About Me Pages: About Ravendragonwing (1665)
I am a 49 year old, pagan, goth, tattooed AFOL. I am single, have red hair, female, no kids (I would have to share my LEGO, bad idea) unless you count cats as kids...then I have two, live in Bay Area. I am a chemist by career. I went to college in Flagstaff, AZ, but have lived many different places growing up. Germany, Key West, FL, Kansas, Virginia, PA, AZ, TX, and now CA. I was first introduced to LEGO at the age of 18 months old....my mom saw them in the duty-free shop in Germany when we were flying back to the states. Growing up, my younger brother and I would play with our LEGO for days straight, no fighting, so my mom thought that LEGO were a good thing to have, so she bought us many sets. My mom tried to buy us the 'other' bricks, but they never worked with LEGO. Well I think that is enough about me.....
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