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 Aug 6, 2024
Gear 3408STW10 Watch Set, SW Stormtrooper Adult's: TheBrickBinUK (7650)
    Pending ApprovalChange Packing Dimensions from {0 x 0 x 0} to {17 x 4 x 11}
    Pending ApprovalChange Weight from {0} to {161}
 May 20, 2024
Gear 5005881 Marvel Super Heroes Avengers Endgame Poster #2: DeichBricks (3585)
    Pending ApprovalChange Item Dimensions from {29.7 x 42 x 0.06} to {25.4 x 32.9 x 0.05}
 Sep 2, 2023
Gear jojo2 Bionicle Yo-Yo: laukarkee89 (1037)
    Pending ApprovalChange Item No from {jojo2} to {4293274}
 Aug 4, 2023
Gear Tinemug1 Cup / Mug Tine Milk: braten1 (493)
    Pending ApprovalChange Year Released from {0} to {1999}
Note: It was relased the same year as set 1029, both the set and the mug was available to order trough a cataloge called "Bli Tryggere i Traffiken" a collaboration between Lego, Tine and Trygg Trafikk. The cataloge was given out to kids at the school. But Lego also had advertisments on Tine's Milk cartongs the same year.
 Apr 30, 2023
Gear bin08 Dacta Storage Bin Extra Large: here4bricks614 (202)
    Pending ApprovalChange Year Released from {0} to {1990}
Note: this item uses ID 44798 and is under "Not Aproved New Elements" with the name "YELLOW LEGO STRORAGE BOX #9920"(the database is full of typos) - element number 4183146 are these IDs even necessary? alternates?
 Mar 15, 2023
Gear HW44 Storage Tub FreeStyle Bottom Full Size: gezuvor (121)
    Pending ApprovalChange Weight from {456} to {416}
    Pending ApprovalChange Year Released from {0} to {2001}