at least have a blank one so that we can input our own custom method.
 Author: badlego View Messages Posted By badlego
 Posted: Jan 6, 2020 11:28
 Subject: Ability to search through order history
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to enable me to see what I've already purchased, it would be good to search
my completed orders.
 Author: cosmicray View Messages Posted By cosmicray
 Posted: Jan 5, 2020 16:58
 Subject: Brand Identification stickers
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One of the things that BrickLink needs, is better brand identification in the
larger community of potential buyers. It occurs to me that one way to work towards
this goal is to have BL logo stickers (I.e. The same icon contains the smiling
yellow face 2x2 brick logo). This type of sticker has been used by Apple, in
that one is included with every Apple product. Over the past ~20 years it has
been a white Apple with a bite missing, white the original incarnation was a
6-color Apple.

Our new benevolent overlords have extensive experience in producing stickers,
and presumably they have access to the ability to produce large quantities, that
we (the sellers) could include one with each order. Eventually, you would start
seeing them stuck on laptops and the rear windows of vehicles. Free advertising
for BL !

Thank you for your support.
Nita Rae
 Author: teran01 View Messages Posted By teran01
 Posted: Jan 3, 2020 14:31
 Subject: Stop auto-switch "top banners" on homepage
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Adding changing/moving banners makes me nervous and feels like random ads and
topics on tabloid sites that want to desperately generate clicks. Please, this
is not a site for hyperactive children used to fast cut youtube videos who might
think this is a good idea. Keep still images on Bricklink and put everything
that moves to the main Lego.com site, which can't be made worse anyway. Thanks.
 Author: metropolis1927 View Messages Posted By metropolis1927
 Posted: Jan 3, 2020 12:09
 Subject: Show item quantity on catalog item page!
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Can you put somewhere quantity (Qty), shown on item search page, on catalog item
page?! See pictures.
That would be very useful!
Thank you.

 Author: hpoort View Messages Posted By hpoort
 Posted: Jan 2, 2020 03:51
 Subject: Policy change - Undetermined versus Unknown a
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With the takeover by TLG, it may be time that some fundamental changes to the
site get implemented. Hence the posting of this idea - that has been bothering
me for years.

— requires programming and website extension —

Currently in the Bricklink catalog are parts that signify ‘undetermined variant’,
commonly marked for deletion or already deleted, and corresponding parts that
represent the specific variants of these. The current system requires sellers
to determine the specific variant type – even if they would prefer not to distinguish.
The same system requires buyers to exactly specify which variant they are interested
in buying – even if they don’t actually care which is commonly true. My suggestion
would be to distinguish the two concepts as are the processes: the process of
specifying what is for sale (which may be undetermined) and the process of specifying
what you want to buy (which may be ‘don’t care’). Both processes are already
separate on Bricklink (store inventory and wanted lists), but the concept of
‘undetermined’ is not.

For the catalog policy
• Keep all undetermined variants in the catalog and even add undetermined
variants for those parts that are similar. This information may be extracted
from the relation type ‘part is similar to’.
• Drop the deletion marks for all the undetermined entries and solely use
this marking for wrong or outdated entries.

For sellers
For sellers to don’t want to distinguish between part variants: list these parts
under the undetermined entry only. The BL system should be modified to show these
entries amidst the specific variants for any non specific search as through wanted

For buyers
For buyers it should be possible to specify an undetermined variety or in
effect a search pattern instead of a single part number. If a buyer does not
care whether a p=4085 is of type a, b, c or d, the buyer should be able to add
p=4085* to his wanted list and the search engine should have no trouble in matching
4085a, 4085b or 4085d with this. Similarly to the 0 color (labeled N/A or Not
Appicable while in this context it actually means Irrelevant).
Buyers should be assisted by the website to specify a specific variant if applicable,
but default to the don’t care form.

For the Bricklink website
• Add a feature to the ‘Add to Wanted List’ and ‘Edit Wanted List’ forms
to allow adding of (a) this specific variant only or (b) include variants. Then
populate the wanted list with the appropriate search pattern instead of the single
part number. This would take the form of either a complete enumeration of all
varieties like ‘4085|4085a|4085b|4085c|4085d’ (plate 1x1 with clip) or the more
general entry of ‘4085*’ or ‘4085@’; I would think the enumeration is more robust,
as it would also allow ‘3794|3794a|3794b|15573’ (jumper 1x2) and would also
allow manual exclusion of one or more variants.
• Adjust the ‘Items for sale’ pages or page fragments that show all matching
parts to include all variants when searching for the don’t care variety.

For the Bricklink database
• Widen the field WantedListItems.ItemNumber to allow for longer patterns.
100 chars would be enough for most enumerations of varieties I can think of.

For the Bricklink search engine
• For matching wanted lists with store items: presume that wanted list entries
may contain a search pattern instead of a single entry. Change the SQL from ‘=’
to ‘LIKE’ wherever necessary or drop the quotes around the field. (But make sure
no malicious code may be entered through this field).

• A similar feature might be implemented to search for approximate colors
such as ‘any gray’ or ‘any green’, similar to how Studio groups the colors.

Any thoughts of whether this would be helpful for you as a seller or for you
as a buyer?
 Author: Gaston.La.Brick View Messages Posted By Gaston.La.Brick
 Posted: Dec 30, 2019 05:10
 Subject: Don't set "Ready" as default order status.
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After a user places an order, it gets the default status "Ready".*
This confuses buyers: they think the order was processed and is ready for shipping.
I would like to suggest setting the default order status always to "Pending".

*(Unless they pay at once using BL, it is set to "Paid" automatically. I can't
set it to that status manually. This is confusing since there is a payment status
as well. So that's double info and I would remove that possible value for
the status.)
 Author: axaday View Messages Posted By axaday
 Posted: Dec 29, 2019 19:52
 Subject: Add Approval Step "Released"
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I realize as a non-admin I may be speaking out of turn and it will make little
difference to most people. I suggest that we add a step where an item is approved
in the catalog, but may still be awaiting release for sale. I get inspired to
make this suggestion every time I work up a set of CMF, but it would surely be
similar for other people who do catalog work on unreleased items. Sets are usually
"on hold" pending for at least a month before the official release. They could
be weighed and often they could be inventoried when they actually hit the catalog
for sale, but in the current system nothing can be done. Weight of a set can
be entered, but not weight of packing or instructions. I have over 100 items
pending in the catalog and I really wish I could get it organized, but I can't.
Would Lego object to us having information in the catalog for upcoming items?
I think they just want the sale dates respected.
 Author: Heartbricker View Messages Posted By Heartbricker
 Posted: Dec 25, 2019 23:13
 Subject: Do not erase comments on checkout mode change
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While checking out in one of the stores here, i needed to leave a comment for
the seller, the order was on 'onsite' payment mode.
After i wrote the message, i changed to 'request an invoice' mode and
was annoyed that my message was erased and i needed to rewrite.

So i'm suggesting that when we change modes of shipping/invoice/etc. - of
there was a message written prior to changing that mode: i'm hoping that
message can remain intact and not be erased.

It's a small thing, obviously not a priority, but would be a time saver if
Seasons greetings.
 Author: Tholwin View Messages Posted By Tholwin
 Posted: Dec 25, 2019 20:31
 Subject: BRICKS & PIECES availability and price
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While I favor buying other people's unwanted pieces, I always check the price
of each piece on "BRICKS & PIECES" (Lego website), in an attempt to avoid buying
on bricklink pieces I could get cheaper and brand new from Lego.

This is the reason why I would love to see in bricklink if pieces are available
on "BRICKS & PIECES", and at which price, without having to search.

Best regards
 Author: Teup View Messages Posted By Teup
 Posted: Dec 24, 2019 13:10
 Subject: Problem/bug with shipping minimum order
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I've never quite understood why you are not allowed to set the minimum order
of a shipping method lower than the minimum order of your store. It's annoying
because if you have 10 shipping methods, then anytime you want to change your
minimum order, you need to also change it 10x in your shipping methods, for no
real reason, because the "master setting", the store minimum order value, should
determine it already.

However, it seems it's also causing another problem: Buyers can use the bypass
password to get around the minimum order, but it does not help them go
around the minimum order of the shipping methods. The result is that anytime
a buyer used the bypass password, they are able to order but unable to select
any shipping methods. So there will need to be a manual invoice.

I'd propose removing the restriction for shipping methods to have a minimum
order value that is higher than or equal to the store minimum order value - in
fact, I'd propose for shipping methods not to need a minimum value at all.
That should solve everything I described without any side effects.
 Author: tsystem View Messages Posted By tsystem
 Posted: Dec 20, 2019 14:28
 Subject: XML drag and drop
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I'm working a lot with xml file (bricklink structure), but with only copy
past, it's really a constrained task.... Why it's not allow to drag and
drop xml file like io or ldr or lxf ?



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