About Me Pages: About masterbuilder1 (36042)
We started selling Lego in 2000. I started collecting Lego when my eldest child started buying it. This has developed into selling it which I now do along with my family as a small business from home. We live in Nottingaham but I grew up in London. I used to teach Maths to 11-18 year olds but had to stop following a car crash. Now I tutor Maths, as well as sell Lego, I really enjoy the variety of what I do and getting to know lots of different people. I run this store but following the arrival of our 3rd child in October 02 I decided to employ someone so I could keep on selling Lego and increase the number of sales we could handle, so in September 02 Julie started working for me. She runs the store now as I am tutoring more.
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