
Your username is unique to you and the name other BrickLink members will come to know you by. When selecting a username, please keep the following restrictions in mind:
  • Obscene or offensive usernames are not allowed. As this is an international website, this includes terms that might not be offensive in your region, but are offensive in other regions of the world.
  • Your username cannot contain a URL.
  • Usernames are limited to 15 characters and can only contain letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), period (.) and the underscore (_).
  • Your username cannot be the same as your password.
  • You cannot use the former username of another member, but can change your username back to your former username.
  • The words "LEGO" and "BrickLink" or imitation of the words "LEGO" and "BrickLink" such as replacing one or more characters is not allowed in your username.

When you register as a new member, a small green fire helmet will appear next to your username on your BrickLink ID card for 30 days
Changing Your Username:

You can change your username by visiting My Personal Information in myBrickLink. Usernames can only be changed once every 30 days. Keep in mind that your store URL also changes along with your username. If your shop is associated with Peeron, you will need to update your URL with them.

When you change your username, your old username will appear on your BrickLink ID card and a small green fire helmet will appear next to your new username. When 2 or more of your profiles are merged together, a small blue fire helmet will appear next to your username instead. These remain on the ID card for 30 days.

- New member or changed username during the past 30 days.
- 2 or more profiles merged together during the past 30 days.