Feedback Forum: Profile of gon2win (15112): Reply to Feedback
ID Card

gon2win (15112)

Location:  USA, North Carolina
Member Since Contact Type Status
Jun 9, 2012 Contact Member Seller
Buying Privileges - OKSelling Privileges - OK
Store: Bricks 4 life

Feedback Summary:

  Week  Month  Year  Total 
Praise: 102 382 2609 15115 
Neutral: 8 
Complaint: 3 

Total: 102 382 2611 15126 
 Buying  Selling 
242 14873 

242 14884 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   Member   Date   Order ID   S/B   Reply 
 Praise  hammons4 (3883)  Feb 7, 2025  27467892  Seller Reply 
 Great Seller and Fast Shipping
 Praise  kdschroeder25 (8)   Feb 7, 2025  27446569  Seller Reply 
 Super fast shipping, arrived in good order. Thank you!
 Praise  gabebowman (35)  Feb 7, 2025  27477443  Seller Reply 
 Shipment arrived in great condition! A+
 Praise  FluffyWanKenobi (268)  Feb 7, 2025  27377912  Seller Reply 
 Thank You!
 Praise  tyoregon (1848)  Feb 7, 2025  27456264  Seller Reply 
 Great selection. Excellent service. Thanks!
 Praise  Space_Race_T.J. (155)  Feb 7, 2025  27453335  Seller Reply 
 Thank you for the bricks.
 Praise  SlipsFromARose (283)  Feb 7, 2025  27472185  Seller Reply 
 Super-fast shipping! Everything is as described. Thank you so much!
 Praise  mdapoigny (368)  Feb 7, 2025  27340483  Seller Reply 
 Perfect. Thank you !
 Praise  jim036 (483)  Feb 7, 2025  27461515  Seller Reply 
 Excellent seller
 Praise  BlueDevilBricks (1028)  Feb 7, 2025  27467770  Seller Reply 
 Easy transaction. Excellent experience

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