| Alex and mom :) instagram: AlexandmomBricks
We Are excited to have a MOVING SALE. WE have decided to move from Snowy Minnesota to BEAUTIFUL California. We have decided to have this MOVING SALE to cut back on the luggage and boxes.
SO ENJOY THE SALE, BE PATIENT WITH THE ORDERS, Considering we expect to have a great outcome. Thanks for so much for all the previous orders if you have shopped with us before and THANK you to all the new buyers.
ANY questions before placing an order, please shoot me and an email
My 11 year old son and I have loved Legos since well.... Forever. We decided to create this store so we can provide pieces for your collection and also to purchase pieces we need. During this time we are Very new to buying/selling business. So any tips would be great.
We will be adding more information soon. Stay tuned | This page has been viewed 737 times. |