About Me Pages: About novabrick (14771)

Die Mürwiker GmbH is a charity organization.
We run workshops, homes, and outpatient care homes for people with disabilities.
The workshop "nova" is for people with mental impairments.

Die Mürwiker GmbH ist gemeinnützig.
Wir betreiben Werkstätten, Wohnstätten und ambulant betreutes Wohnen
für Menschen mit Behinderungen. Die Werkstatt "nova" ist für Menschen mit psychischen

We'll ship from Mondays - Fridays
Our working time is from Monday to Thursday

8:00 - 16:00 (UTC+1)

and on Fridays

8:00 - 14:00 (UTC+1)

During weekend emails will not be answered.

Proccesing time can be up to 5 days - though we aim to keep it shorter. After we receive
your order we will process and pack it. Only then you will get an invoice via email with
the total amount including shipping.

If you have any issues with your order like missing or broken parts, long shipping time
etc. feel free to send us a mail. Our team will do it's best to solve any
occuring problems. We're always online on our working times stated below.

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