Formula I Racer
Item No: 5540-1
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Item Info
Year Released: 1986 Weight: 920g
Item Dim.: 38 x 23 x 7.2 cm
Instructions: Yes
Item Consists Of
437 Parts
Item Appears In
Additional Notes: This set comes in two box types that have distinctly different art on them. Both box types can be seen under the set's original box entry. The current set weight and item dimensions are based upon the larger of the two box types. The set weight and item dimensions for the smaller box type are 900g and 33.5 x 24 x 7cm, respectively.
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This set comes in two box types that have distinctly different art on them. Both box types can be seen under the set's original box entry. The current set weight and item dimensions are based upon the larger of the two box types. The set weight and item dimensions for the smaller box type are 900g and 33.5 x 24 x 7cm, respectively.
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