About Me Pages: About legogrrl (55)
Thank you for helping my son with his college living expenses through your purchase! All the bricks you are buying come from his personal childhood collection. He's a sophomore at a large university majoring in Electrical Engineering. Besides his love for LEGO, his other lifelong passion is trumpet, playing for the university's band during the school year, and touring with a Drum Corps (think professional-caliber marching band shows on steroids) during the summer. With his rigorous academic and band calenders, we've found it's impossible for him to work even a part-time job into his schedule, so we're selling his vast LEGO collection instead. He doesn't drink alcohol or use any substances, so your money will be spent on true college necessities such as food, gas, and rent. I'm his proud mom, and didn't quite know what an undertaking I volunteered for when I proposed I'd sort out and re-gather his old sets together from his vast collection and sell them for him. It's become a second job for me in the evenings and weekends for the past year after I come home from a full day's work as a mental health therapist for kids and youth. And it turns out, it’s actually pretty fun! Your purchase is very meaningful to us! As a youngster, my son's now-budding engineering career was built from the very sets and parts you are ordering. His Mindstorms set went to State competition in First Lego League (a LEGO-based robotics competition), and he spent countless hours engineering and re-engineering his own MOCs of rubber band shooters. Watching these parts and sets fund his engineering studies is a true full-circle moment for our family. We only hope that his bricks and sets will bring the same level of passion and joy to you as they did to him.
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