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 Author: jennnifer View Messages Posted By jennnifer
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 13:31
 Subject: Re: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 63 times
 Topic: Inventories
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In Inventories, 62Bricks writes:
  Bricklink set inventories are not based on the building instructions at all.

The printed parts list is the only thing that matters. It is a widespread misunderstanding
that the regular section of the inventory lists the parts needed to complete
the set according to the instructions.

Wow, this is a pretty bold incorrect assertion. I was an inventory admin for
three years. The building instructions are the ultimate source for accurate inventories.
Not every set follows every rule, but that is where everything starts.

 Author: 62Bricks View Messages Posted By 62Bricks
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 13:16
 Subject: Re: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 56 times
 Topic: Inventories
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In Inventories, StormChaser writes:
  In Inventories, 62Bricks writes:
  The parts list determines whether a part is extra or not, and not the building instructions.

In this recent set, yes:
Set No: 40433  Name: 1989 Batmobile - Limited Edition
40433-1 (Inv) 1989 Batmobile - Limited Edition
366 Parts, 2019
Sets: Super Heroes: Tim Burton's Batman

In this recent set, no:
Set No: 41381  Name: Rescue Mission Boat
41381-1 (Inv) Rescue Mission Boat
877 Parts, 4 Minifigures, 2019
Sets: Friends

So there is an inconsistent approach.

Nevertheless, we need the ability to display and use inventories in different
ways based on the needs of the person viewing that inventory. You don't
think so, because you want inventories to be structured in the specific way that
you feel is best for users of the site.

Why not just agree with me that inventories can do more than the system currently
allows and join me in the push for customizable inventories?

This feels like a false choice. Of course we would all like to see greater convenience
and functionality, but that does not mean we should allow information and functionality
to be removed now in the hope that someday we'll have a system
that lets us put it back. How about we use the existing functionality,
which will support all the information people want, including the full box contents
as they were packaged as well as the parts that form a "complete" set, and then
when (if) those extra features come along we can talk about how to use them?

Because we have put the cart firmly before the horse, here. There are thousands
of complete set listings right now that do not include all the parts Bricklink
says they should - some of them quite expensive parts. This is not due to any
error or wrongdoing by the sellers. It is purely the result of inventory changes
that have been made to accord with bad policies. I don't hear anybody really
defending that. I'm not surprised, as it seems indefensible.
 Author: StormChaser View Messages Posted By StormChaser
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 12:57
 Subject: Re: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 53 times
 Topic: Inventories
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In Inventories, 62Bricks writes:
  The parts list determines whether a part is extra or not, and not the building instructions.

In this recent set, yes:
Set No: 40433  Name: 1989 Batmobile - Limited Edition
40433-1 (Inv) 1989 Batmobile - Limited Edition
366 Parts, 2019
Sets: Super Heroes: Tim Burton's Batman

In this recent set, no:
Set No: 41381  Name: Rescue Mission Boat
41381-1 (Inv) Rescue Mission Boat
877 Parts, 4 Minifigures, 2019
Sets: Friends

So there is an inconsistent approach.

Nevertheless, we need the ability to display and use inventories in different
ways based on the needs of the person viewing that inventory. You don't
think so, because you want inventories to be structured in the specific way that
you feel is best for users of the site.

Why not just agree with me that inventories can do more than the system currently
allows and join me in the push for customizable inventories?
 Author: 62Bricks View Messages Posted By 62Bricks
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 12:10
 Subject: Re: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 44 times
 Topic: Inventories
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In Inventories, Hygrotus writes:
  In Inventories, 62Bricks writes:
  Nobody disputes that if three darts came in the
box, three darts should appear somewhere on the inventory page for the set. However
as is demonstrated by the existence of this thread, there are many people who
have come to understand that the regular section represents only the parts included
in the building instructions. For purposes of classifying parts within the inventory,

For the record about this set. Instruction clearly shows three darts being used
in build process (step 101, so this is not an extra part)

Yes, the OP is correct, but for the wrong reason. The inventory would still be
"correct" even if the instructions only showed the two darts that can be held
by the model, because there are three darts in the parts list. The parts list
determines whether a part is extra or not, and not the building instructions.
 Author: Hygrotus View Messages Posted By Hygrotus
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 11:51
 Subject: Re: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 44 times
 Topic: Inventories
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In Inventories, 62Bricks writes:
  Nobody disputes that if three darts came in the
box, three darts should appear somewhere on the inventory page for the set. However
as is demonstrated by the existence of this thread, there are many people who
have come to understand that the regular section represents only the parts included
in the building instructions. For purposes of classifying parts within the inventory,

For the record about this set. Instruction clearly shows three darts being used
in build process (step 101, so this is not an extra part)

 Author: chetzler View Messages Posted By chetzler
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 11:39
 Subject: Please include Tax field when download orders
 Viewed: 120 times
 Topic: Suggestions
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I recently dowloaded my orders in Excel format here:

I've done this before but I am now making a concerted effort to import this
into my own database primarily for tax purposes. I just realized that the process
imports every field except for Tax. Surely this was an oversight since the tax
field was added later. However it is frustrating because it means I still have
to manually search out every Minnesota order manually to calculate my total 2019
sales tax collected.

Surely this will be an easy fix and it can be corrected promptly!

Thank you,
 Author: 62Bricks View Messages Posted By 62Bricks
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 11:33
 Subject: Re: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 44 times
 Topic: Inventories
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In Inventories, StormChaser writes:
  In Inventories, 62Bricks writes:
  Bricklink set inventories are not based on the building instructions at all.

That is absolutely false. From BrickLink guidelines for what should be included
in the Regular Items section of an inventory:

"Parts required to build the main model and any secondary models plus
any other parts on the official parts list. In the absence of an official parts
list, the official parts count, the instructions, and/or images on the packaging
are used to determine as closely as possible the contents of this section."

  In Inventories, 62Bricks writes:
  The printed parts list is the only thing that matters.

That is absolutely false. From the Standards for Inventorying a Set section,
which explicitly states that the source of an inventory should be a physical
copy of a set:

You have forgotten to boldface plus any other parts on the official parts

Since there will be no parts in the building instructions that are not also on
the parts list, the parts list is all that matters.

"You should have a physical copy of the set you are inventorying to properly
identify the parts and colors. When this is not possible for old or rare sets,
then it is acceptable to use the instructions, set picture, or parts list (sometimes
printed on the box or in the instructions) to complete the inventory."

I hope the following sentence clears the confusion:

BrickLink inventories are based on what actually came in the box or bag.

Parts lists have errors. Set photos have errors. Building instructions have
errors. You like the idea of simple, straightforward, commonsense guidelines,
Don. Well, the sentence in bold text above is as simple and as sensible as you
can possibly get and you should applaud this if you stand behind your principles.

As I have pointed out elsewhere, packing a lot of vagueness into a short statement
does not make it more simple. "Based on" is the slippery term, here.

You are playing fast and loose with the definition of "inventory." The discussion
here is not about the complete inventory page, but in what section the parts
appear within that inventory. Nobody disputes that if three darts came in the
box, three darts should appear somewhere on the inventory page for the set. However
as is demonstrated by the existence of this thread, there are many people who
have come to understand that the regular section represents only the parts included
in the building instructions. For purposes of classifying parts within the inventory,
the building instructions do not matter.

I understand and have participated in the debate about how to best represent
what came in the box or bag, but saying that BrickLink bases inventories on the
parts list only and that inventories are not based on the building instructions
at all is spreading misinformation.

I disagree. The building instructions are not used to determine whether a part
is in the Extras sections or the Regular section. The parts list is used for
this determination. The building instructions do not matter.

Where the building instructions do matter is in the determination of a
"complete" set. Unfortunately, since the fairly recent romp through the inventories,
Bricklink is no longer a reference point for this information. It is now up to
each individual seller to verify their own complete set listing against the building
instructions. It takes about thirty seconds to amass thousands of listings for
used, complete sets with the remarks that they do not include the "extras." What
sellers almost always mean by "extras" is "the parts listed in the Extras section
of the inventory."

The admins know this, but the official response is, well, you know, it says at
the bottom of the page the inventory is just a guide, so, you know, let's
just pretend that our actions have no consequences and make with the change requests.
 Author: StormChaser View Messages Posted By StormChaser
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 10:48
 Subject: Re: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 60 times
 Topic: Inventories
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In Inventories, 62Bricks writes:
  Bricklink set inventories are not based on the building instructions at all.

That is absolutely false. From BrickLink guidelines for what should be included
in the Regular Items section of an inventory:

"Parts required to build the main model and any secondary models plus
any other parts on the official parts list. In the absence of an official parts
list, the official parts count, the instructions, and/or images on the packaging
are used to determine as closely as possible the contents of this section."

In Inventories, 62Bricks writes:
  The printed parts list is the only thing that matters.

That is absolutely false. From the Standards for Inventorying a Set section,
which explicitly states that the source of an inventory should be a physical
copy of a set:

"You should have a physical copy of the set you are inventorying to properly
identify the parts and colors. When this is not possible for old or rare sets,
then it is acceptable to use the instructions, set picture, or parts list (sometimes
printed on the box or in the instructions) to complete the inventory."

I hope the following sentence clears the confusion:

BrickLink inventories are based on what actually came in the box or bag.

Parts lists have errors. Set photos have errors. Building instructions have
errors. You like the idea of simple, straightforward, commonsense guidelines,
Don. Well, the sentence in bold text above is as simple and as sensible as you
can possibly get and you should applaud this if you stand behind your principles.

I understand and have participated in the debate about how to best represent
what came in the box or bag, but saying that BrickLink bases inventories on the
parts list only and that inventories are not based on the building instructions
at all is spreading misinformation.
 Author: 62Bricks View Messages Posted By 62Bricks
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 09:13
 Subject: Re: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 54 times
 Topic: Inventories
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In Inventories, foxweasle writes:
  I thought I would post this Discussion to bring to the members awareness of a
possible misinterpretation of the Inventory list of Set 75248 Star Wars Resistance
A-Wing Starfighter. The inventory is listed correct as I see it. I just opened
a sealed complete set and confirmed the Inventory. The only Item in Question
is Part 15303 Trans-Red Bar 8L with round End (Spring Shooter Dart). In the Instructions
it does show 3 Items are used but only 2 are actually used in the set. At first
I would think the 3rd piece would be considered an extra part, but since all
three are listed in step 101 the last Instruction step. The Inventory should
remain unchanged.

Bricklink set inventories are not based on the building instructions at all.

The printed parts list is the only thing that matters. It is a widespread misunderstanding
that the regular section of the inventory lists the parts needed to complete
the set according to the instructions.
 Author: paulvdb View Messages Posted By paulvdb
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 07:43
 Subject: Re: Inventory Change Request for Set 60020-1
 Viewed: 23 times
 Topic: Inventories Requests
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In Inventories Requests, elias3 writes:
  Please make changes to the following inventory:
Set No: 60020  Name: Cargo Truck
60020-1 (Inv) Cargo Truck
307 Parts, 3 Minifigures, 2013
Sets: Town: City: Cargo

* Delete 2 Part 3794 Red Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with 1 Stud (Jumper) (Undetermined Type) (Alternate) (match ID 1)
* Change 2 Part Black {44301 Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End (undetermined type) to 44301b Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End without Bottom Groove}
* Change 2 Part Black {44302 Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers on End (Undetermined Type) to 44302a Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers on End with Bottom Groove}
* Change 4 Part Black {51011u Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - (Undetermined Version) to 92409 Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - Band Around Center of Tread}
* Change 4 Part Light Bluish Gray {42610c01 Wheel 11mm D. x 8mm with Center Groove with Black Tire 17.5 x 6 Shallow Staggered Treads (42610 / 51011u) to 42610c03 Wheel 11mm D. x 8mm with Center Groove with Black Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - Band Around Center of Tread (42610 / 92409)} {Counterpart to Regular}

Comments from Submitter:
source: part out sets and own collection

Another one where 3794 should not be deleted but changed to 3794a. First, 3794
was added as an alternate indicating that it was intended to be 3794a. And second,
this screenshot from a video review clearly shows 3794a.
 Author: paulvdb View Messages Posted By paulvdb
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 07:34
 Subject: Re: Inventory Change Request for Set 60025-1
 Viewed: 18 times
 Topic: Inventories Requests
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In Inventories Requests, elias3 writes:
  Please make changes to the following inventory:
Set No: 60025  Name: Grand Prix Truck
60025-1 (Inv) Grand Prix Truck
301 Parts, 3 Minifigures, 2013
Sets: Town: City: Race

* Delete 3 Part 3794b Red Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove (Jumper) (Alternate) (match ID 1)
* Change 2 Part Black {44301 Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End (undetermined type) to 44301b Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End without Bottom Groove}
* Change 2 Part Black {44302 Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers on End (Undetermined Type) to 44302a Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers on End with Bottom Groove}
* Change 5 Part Black {51011u Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - (Undetermined Version) to 92409 Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - Band Around Center of Tread}
* Change 3 Part Red {3794 Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with 1 Stud (Jumper) (Undetermined Type) to 3794b Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with 1 Stud with Groove (Jumper)}
* Change 5 Part Light Bluish Gray {42610c01 Wheel 11mm D. x 8mm with Center Groove with Black Tire 17.5 x 6 Shallow Staggered Treads (42610 / 51011u) to 42610c03 Wheel 11mm D. x 8mm with Center Groove with Black Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - Band Around Center of Tread (42610 / 92409)} (Counterpart)

Comments from Submitter:
source: part out sets and own collection

Part 3794 in red should not be removed from this set. It should be changed to
3794a because both variants were found in this set. Several video reviews of
the set show 3794a. Included a screenshot from one of them that clearly shows
 Author: elias3 View Messages Posted By elias3
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 04:39
 Subject: Inventory Change Request for Set 60042-1
 Viewed: 30 times
 Topic: Inventories Requests (Entry)
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Please make changes to the following inventory:
Set No: 60042  Name: High Speed Police Chase
60042-1 (Inv) High Speed Police Chase
97 Parts, 3 Minifigures, 2014
Sets: Town: City: Police

* Change 2 Part Black {44301 Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End (undetermined type) to 44301b Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End without Bottom Groove}

Comments from Submitter:
source: part out sets and own collection
 Author: Dino View Messages Posted By Dino
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 03:40
 Subject: Re: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 44 times
 Topic: Inventories
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In Inventories, foxweasle writes:
  I thought I would post this Discussion to bring to the members awareness of a
possible misinterpretation of the Inventory list of Set 75248 Star Wars Resistance
A-Wing Starfighter. The inventory is listed correct as I see it. I just opened
a sealed complete set and confirmed the Inventory. The only Item in Question
is Part 15303 Trans-Red Bar 8L with round End (Spring Shooter Dart). In the Instructions
it does show 3 Items are used but only 2 are actually used in the set. At first
I would think the 3rd piece would be considered an extra part, but since all
three are listed in step 101 the last Instruction step. The Inventory should
remain unchanged.

All three are listed. But only two were used. There is no place for the third
 Author: foxweasle View Messages Posted By foxweasle
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 02:52
 Subject: Set 75248 Inventory Awareness
 Viewed: 191 times
 Topic: Inventories
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I thought I would post this Discussion to bring to the members awareness of a
possible misinterpretation of the Inventory list of Set 75248 Star Wars Resistance
A-Wing Starfighter. The inventory is listed correct as I see it. I just opened
a sealed complete set and confirmed the Inventory. The only Item in Question
is Part 15303 Trans-Red Bar 8L with round End (Spring Shooter Dart). In the Instructions
it does show 3 Items are used but only 2 are actually used in the set. At first
I would think the 3rd piece would be considered an extra part, but since all
three are listed in step 101 the last Instruction step. The Inventory should
remain unchanged.
 Author: StormChaser View Messages Posted By StormChaser
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 02:35
 Subject: Re: Inventory Change Request for Set 60178-1
 Viewed: 23 times
 Topic: Inventories Requests
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In Inventories Requests, TuffyJCW writes:
  Please make changes to the following inventory:
Set No: 60178  Name: Speed Record Car
60178-1 (Inv) Speed Record Car
73 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 2018
Sets: Town: City: Race

* Add 1 Part 6239 Black Tail Shuttle (Counterpart)

Comments from Submitter:
There is no entry in inventory for the 6239 Tail Decorated with sticker #2 and #6.

First you must add the items to the catalog here:


Then add images here:


Once the new items are approved, then you may add them to the inventory of this
 Author: TakeAbricK View Messages Posted By TakeAbricK
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 01:01
 Subject: Re: catalogue problem - zero lots showing up
 Viewed: 45 times
 Topic: Catalog
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In Catalog, Admin_Russell writes:
  In Catalog, BasKrie writes:
  In Catalog, Brickwilbo writes:
  In Catalog, Yogi_007 writes:
  Hi All,

Ive been looking for through the catalogue for various parts and have found that
some lots are coming up as zero available but still showing up for sale.

I was looking at 3700 technic 1x2 brick in dark green last week and the stores
showed up with zero in stock in the catalogue. I checked again today and all

I then looked at orange part 6005 and same thing.

Whats going on ??

Seems off to me or is it related to these rarer parts ?

Help please


The item doesn't show up in the items for sale.
I guess the Price Guide isn't shown in Real Time.
Maybe the items are in void of the payment process.

The items do show up in the items for sale

New (0) AFOL Supply (47562)
Min Buy: None EUR 7.21
(EUR 7.21)

New (0) Kentuckiana Bricks (27276)
Min Buy: None EUR 5.86
(US $6.52)

These to sellers have a lot of zero quantity items.
It came up before in the forum (https://www.bricklink.com/messageThread.asp?ID=260269)

It may have to do with the software they use to upload and sync their inventory.
This shouldn't be possible, however. Zero QTY lots should only be retained
in a stockroom.

And since it's one and the same company, they have the same software, which
probably sync both inventories at the same time.
 Author: Admin_Russell View Messages Posted By Admin_Russell
 Posted: Jan 12, 2020 00:15
 Subject: Re: catalogue problem - zero lots showing up
 Viewed: 76 times
 Topic: Catalog
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In Catalog, BasKrie writes:
  In Catalog, Brickwilbo writes:
  In Catalog, Yogi_007 writes:
  Hi All,

Ive been looking for through the catalogue for various parts and have found that
some lots are coming up as zero available but still showing up for sale.

I was looking at 3700 technic 1x2 brick in dark green last week and the stores
showed up with zero in stock in the catalogue. I checked again today and all

I then looked at orange part 6005 and same thing.

Whats going on ??

Seems off to me or is it related to these rarer parts ?

Help please


The item doesn't show up in the items for sale.
I guess the Price Guide isn't shown in Real Time.
Maybe the items are in void of the payment process.

The items do show up in the items for sale

New (0) AFOL Supply (47562)
Min Buy: None EUR 7.21
(EUR 7.21)

New (0) Kentuckiana Bricks (27276)
Min Buy: None EUR 5.86
(US $6.52)

These to sellers have a lot of zero quantity items.
It came up before in the forum (https://www.bricklink.com/messageThread.asp?ID=260269)

It may have to do with the software they use to upload and sync their inventory.
This shouldn't be possible, however. Zero QTY lots should only be retained
in a stockroom.
 Author: CamelCityBH View Messages Posted By CamelCityBH
 Posted: Jan 11, 2020 22:50
 Subject: Inventory Change Request for Set 60178-1
 Viewed: 37 times
 Topic: Inventories Requests (Entry)
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Please make changes to the following inventory:
Set No: 60178  Name: Speed Record Car
60178-1 (Inv) Speed Record Car
73 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 2018
Sets: Town: City: Race

* Add 1 Part 6239 Black Tail Shuttle (Counterpart)

Comments from Submitter:
There is no entry in inventory for the 6239 Tail Decorated with sticker #2 and #6.
 Author: Yogi_007 View Messages Posted By Yogi_007
 Posted: Jan 11, 2020 21:01
 Subject: Re: catalogue problem - zero lots showing up
 Viewed: 37 times
 Topic: Catalog
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  Ive been looking for through the catalogue for various parts and have found that
  some lots are coming up as zero available but still showing up for sale.

I was looking at 3700 technic 1x2 brick in dark green last week and the stores
showed up with zero in stock in the catalogue. I checked again today and all

I then looked at orange part 6005 and same thing.

Whats going on ??

Seems off to me or is it related to these rarer parts ?

Help please


Some statistics of average price, total sold, total available et cetera are calculated
during the daily maintenance and hence may differ slightly from the actual items
for sale. This especially shows for rare items that have just been sold or added
to inventories.

Ive just checked the same part again today and same issue. So its not the updating
of daily maintenance.

Admin - another bug ?

 Author: Tom_a_Jerry View Messages Posted By Tom_a_Jerry
 Posted: Jan 11, 2020 18:38
 Subject: Inventory Change Request for Set 75194-1
 Viewed: 24 times
 Topic: Inventories Requests (Entry)
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Please make changes to the following inventory:
Set No: 75194  Name: First Order TIE Fighter Microfighter
75194-1 (Inv) First Order TIE Fighter Microfighter
87 Parts, 1 Minifigure, 2018
Sets: Star Wars: Microfighters Series 5: Star Wars Episode 8

* Add 1 Part 58176 Trans-Red Bar with Light Cover (Bulb) / Bionicle Barraki Eye (Extra)

Comments from Submitter:
Hi, I've built this set from a sealed box and found one extra part not displayed in the inventory, so I'm reporting it.
 Author: Mortimer View Messages Posted By Mortimer
 Posted: Jan 11, 2020 18:28
 Subject: Inventory Change Request for Set 76073-1
 Viewed: 19 times
 Topic: Inventories Requests (Entry)
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Please make changes to the following inventory:
Set No: 76073  Name: Mighty Micros: Wolverine vs. Magneto
76073-1 (Inv) Mighty Micros: Wolverine vs. Magneto
76 Parts, 2 Minifigures, 2017
Sets: Super Heroes: Mighty Micros: X-Men

* Add 1 Part 4624 Light Bluish Gray Wheel 8mm D. x 6mm (Extra)

Comments from Submitter:
From MISB set.
 Author: BigHero6 View Messages Posted By BigHero6
 Posted: Jan 11, 2020 14:44
 Subject: Re: Inventory 7730
 Viewed: 25 times
 Topic: Inventories
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Thank You for Your Answer. I have read it, but it was not plausible to me. But
now it is clear. It listet all the parts from Both Sets. So there are 31.

Thank You again.

In Inventories, FreeStorm writes:
  In Inventories, BigHero6 writes:
  Hello, I have two Questions about the Inventory of the set 7730.
1. There are different Inventory-List in the Internet. Was there really a Cable
inside the box? Light Gray Electric, Wire 12V / 4.5V with four 1-prong connectors,
96 Studs Long

2. At the alternative Items there are 31 Light Gray Train, Track 12V Conducting
Rail Curved
But must it nor be 15?

Thanks for the Answers

Is there anybody, who haves a picture of the Box Backside and Inside?


I think the the answer for you 2nd question is on the note at the bottom of Inventory:

Regarding the curved conducting rails included in this set, the timeline for
inclusion in sets is believed to be as follows:

1980: 16 of part 3241b Train, Track 12V Conducting Rail Curved without Cable
Connection Holes shown in the Regular Items section
1981: 16 of part 3241 Train, Track 12V Conducting Rail Curved shown in the
Alternate Items section
1982: 15 of part 3241 Train, Track 12V Conducting Rail Curved, 1 of part
3241c Train, Track 12V Conducting Rail Curved, interference-free and 1 of part
117983a Paper, Information Note, Special Suppressor Rail - 117983 shown in the
Alternate Items section

 Author: BigHero6 View Messages Posted By BigHero6
 Posted: Jan 11, 2020 14:42
 Subject: Re: Inventory 7730
 Viewed: 27 times
 Topic: Inventories
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Thank You so much. That helps a lot! I am new here at the forum. I took my old
LEGO from the 80's from my Brother. And now I try to find out, what was in
the Set and what not.

Again. Thank You.

In Inventories, SezaR writes:
  In Inventories, BigHero6 writes:
  Hello, I have two Questions about the Inventory of the set 7730.
1. There are different Inventory-List in the Internet. Was there really a Cable
inside the box? Light Gray Electric, Wire 12V / 4.5V with four 1-prong connectors,
96 Studs Long

2. At the alternative Items there are 31 Light Gray Train, Track 12V Conducting
Rail Curved
But must it nor be 15?

Thanks for the Answers

Is there anybody, who haves a picture of the Box Backside and Inside?

The most accurate inventory for this train and other vintage trains (and most
other vintage sets) is Bricklink.
Concerning the wire, see the discussion and the photos on the bottom of this
 Author: elias3 View Messages Posted By elias3
 Posted: Jan 11, 2020 13:19
 Subject: Inventory Change Request for Set 60020-1
 Viewed: 25 times
 Topic: Inventories Requests (Entry)
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Please make changes to the following inventory:
Set No: 60020  Name: Cargo Truck
60020-1 (Inv) Cargo Truck
307 Parts, 3 Minifigures, 2013
Sets: Town: City: Cargo

* Delete 2 Part 3794 Red Plate, Modified 1 x 2 with 1 Stud (Jumper) (Undetermined Type) (Alternate) (match ID 1)
* Change 2 Part Black {44301 Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End (undetermined type) to 44301b Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End without Bottom Groove}
* Change 2 Part Black {44302 Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers on End (Undetermined Type) to 44302a Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers on End with Bottom Groove}
* Change 4 Part Black {51011u Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - (Undetermined Version) to 92409 Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - Band Around Center of Tread}
* Change 4 Part Light Bluish Gray {42610c01 Wheel 11mm D. x 8mm with Center Groove with Black Tire 17.5 x 6 Shallow Staggered Treads (42610 / 51011u) to 42610c03 Wheel 11mm D. x 8mm with Center Groove with Black Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - Band Around Center of Tread (42610 / 92409)} {Counterpart to Regular}

Comments from Submitter:
source: part out sets and own collection
 Author: elias3 View Messages Posted By elias3
 Posted: Jan 11, 2020 13:14
 Subject: Inventory Change Request for Set 60026-1
 Viewed: 22 times
 Topic: Inventories Requests (Entry)
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Please make changes to the following inventory:
Set No: 60026  Name: Town Square
60026-1 (Inv) Town Square
877 Parts, 9 Minifigures, 2013
Sets: Town: City: Traffic

* Change 2 Part Black {44301 Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End (undetermined type) to 44301b Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 1 Finger On End without Bottom Groove}
* Change 2 Part Black {44302 Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers on End (Undetermined Type) to 44302a Hinge Plate 1 x 2 Locking with 2 Fingers on End with Bottom Groove}
* Change 2 Part Black {51011u Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - (Undetermined Version) to 92409 Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - Band Around Center of Tread}
* Change 2 Part Light Bluish Gray {42610c01 Wheel 11mm D. x 8mm with Center Groove with Black Tire 17.5 x 6 Shallow Staggered Treads (42610 / 51011u) to 42610c03 Wheel 11mm D. x 8mm with Center Groove with Black Tire 17.5mm D. x 6mm with Shallow Staggered Treads - Band Around Center of Tread (42610 / 92409)} (Counterpart)

Comments from Submitter:
source: part out sets and own collection

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