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 Author: Teup View Messages Posted By Teup
 Posted: Oct 1, 2018 09:05
 Subject: Re: 90-percentile as new average price ?
 Viewed: 78 times
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In Suggestions, Gaston.La.Brick writes:
  I noticed the highest prices of items sold (or of items that are on sale), have
an out of proportion influence on the average prices.
Example: when 9 people sell (or have sold) an item at €0.10 but 1 person has
sold that item for €10.00, the average price would be €1.09
You may say this example is not realistic, but it's not that unrealistic
either. Check out item 6558. The avg used price of last 6 month sales is €0.023,
while the majority of the sales are for less as €0.02
If you look more closesly, you see a few sales at a high price, but not a lot.
(Note: someone even sold a few of these for €1.00 !)

It's my suggestion to change the calculation of avg price to use the 90-percentile
method. So only the 90 percent (lowest prices) are taken into account. That way,
the top 10-percent highest prices are not taken into account when calculating
the avg price.
To avoid weird behaviours, the rule could be in place only when there are 10
items sold/for sale.
Example would become an avg price of €0.10

Another somewhat more complex method would be the use the median. Not the mathematic
average, but the middle price: 50% of the sellers have a lower price, 50% of
the sellers have a higher price.

What do you guys think?

This suggestion comes up now and then, I am not in favour, as it makes the priceguide
less transparent but most of all it promotes the race to the bottom even more.
In a different kind of design, with a different role and usage for the priceguide,
I could be in favour. But the way Bricklink is set up now, I think sellers very
strongly evaluated based on their prices not being above average - at least that's
how I used to use Bricklink when I was a buyer. I think in the current design,
we need those quirky up-effects, not because they make for the most ideal and
scientifically sound kind of priceguide, but to balance things in a context where
down-effect already prevails.

What surprises me though is that you suggest it to include only the lowest. Why
not middle 90%? What you propose seems to me like a race to the bottom on top
of a race to the bottom.. That sounds like you prefer the priceguide showing
just low prices over accurate prices. I really don't think prices on Bricklink
are unfair at all considering all the work that goes into running a store.
 Author: Gaston.La.Brick View Messages Posted By Gaston.La.Brick
 Posted: Oct 1, 2018 08:47
 Subject: 90-percentile as new average price ?
 Viewed: 204 times
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I noticed the highest prices of items sold (or of items that are on sale), have
an out of proportion influence on the average prices.
Example: when 9 people sell (or have sold) an item at €0.10 but 1 person has
sold that item for €10.00, the average price would be €1.09
You may say this example is not realistic, but it's not that unrealistic
either. Check out item 6558. The avg used price of last 6 month sales is €0.023,
while the majority of the sales are for less as €0.02
If you look more closesly, you see a few sales at a high price, but not a lot.
(Note: someone even sold a few of these for €1.00 !)

It's my suggestion to change the calculation of avg price to use the 90-percentile
method. So only the 90 percent (lowest prices) are taken into account. That way,
the top 10-percent highest prices are not taken into account when calculating
the avg price.
To avoid weird behaviours, the rule could be in place only when there are 10
items sold/for sale.
Example would become an avg price of €0.10

Another somewhat more complex method would be the use the median. Not the mathematic
average, but the middle price: 50% of the sellers have a lower price, 50% of
the sellers have a higher price.

What do you guys think?
 Author: Bricks_NW_UK View Messages Posted By Bricks_NW_UK
 Posted: Oct 1, 2018 06:19
 Subject: Re: Price offer
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In Suggestions, mikmo writes:
  Can you imagine getting 2000 messages offering you 3$ for your Chrome black Darth
Vader minifig ?

There should at least be a min. amount if this option is implemented.

Kind regards

Mikael / MikMo

In my opinion this wouldn't work!

They have this function on eBay and it is a nightmare to be honest.

The sellers have set their prices and if you don't want to pay the listed
price then you simply buy elsewhere.

I suppose if you want to make someone an offer you could do this via the quote
function and ask if they are prepare to sell for "x"

Bricklink needs to stay well clear of this.

Just my thoughts!
 Author: mikmo View Messages Posted By mikmo
 Posted: Oct 1, 2018 05:11
 Subject: Re: Price offer
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Can you imagine getting 2000 messages offering you 3$ for your Chrome black Darth
Vader minifig ?

There should at least be a min. amount if this option is implemented.

Kind regards

Mikael / MikMo
 Author: miskox View Messages Posted By miskox
 Posted: Oct 1, 2018 03:53
 Subject: Price offer
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Could an option (maybe this was suggested before?) be added that would allow
possible buyer to offer a price?

I would list an item with a price and a check box there would make this item
appear with a 'make an offer' options. Potential buyer would enter the
price he/she is willing to pay for an item. Seller receives this Quote and denies
or accepts this offer. If seller accepts it he then can add shipping quote and
send a quote (or something like that).

 Author: bricksahead View Messages Posted By bricksahead
 Posted: Sep 30, 2018 23:43
 Subject: Re: Note to seller is not very good
 Viewed: 98 times
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In Suggestions, randyipp writes:
  I would love it if the "note to seller" when a buyer is checking out were handled
more like a message and show up in the messages inbox, with the notification
number. The note looks like a message when using "contact your buyer about this
order" link but can easily be missed by sellers. It has happened to me a few
times, and can be frustrating if you see it too late!



Hi Randy,

This is a great suggestion which I can fully support. It has happened to me a
couple of times that I missed a "note to seller".

 Author: randyipp View Messages Posted By randyipp
 Posted: Sep 30, 2018 22:17
 Subject: Note to seller is not very good
 Viewed: 295 times
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I would love it if the "note to seller" when a buyer is checking out were handled
more like a message and show up in the messages inbox, with the notification
number. The note looks like a message when using "contact your buyer about this
order" link but can easily be missed by sellers. It has happened to me a few
times, and can be frustrating if you see it too late!


 Author: BrickArchitect View Messages Posted By BrickArchitect
 Posted: Sep 28, 2018 17:43
 Subject: Order Item Removal Request notification
 Viewed: 91 times
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As a buyer on Bricklink
I sometimes have a seller requesting an "Order Item Removal Request"
on items the seller does not have in stock.

When the seller requests an "Order Item Removal Request"
can this request be sent to the buyers Bricklink Messages (presently it does

This lack of notification from bricklink has caused many issues between buyers
and sellers
 Author: AngrySquirrel View Messages Posted By AngrySquirrel
 Posted: Sep 28, 2018 17:41
 Subject: Re: Search inventory remarks in top search bar
 Viewed: 46 times
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can we get this going again?
 Author: Brickwilbo View Messages Posted By Brickwilbo
 Posted: Sep 27, 2018 12:53
 Subject: Re: Sorting prospective sellers by Favorites
 Viewed: 30 times
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In Suggestions, rblondeau writes:
  After typing a part number in the search bar, the screen displays a list of all
the sellers based on the options entered there.

Is there any way to indicate that the list of sellers should only be from 'My
Favorite' stores? If there isn't any way to do this, then can I suggest
that this filter be added?

Besides being happy with specific Sellers and therefore wanting to use them again,
I've also found that when I'm trying to put together orders, the slightly
higher cost of the item is often offset by the savings on shipping by keeping
the order to a smaller number of sellers. I find that I'm often scrolling
through the list looking for those specific sellers that I want on this batch
of orders.

This kind of already exists, check the Favourite settings on this page https://www.bricklink.com/wantedSettings.asp?viewFrom=P
 Author: bb1202806 View Messages Posted By bb1202806
 Posted: Sep 27, 2018 12:40
 Subject: Sorting prospective sellers by Favorites
 Viewed: 65 times
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After typing a part number in the search bar, the screen displays a list of all
the sellers based on the options entered there.

Is there any way to indicate that the list of sellers should only be from 'My
Favorite' stores? If there isn't any way to do this, then can I suggest
that this filter be added?

Besides being happy with specific Sellers and therefore wanting to use them again,
I've also found that when I'm trying to put together orders, the slightly
higher cost of the item is often offset by the savings on shipping by keeping
the order to a smaller number of sellers. I find that I'm often scrolling
through the list looking for those specific sellers that I want on this batch
of orders.
 Author: StarBrick View Messages Posted By StarBrick
 Posted: Sep 24, 2018 14:01
 Subject: Re: Stopping/Checking inflated prices
 Viewed: 71 times
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In Suggestions, tpr writes:

Probably a lot of us have been guilty of this, adding an item to your inventory
and forgetting the decimal point, or putting it in the wrong place, thereby creating
an abnormal price.

Is it possible when entering a price for new or used, to flag if the price entered
is say more than xx% of the average prices already on file. Still giving you
the option to enter that price, but just warning that this price is abnormal


Discussed and proposed many times before, but still no sign of implementing something
like this.... Focus was on other points I guess. Something with Stud.IO and a
designer competetion sort of thing....
 Author: Pippysblocks View Messages Posted By Pippysblocks
 Posted: Sep 24, 2018 06:58
 Subject: Re: Stopping/Checking inflated prices
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Sounds like a good plan. I listed a cheap 9p item several weeks back and about
a week later I did my usual Brickstock download to check for missing locations
and oddities and noticed I'd listed it at £90. But doing that routine check
did allow me to quickly fix it.

In Suggestions, tpr writes:

Probably a lot of us have been guilty of this, adding an item to your inventory
and forgetting the decimal point, or putting it in the wrong place, thereby creating
an abnormal price.

Is it possible when entering a price for new or used, to flag if the price entered
is say more than xx% of the average prices already on file. Still giving you
the option to enter that price, but just warning that this price is abnormal

 Author: tpr View Messages Posted By tpr
 Posted: Sep 24, 2018 06:17
 Subject: Stopping/Checking inflated prices
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Probably a lot of us have been guilty of this, adding an item to your inventory
and forgetting the decimal point, or putting it in the wrong place, thereby creating
an abnormal price.

Is it possible when entering a price for new or used, to flag if the price entered
is say more than xx% of the average prices already on file. Still giving you
the option to enter that price, but just warning that this price is abnormal

 Author: figrindave View Messages Posted By figrindave
 Posted: Sep 20, 2018 17:26
 Subject: Can we please have a "notes" column in Cart
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Would it be possible for us to be able to write down notes for all the different
carts we have? I usually have 8-15 carts going that I'm debating between,
and usually have to open each one to see what's there and why I haven't
bought it yet. For Instance: "This cart contains a rare minifig that won't
last long at that price, so buy this next."

 Author: raycloud01 View Messages Posted By raycloud01
 Posted: Sep 20, 2018 07:09
 Subject: It is perfect if adding depth of field blur
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I used studio to render a simple work,I found it is really nice result,
But I think if adding a popular effect: depth of field blur
Hope it will be created,even if need to pay it.
For now,I added a photoshop efffect on the result render picture, it seems awesome!
here is link in behance:https://www.behance.net/gallery/70440343/Lego-3d-render
 Author: Brickwilbo View Messages Posted By Brickwilbo
 Posted: Sep 17, 2018 08:39
 Subject: Re: Promo Codes
 Viewed: 47 times
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In Suggestions, jbricks writes:
  In Suggestions, Brickwilbo writes:
  In Suggestions, firestar246 writes:
  We should be able to create promo codes for our store that buyers can use. Unlike
coupons, promo codes can be used by anyone with the code. For example, my store,
Tons of Bricks (GDM), has a Facebook page. I would like to give out a promo code
there for anyone who finds us through Facebook. However, I can't do that
since promo codes don't exist.

This would be an awesome addition to bricklink.

They can mention the code in the comments at ordering.

90% off our order are instant, so this won't be a solution.

since you cannot alter anything once its processed.

Another possibility is to create Shipping methods for certain discounts only
to be unlocked with a password/code.
 Author: jbricks View Messages Posted By jbricks
 Posted: Sep 17, 2018 08:17
 Subject: Re: Promo Codes
 Viewed: 36 times
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In Suggestions, Brickwilbo writes:
  In Suggestions, firestar246 writes:
  We should be able to create promo codes for our store that buyers can use. Unlike
coupons, promo codes can be used by anyone with the code. For example, my store,
Tons of Bricks (GDM), has a Facebook page. I would like to give out a promo code
there for anyone who finds us through Facebook. However, I can't do that
since promo codes don't exist.

This would be an awesome addition to bricklink.

They can mention the code in the comments at ordering.

90% off our order are instant, so this won't be a solution.

since you cannot alter anything once its processed.
 Author: Brickwilbo View Messages Posted By Brickwilbo
 Posted: Sep 17, 2018 07:27
 Subject: Re: Promo Codes
 Viewed: 33 times
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In Suggestions, firestar246 writes:
  We should be able to create promo codes for our store that buyers can use. Unlike
coupons, promo codes can be used by anyone with the code. For example, my store,
Tons of Bricks (GDM), has a Facebook page. I would like to give out a promo code
there for anyone who finds us through Facebook. However, I can't do that
since promo codes don't exist.

This would be an awesome addition to bricklink.

They can mention the code in the comments at ordering.
 Author: tons_of_bricks View Messages Posted By tons_of_bricks
 Posted: Sep 17, 2018 07:22
 Subject: Promo Codes
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We should be able to create promo codes for our store that buyers can use. Unlike
coupons, promo codes can be used by anyone with the code. For example, my store,
Tons of Bricks (GDM), has a Facebook page. I would like to give out a promo code
there for anyone who finds us through Facebook. However, I can't do that
since promo codes don't exist.

This would be an awesome addition to bricklink.
 Author: DeLuca View Messages Posted By DeLuca
 Posted: Sep 16, 2018 14:05
 Subject: Re: Shouldnt be able to enter store if stoplisted
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In Suggestions, BricksThatStick writes:
  It makes no sense that you can enter a store you are stoplisted from (let alone
be able to fill your cart and only find you are stoplisted when attempting to

Please change it back to the way is used to be that when you tried to enter the
store it tells you you are stoplisted.


Since you can set search/Wanted List settings to exclude stores that have stop
listed you, I am not sure why this is an issue that requires BL to modify the
 Author: WhiteVanMan View Messages Posted By WhiteVanMan
 Posted: Sep 13, 2018 10:58
 Subject: Re: Return the Catalog tab
 Viewed: 57 times
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In Suggestions, WoutR writes:
  In Suggestions, JulieK writes:
  Please put it back.
It was the perfect word to describe where it took users.

I came to BrickLink for the catalog first, and started to buy later.

The catalog is not just a tool we use for selling, it is a hugely important way
to draw people to the site. I know that it has been gone for a long time, but
I would still love to have a separate catalog tab back.

I totally agree.....


If according to the BL developers and admins, us sellers are supposed to be getting
new 'tools' and features to help us with our selling, I'm not sure
if there is any thing like this in the pipeline, so I guess it's a situation
of where we will need to wait and see...

However, saying that, I'd love to see an additional line within that drop
down box when I hover over the Market Tab, and that is to have 'Instructions'

I'm really fed up of having to input a set's number into the search bar
so that I can get to the instructions section.

Apart from that, I'm now used to going to the 'market' tab to get
to the parts section of the catalogue...

Just my 2p on this....

 Author: WoutR View Messages Posted By WoutR
 Posted: Sep 13, 2018 10:46
 Subject: Re: Return the Catalog tab
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In Suggestions, JulieK writes:
  Please put it back.
It was the perfect word to describe where it took users.

I came to BrickLink for the catalog first, and started to buy later.

The catalog is not just a tool we use for selling, it is a hugely important way
to draw people to the site. I know that it has been gone for a long time, but
I would still love to have a separate catalog tab back.
 Author: Brickwilbo View Messages Posted By Brickwilbo
 Posted: Sep 13, 2018 05:08
 Subject: Re: Tick Box
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In Suggestions, CRAIGENDARROCH writes:
  do you think it possible, that TICK BOX might be added to invoice to facilitate
easier checking of contents, may be it could be incorporated within the existing
colour code box

Below the order details page click Enable temporary Checkboxes to check the content
of your order.
 Posted: Sep 13, 2018 03:24
 Subject: Tick Box
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do you think it possible, that TICK BOX might be added to invoice to facilitate
easier checking of contents, may be it could be incorporated within the existing
colour code box
 Author: JulieK View Messages Posted By JulieK
 Posted: Sep 13, 2018 00:29
 Subject: Return the Catalog tab
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Please put it back.
It was the perfect word to describe where it took users.
 Author: WoutR View Messages Posted By WoutR
 Posted: Sep 12, 2018 16:43
 Subject: Replying to messages in the NEWS topic
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Every time we reply to a topic in the NEWS section of the forum, we get the error

"Oops! There was a problem processing your request:
1. Topic was not selected."

Please make it possible to reply to the NEWS section without this error.
Possible solutions include:
- allow replies in the NEWS section,
- select one topic by default (instead of asking users to pick one at random,
usually Announce and/or Administrative are used)
 Author: WILYKAT View Messages Posted By WILYKAT
 Posted: Sep 11, 2018 23:46
 Subject: add a missing zero?
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See attachment. I used wanted list auto finder and came up with 2 stores that
has everything on my one wanted list. But $5.2 just looks awful, it should read
$5.20 I guess if the last digit is a zero, it got left out? Not sure how to
fix this to show correct 2 digits cent amount for US dollars (and I bet most
currencies) by forcing the zero to show up if it is a zero.
 Author: wahiggin View Messages Posted By wahiggin
 Posted: Sep 11, 2018 23:04
 Subject: Re: Request official BrickLink app
 Viewed: 48 times
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In Suggestions, KaanDurak writes:
  Hi ,
I use my phone alot and I also use Bricklink alot , but the site on phone isn't
that great , so please. Bricklink create a phone app of Bricklink , it would
be easier for phone users.
I hope the staff will see this and an official bricklink app will be created.
Thanks for reading

A responsive design website would be just as good. It would work with any device
and browser. No need to maintain a separate application.

 Author: TheBrickGuys View Messages Posted By TheBrickGuys
 Posted: Sep 11, 2018 16:49
 Subject: Re: Request official BrickLink app
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In Suggestions, Brickwilbo writes:
  In Suggestions, KaanDurak writes:
  Hi ,
I use my phone alot and I also use Bricklink alot , but the site on phone isn't
that great , so please. Bricklink create a phone app of Bricklink , it would
be easier for phone users.
I hope the staff will see this and an official bricklink app will be created.
Thanks for reading

It's in development https://www.bricklink.com/message.asp?ID=1094209

wow, that post was 5 years old so it is still a work in progress??

 Author: calsbricks View Messages Posted By calsbricks
 Posted: Sep 11, 2018 12:09
 Subject: Re: Request official BrickLink app
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In Suggestions, KaanDurak writes:
  Hi ,
I use my phone alot and I also use Bricklink alot , but the site on phone isn't
that great , so please. Bricklink create a phone app of Bricklink , it would
be easier for phone users.
I hope the staff will see this and an official bricklink app will be created.
Thanks for reading

Voted no as this has supposedly been in development since the new owners took
over - there might be a version that will work on the phone with Bricklink XP
which is also under development, but that is not clear yet either.

According to the admins no development on the classic site is going on whilst
XP is being worked on and MP, the head of development said in his Brickwworld
presentation the future is XP, although the classic site will be maintained.
 Author: Brickwilbo View Messages Posted By Brickwilbo
 Posted: Sep 11, 2018 11:49
 Subject: Re: Request official BrickLink app
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In Suggestions, KaanDurak writes:
  Hi ,
I use my phone alot and I also use Bricklink alot , but the site on phone isn't
that great , so please. Bricklink create a phone app of Bricklink , it would
be easier for phone users.
I hope the staff will see this and an official bricklink app will be created.
Thanks for reading

It's in development https://www.bricklink.com/message.asp?ID=1094209
 Author: kdx View Messages Posted By kdx
 Posted: Sep 11, 2018 11:16
 Subject: Request official BrickLink app
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Hi ,
I use my phone alot and I also use Bricklink alot , but the site on phone isn't
that great , so please. Bricklink create a phone app of Bricklink , it would
be easier for phone users.
I hope the staff will see this and an official bricklink app will be created.
Thanks for reading
 Author: DeLuca View Messages Posted By DeLuca
 Posted: Sep 8, 2018 23:44
 Subject: Re: Information if adding/change... is rejected
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In Suggestions, OliS writes:

sometimes when I ask for a change of a picture or part information or when I
add a part it happens sometimes that this request is rejected. So far so good,
no big deal for me.

Anyhow it would be fantastic to get any information when a request is rejected.
This would help me to either change / correct my request or to forget it.

What do you think? Would it be a big deal for the Catalogue-Admins to send a
note with the reason of rejection?

Best regards,

I agree! I actually suggested this some time ago, but nothing came of it.
 Author: Brickwilbo View Messages Posted By Brickwilbo
 Posted: Sep 8, 2018 05:22
 Subject: Re: Mobile website or app
 Viewed: 38 times
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In Suggestions, emiel.roumen writes:
  Can the style sheet of the webpages be modified to allow for better usability
on mobile devices/phones?

It's in development https://www.bricklink.com/message.asp?ID=1094209
 Author: emiel.roumen View Messages Posted By emiel.roumen
 Posted: Sep 8, 2018 04:39
 Subject: Mobile website or app
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Can the style sheet of the webpages be modified to allow for better usability
on mobile devices/phones?
 Author: WhiteVanMan View Messages Posted By WhiteVanMan
 Posted: Sep 6, 2018 10:08
 Subject: Re: Dates of parts 'added' to a store.
 Viewed: 34 times
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In Suggestions, WhiteVanMan writes:
  Hi all.

When anyone looks in a store, and selects a certain part, there is in small grey
letters, showing the date that particular item was added to the store's inventory,
but as I have selected the option of having the particular item(s) 'retained'
within my inventory after it has been sold out, I would like to have this feature
removed as it makes it look as if a store is not adding any recent stock, which
is not entirely accurate.



Any further news upon this issue?

I'm really surprised that this is still here, but surely it can be tweaked
to include the date of the newer additions of the parts have been added to a
store's inventory?

 Author: yorbrick View Messages Posted By yorbrick
 Posted: Sep 6, 2018 09:40
 Subject: Re: LBG & DBG abbreviations in searches
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In Suggestions, brisbane_qld writes:
  Light Bluish Gray and Dark Bluish Gray are very common colours, and LBG and DBG
are common abbreviations for these colours. Could you please consider recognising
LBG and DBG as abbreviations for these colours in searches?

Even consistency would be good as both are used as descriptors of print. For

Part No: 16543pb01  Name: Bear, Brave, Baby Cub, Standing with Medium Azure Eyes, Black Nose and Light Bluish Gray Fur Pattern
16543pb01 Bear, Brave, Baby Cub, Standing with Medium Azure Eyes, Black Nose and Light Bluish Gray Fur Pattern
Parts: Animal, Land
Part No: 973pb2703  Name: Torso Shoulder Armor with Rivets and Orange Lightning Pattern
973pb2703 Torso Shoulder Armor with Rivets and Orange Lightning Pattern
Parts: Minifigure, Torso
 Author: brisbane_qld View Messages Posted By brisbane_qld
 Posted: Sep 6, 2018 07:50
 Subject: LBG & DBG abbreviations in searches
 Viewed: 95 times
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Light Bluish Gray and Dark Bluish Gray are very common colours, and LBG and DBG
are common abbreviations for these colours. Could you please consider recognising
LBG and DBG as abbreviations for these colours in searches?
 Author: Teup View Messages Posted By Teup
 Posted: Sep 3, 2018 14:14
 Subject: Re: Request for addition in checkout process
 Viewed: 35 times
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In Suggestions, StoreToys4Boys writes:
  Request for addition in checkout process and terms of store at beginning of purchase.

Hello Admins of BrickLink.
I would like to request an addition in the checkout process that will simplify
the way I handle my lot limitation versus $.
I’m sure some sellers would like to add there comment to my request but could
I ask them to restraint themselves to make it official that I’m doing a request
to the admin but I need to receive an answer that will be available to everybody.

I received another order that do not comply with my store terms and I don’t like
to cancel orders since almost all this orders are from new users with 0 feedback

I think everybody here sometimes received orders like 100 lots for $20 or more.
The way my storage is done, I can say that a 100 lots orders will take me around
100 minutes to fill, pack, print. Even if I run for it, I can maybe done it in
50 minutes.

From a first time user, this is not funny to spend an hour or two and get cancel
at the end because the order done did not respect store terms.
The concept of limitations in orders are widely spread. Even Lego website for
parts have limitations.

I like to suggest a simple way to fix my problem and this will be a great way
for everyone to fix their goal. This is an addition needed but this would not
affect other factors if you want to keep them.
At checkout, can you add a factor of division versus amount in $.
Ex: I would like my store to accept orders with maximum 20 lots for $25
In other terms, I can take orders that will go over 125% of lots versus dollars.

To make it easier to understand we could also go with % calculation.
A 1% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $.20 minimum purchase
A 10% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $2 minimum purchase
A 50% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $10 minimum purchase
A 100% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $20 minimum purchase
A 125% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $25 minimum purchase

So at checkout every order will be calculate by the factor we want. If you don’t
want any limitation on the number of lot just leave it by default to 1%.

That’s easy to control and the buyer will get a message with short explanation
of the limit concept for that store in the beginning of their purchase. I think
it’s a much better way to define every need of different sellers and nothing
is lost or gain for sellers who don’t care about lot limitations.

That will be a great way for buyers to be inform right away and not having deception
at the end of their orders.

If you accept, I will be now removing the $20 minimum purchase in my store and
removing all the bulk minimum that break my head all the time.

Please Admins,can you come up with an detail answer of your views on this .

I would like to thank you for your time and keep on doing the great work.

I don't actually understand this suggestion and explanation. Seems it's
about low lot values again, what exactly is not satisfactory about the minimum
order and minimum lot value settings we currently have?

Also, if it takes that long to sort an order, I think there are loads of possibilities
for improvements. A 100 lot order should take me less than half an hour for sure.
I have category based storage.
 Author: StoreToys4Boys View Messages Posted By StoreToys4Boys
 Posted: Sep 3, 2018 12:31
 Subject: Request for addition in checkout process
 Viewed: 98 times
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Request for addition in checkout process and terms of store at beginning of purchase.

Hello Admins of BrickLink.
I would like to request an addition in the checkout process that will simplify
the way I handle my lot limitation versus $.
I’m sure some sellers would like to add there comment to my request but could
I ask them to restraint themselves to make it official that I’m doing a request
to the admin but I need to receive an answer that will be available to everybody.

I received another order that do not comply with my store terms and I don’t like
to cancel orders since almost all this orders are from new users with 0 feedback

I think everybody here sometimes received orders like 100 lots for $20 or more.
The way my storage is done, I can say that a 100 lots orders will take me around
100 minutes to fill, pack, print. Even if I run for it, I can maybe done it in
50 minutes.

From a first time user, this is not funny to spend an hour or two and get cancel
at the end because the order done did not respect store terms.
The concept of limitations in orders are widely spread. Even Lego website for
parts have limitations.

I like to suggest a simple way to fix my problem and this will be a great way
for everyone to fix their goal. This is an addition needed but this would not
affect other factors if you want to keep them.
At checkout, can you add a factor of division versus amount in $.
Ex: I would like my store to accept orders with maximum 20 lots for $25
In other terms, I can take orders that will go over 125% of lots versus dollars.

To make it easier to understand we could also go with % calculation.
A 1% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $.20 minimum purchase
A 10% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $2 minimum purchase
A 50% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $10 minimum purchase
A 100% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $20 minimum purchase
A 125% factor will be an order of 20 lots for a purchase of $25 minimum purchase

So at checkout every order will be calculate by the factor we want. If you don’t
want any limitation on the number of lot just leave it by default to 1%.

That’s easy to control and the buyer will get a message with short explanation
of the limit concept for that store in the beginning of their purchase. I think
it’s a much better way to define every need of different sellers and nothing
is lost or gain for sellers who don’t care about lot limitations.

That will be a great way for buyers to be inform right away and not having deception
at the end of their orders.

If you accept, I will be now removing the $20 minimum purchase in my store and
removing all the bulk minimum that break my head all the time.

Please Admins,can you come up with an detail answer of your views on this .

I would like to thank you for your time and keep on doing the great work.
 Author: pitz8008 View Messages Posted By pitz8008
 Posted: Sep 2, 2018 13:02
 Subject: Re: Make Special Assemblies easier to find pt 2
 Viewed: 30 times
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In Suggestions, JulieK writes:
  Suggestion is to give Special Assemblies their own section of
the catalog.

Right now they can be found by going to the parts section.

Giving them their own section would make them stand out. I didn't even know
they existed until the recent forum discussion.

Make the corresponding drop down menu match to the theme the assembly comes from?

 Author: JulieK View Messages Posted By JulieK
 Posted: Sep 2, 2018 13:00
 Subject: Make Special Assemblies easier to find pt 2
 Viewed: 74 times
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Suggestion is to give Special Assemblies their own section of
the catalog.

Right now they can be found by going to the parts section.

Giving them their own section would make them stand out. I didn't even know
they existed until the recent forum discussion.

Make the corresponding drop down menu match to the theme the assembly comes from?
 Author: JulieK View Messages Posted By JulieK
 Posted: Sep 2, 2018 13:00
 Subject: Make Special Assemblies easier to find pt 1
 Viewed: 84 times
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Suggestion is to add Special Assemblies to the "Items Appears In" section of
the catalog
 Author: SylvainLS View Messages Posted By SylvainLS
 Posted: Sep 1, 2018 15:30
 Subject: Re: New parameter for lots: max per buyer
 Viewed: 38 times
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In Suggestions, hullboxer writes:
  As a buyer, I would not place an order in a store with this type of restriction.[…]

You have two ways of seeing this suggestion:
— as a new restriction upon the buyer (like done on S@H),
— or as a stockroom feature for sellers, an automation of what can already be
done manually (i.e. move stock from stockroom to store once an order has emptied
the (s)lot).

What I understand from Teup’s explanations is that the latter is more how he
sees/wants this feature.
In this case, first, there are already stores who do that, manually or with
their own inventory management tools. And, second, the buyer generally doesn’t
know about it unless they come back later, like with this suggestion.
 Author: hullboxer View Messages Posted By hullboxer
 Posted: Sep 1, 2018 14:55
 Subject: Re: New parameter for lots: max per buyer
 Viewed: 29 times
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As a buyer, I would not place an order in a store with this type of restriction.
I would pay more, likely more than an additional orders shipping (which would
be the proposed ‘penalty’ for a full/larger above the restricted size order)
for the items in a store without these restrictions. Further, I would be inclined
not to revisit stores using these restrictions just to reduce my own frustration
with stores penalizing me for ordering more of an item(s).

Don’t care for it at Lego store either and have left before and purchased here
or other retail outlets. Just my 2 cents but can’t imagine many buyers seeing
this in a positive light.


Suggestions, Teup writes:
  I would really like to see a new parameter for lots that limits the amount a
buyer can buy of a certain part in any one order. The part would then turn up
in search results and in store inventory showing not more than the value specified.
It's something that many online stores use, notably also LEGO themselves.

So far the way to do this is to offer the desired max amount, put in remarks
how much is left, and put the item on retain. This has several drawbacks, most
of all:
- You have to manually reoffer and modify the remarks all the time
- You cannot see or accurately modify the price and other stats of your inventory
because part of the amount of what you have is hidden in remarks

This could all be solved by 1 simple extra field, that is left on 0 when unused.

Of course, the item should not appear updated for users that still have an order
that has not yet reached the packed status. Of course buyers can buy again after
that, but separate shipping and handling fees should be sufficient to bar the
effect of buyers blowing sudden holes in your inventory.
 Author: Teup View Messages Posted By Teup
 Posted: Sep 1, 2018 05:19
 Subject: Re: New parameter for lots: max per buyer
 Viewed: 34 times
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Yes, that is correct. In a world with unlimited stock everyone could buy as much
as they like without limitations When I upload a part-out there are always
a few lots that I just know will not survive it through a month. I had some ninjago
quivers and armor parts that could've served several buyers but someone bought
all of them right the day after I uploaded the part-out, even though it was listed
at current average price. I don't really complain, because it's nice
to sell.. but still, I will never encounter these parts again and only had them
in my store for 1 day. Not a disaster but it would have been nice to feature
them a bit longer without overpricing.

I guess a big reason why this would be useful is the existence of this tipping
point. Either you list at a normal price and you sell all at once because you're
a high quantity seller, OR you price them slightly higher but that makes you
end up alot lower in the search results so buyers pick other shops instead and
leave you alone entirely. Ideally you'd sell more gradually but for some
parts that seems hard..

In Suggestions, patpendlego writes:
  It seems like this proposal is not to aid buyer(s) but to overcome a limitation
as seller.

Just thinking outloud:
Selling new items, and as seller you want availability of all items/colors in
your store all the time for all buyers? Correct? So I would say just add more
stock. But your own resources (to add more stock) are likely limited, as seller
you cannot add indefinitely. So, to overcome this limited resources issue, the
solution is to shove the limitation on to the buyer(s)... somehow...

I guess in a way this is always the case, either by limiting lots, or raising
prices, or other means

In Suggestions, Teup writes:
  Funny you should say that, I logged on to BO just now and found that a Chinese
guy has bought out 2 lots Now my store offers round 1x1 plates in all colours
except trans clear

I don't have a proper workaround, because the remarks option makes my inventory
appear smaller than it is. That's not good for my administration and inventory
management. You could list separate lots, but I don't know, seems rather
tedious to me. There could be some alternatives I haven't thought of, if
you have any let me know

In Suggestions, patpendlego writes:
  First of all: be my guest, if you want to use this option go ahead it's your
store and your items to sell. No problem at all.

But.. just for arguments sake... what would be the buyer experience of this?
It's all psychology, so think it through I would say, place yourself in a
buyer shoes.

Also... technically, wouldn't there be many easy ways to simply go around
this 'restriction'? I don't know... just a thought... aren't
you just trying to influence something which is just an idea in your head but
has nothing to do with reality?

I think I would not use this option.


In Suggestions, Teup writes:
  I would really like to see a new parameter for lots that limits the amount a
buyer can buy of a certain part in any one order. The part would then turn up
in search results and in store inventory showing not more than the value specified.
It's something that many online stores use, notably also LEGO themselves.

So far the way to do this is to offer the desired max amount, put in remarks
how much is left, and put the item on retain. This has several drawbacks, most
of all:
- You have to manually reoffer and modify the remarks all the time
- You cannot see or accurately modify the price and other stats of your inventory
because part of the amount of what you have is hidden in remarks

This could all be solved by 1 simple extra field, that is left on 0 when unused.

Of course, the item should not appear updated for users that still have an order
that has not yet reached the packed status. Of course buyers can buy again after
that, but separate shipping and handling fees should be sufficient to bar the
effect of buyers blowing sudden holes in your inventory.
 Author: leggodtshop View Messages Posted By leggodtshop
 Posted: Sep 1, 2018 04:51
 Subject: Re: New parameter for lots: max per buyer
 Viewed: 23 times
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It seems like this proposal is not to aid buyer(s) but to overcome a limitation
as seller.

Just thinking outloud:
Selling new items, and as seller you want availability of all items/colors in
your store all the time for all buyers? Correct? So I would say just add more
stock. But your own resources (to add more stock) are likely limited, as seller
you cannot add indefinitely. So, to overcome this limited resources issue, the
solution is to shove the limitation on to the buyer(s)... somehow...

I guess in a way this is always the case, either by limiting lots, or raising
prices, or other means

In Suggestions, Teup writes:
  Funny you should say that, I logged on to BO just now and found that a Chinese
guy has bought out 2 lots Now my store offers round 1x1 plates in all colours
except trans clear

I don't have a proper workaround, because the remarks option makes my inventory
appear smaller than it is. That's not good for my administration and inventory
management. You could list separate lots, but I don't know, seems rather
tedious to me. There could be some alternatives I haven't thought of, if
you have any let me know

In Suggestions, patpendlego writes:
  First of all: be my guest, if you want to use this option go ahead it's your
store and your items to sell. No problem at all.

But.. just for arguments sake... what would be the buyer experience of this?
It's all psychology, so think it through I would say, place yourself in a
buyer shoes.

Also... technically, wouldn't there be many easy ways to simply go around
this 'restriction'? I don't know... just a thought... aren't
you just trying to influence something which is just an idea in your head but
has nothing to do with reality?

I think I would not use this option.


In Suggestions, Teup writes:
  I would really like to see a new parameter for lots that limits the amount a
buyer can buy of a certain part in any one order. The part would then turn up
in search results and in store inventory showing not more than the value specified.
It's something that many online stores use, notably also LEGO themselves.

So far the way to do this is to offer the desired max amount, put in remarks
how much is left, and put the item on retain. This has several drawbacks, most
of all:
- You have to manually reoffer and modify the remarks all the time
- You cannot see or accurately modify the price and other stats of your inventory
because part of the amount of what you have is hidden in remarks

This could all be solved by 1 simple extra field, that is left on 0 when unused.

Of course, the item should not appear updated for users that still have an order
that has not yet reached the packed status. Of course buyers can buy again after
that, but separate shipping and handling fees should be sufficient to bar the
effect of buyers blowing sudden holes in your inventory.
 Author: Teup View Messages Posted By Teup
 Posted: Sep 1, 2018 04:03
 Subject: Re: New parameter for lots: max per buyer
 Viewed: 30 times
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In Suggestions, qwertyboy writes:
  In Suggestions, yorbrick writes:
  In Suggestions, Teup writes:
  In Suggestions, DeLuca writes:
  In Suggestions, Teup writes:
  In Suggestions, danielclark writes:
  I'd be less inclined to shop in a store that restricts how much of an item
I could buy, especially if I could see they had more. When I search for parts
it's by highest quantity for my most desired elements. If a store is going
to retain some inventory then it's going to show further down on that list.

I agree, you should not see it. It would work exactly the same as the stockroom
currently works: You don't see what's back there that you cannot order.

The full quantity of a given item would not be visible on the item's Catalog
entry, but would it be visible on the item's entry in the store? It
is my understanding that it would, hence my concerns.

No, it should not be visible anywhere, just like a stockroom items is not visible.
If I have a lot of 5000 but limit it to 500 per buyer, it should show as a 500
size lot everywhere on Bricklink.
I intended it as a more automated version of the current way to do the same thing,
listing 500, switching on "retain" and writing "4500 left" in the remarks.
I agree it would be annoying to see things you couldn't buy.

There is a small downside that if a buyer places an order for 500, then happens
to browse the store again while not logged in, then they see that more stock
is available. So they log in and the stock is no longer available to them as
they have a current order.

It would take more than just a few changes. For instance, if you set a max of
100 per customer, and someone buys 100, when would your shop show 100 in inventory
again? If it gets shown right away (assuming you have enough set up), the customer
would see another 100, and could potentially add them to his existing order.
If you expect BL to block this particular customer from seeing the new lot, when
would this "lock" be lifted? At payment time? After shipping? Maybe never? Or
do you accept them being able to see the new 100 and do an order addition, thus
being able to buy them all in several order additions?

There would be quite a few checks etc needed, with many options for fringe cases
messing things up.

I do appreciate the idea, but I don't think it would be easy to implement.


You're right it would take a bit of extra infrastructure. But I think if
items would be hidden (or quantity substracted) to buyers who have an order that
has not yet reached "packed", that should be fairly unambiguous. That would suit
my purposes and I hope that to the others who voted yes that's good as well.
That should be enough to solve the buyout issue.
So yes, it would take for users to see something else when they log on than when
they log off. But I think this should be easy to make and it's already the
case with user blocks, currency conversions and VAT calculations that apply as
soon as a user logs in. Though I just hope that putting all displayed quantities
through this extra bit of code would not slow the website in any way, otherwise
it wouldn't be worth it.
 Author: DeLuca View Messages Posted By DeLuca
 Posted: Aug 31, 2018 16:37
 Subject: Re: New parameter for lots: max per buyer
 Viewed: 41 times
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In Suggestions, Teup writes:
  I would really like to see a new parameter for lots that limits the amount a
buyer can buy of a certain part in any one order. The part would then turn up
in search results and in store inventory showing not more than the value specified.
It's something that many online stores use, notably also LEGO themselves.

So far the way to do this is to offer the desired max amount, put in remarks
how much is left, and put the item on retain. This has several drawbacks, most
of all:
- You have to manually reoffer and modify the remarks all the time
- You cannot see or accurately modify the price and other stats of your inventory
because part of the amount of what you have is hidden in remarks

This could all be solved by 1 simple extra field, that is left on 0 when unused.

Of course, the item should not appear updated for users that still have an order
that has not yet reached the packed status. Of course buyers can buy again after
that, but separate shipping and handling fees should be sufficient to bar the
effect of buyers blowing sudden holes in your inventory.

One additional concern that I have with this idea, is that buyers may start assuming
that stores have far more items available than are showing up (particularly if
the store is large, and the item in question is relatively common). This assumption
may lead prospective buyers to contact stores in an attempt to circumvent the
limit (which places the sellers in a difficult position), or simply to look elsewhere.

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