About Me Pages: About LegoJohnBrown (3575)
I stumbled across BrickLink by accident years ago. I was visiting my mom and found all of my old Lego (from the 70's) but none of the instructions. I jumped online to see if I could find the instructions to some of the old sets so that I could have a nostalgic "play" - of course I eventually found them, but not before finding BrickLink (BrickBay at the time) and now I have found a new joy in selling Lego Bricks(to supplement my personal collection). I am an active participant in the TexLUG and TBRR. My building aspirations include creating scale models of buildings (mostly skyscrapers and civil engineering projects) that I like, but when am I going to find the time....... Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/60454014@N04/7251408156/in/photostream/
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