About Me Pages: About TakeAbricK (13703)

Welcome to my 'About Me' Page

My name is Diana. If you still think Lego is not for 'Girls', read this and you will forget about that.

In august 2006 I changed my job and suddenly had a lot of free time left. When I spent my time shopping one day, I saw a box of LEGO Bricks and I got the idea building my house on scale.
When searching on a Dutch Auction Site for white LEGO Bricks, I saw some nice old Lego, I recognized my older brothers had in the 60's / 70's.

In september 2006 (43 years old) I bought my first LEGO sets: Legoland 605, 611, 656 and 659. I didn't stop buying since and soon I had a house full of LEGO instead of a LEGO House. I collect the old LEGO from 1932 - 1982.

In 2013 I quit my Job and started selling LEGO. Old and New! Now I have no room ánd no time left :-D
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