Catalog: Parts: Road Sign, Decorated: bb0306pb01: Change LogHelp on Catalog Change Request

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 Change Description By
Part bb0306pb01 Road Sign with Post, Square with Parking 'P' Pattern - Single Piece Unit: axaday (7347)
    CompletedChanged Item Name from {Road Sign Old Square with Parking 'P' Pattern Single Piece Unit}
Part bb0306pb01 Road Sign with Post, Square with Parking 'P' Pattern - Single Piece Unit: Admin_Russell
    Updated DirectlyChanged Item No from {bb306pb01} to {bb0306pb01}
Part bb0306pb01 Road Sign with Post, Square with Parking 'P' Pattern - Single Piece Unit: Hygrotus (869)
    Updated DirectlyChanged Category from {Road Sign} to {Road Sign, Decorated}