Feedback Forum: Profile of MatthiasIV (1623): Posted Feedback

Summary of Posted Feedback:

Praise: 2577 
Neutral: 3 
Complaint: 18 

Total: 2598 

Feedback Comments:

 Type   To Member   Date   Order ID   S/B 
 Praise  Islandflowerhi (3)  Feb 11, 2025  27483212  Seller 
 Valued customer! Welcome to Bricklink.
 Praise  J3KY11 (400)  Feb 4, 2025  27086091  Seller 
 Valued customer! Thanks for shopping at Brickotopia!
 Praise  Bricks_Official (46)  Feb 4, 2025  26805519  Seller 
 Valued customer! Thanks for shopping at Brickotopia!
 Praise  LeonardoGomez (16)  Feb 4, 2025  26779212  Seller 
 Valued customer! Thanks for shopping at Brickotopia!
 Praise  cwapface (48)  Feb 4, 2025  26696238  Seller 
 Valued customer! Thanks for shopping at Brickotopia!
 Praise  GladeXD (3)  Feb 4, 2025  26693069  Seller 
 Valued customer! Welcome to Bricklink.
 Praise  cohma (42)  Jan 30, 2025  27372334  Seller 
 Valued customer! Thanks for shopping at Brickotopia!
 Praise  jackrwestphal02 (16)  Jan 23, 2025  27163119  Seller 
 Valued customer! Thanks for shopping at Brickotopia!
 Praise  1orehtnelis (36)  Jan 14, 2025  27106397  Seller 
 Valued customer! Thanks for shopping at Brickotopia!
 Praise  IGHCaptain (720)  Jan 14, 2025  27155759  Seller 
 Valued customer! Thanks for shopping at Brickotopia!

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S/B indicates whether MatthiasIV was the Seller or Buyer in that transaction.