Feedback Forum: Profile of piecemeal (4008): Reply to Feedback
ID Card

piecemeal (4008)

Location:  USA, South Carolina
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jan 13, 2012 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: In Pieces

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 4008 
Neutral: 4 
Complaint: 0 

Total: 0 0 3 4012 
 Buying  Selling 
99 3909 

99 3913 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B   Reply 
 Praise  lostsoldier (12)  Jun 6, 2024  25203601  Seller Reply 
 Order shipped very quickly, arrived intact and in good shape. No complaints :)
 Praise  JonBrick2000 (34)  May 19, 2024  25269055  Seller Reply 
 Order has shipped
 Praise  ksumner (256)  Feb 14, 2024  24340070  Seller Reply 
 Absolutely terrific seller! Speedy and tremendous! The best!
 Praise  mountaindude (66)  Jan 13, 2024  23836944  Seller Reply 
 Set was in great condition. Packed well. Fast service.
 Praise  rogietherobot7 (1394)  Dec 30, 2023  23966117  Buyer Reply 
 Thanks for shopping at Shellfield brick shop. I appreciate your business!!
 Praise  Cjbirster (487)  Sep 27, 2023  22928879  Buyer Reply 
 Great buyer! Thanks for your business
 Praise  itfigures (319)  Sep 3, 2023  22936374  Seller Reply 
 Great Seller. Fast Shipping. Recommended. Thanks
 Praise  Acecoot7 (66)  Jul 17, 2023  22598396  Seller Reply 
 Great seller thank you for the speedy shipping
 Praise  aimeecbarnard (132)  Mar 7, 2023  21513585  Seller Reply 
 Excellent job on picking out Minifigure. Nicely packaged for shipping.
 Praise  TBB_Joe (543)  Dec 17, 2022  20769929  Seller Reply 
 Great. Thanks!

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