Items For Sale: in Color: Lot 15615004
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Image Condition Description Available In
invID: 15615004
NS Folding Doors Wagon. Suitable for 9V, 12V or RC track. Doors can be opened and locked with handles on the outside. Including stickered box, sticker of 18 different railway logo's, colourfull building instruction and list of parts.
Items For Sale: Custom Items: SetsTrain
Loc: Netherlands, Min Buy: ~US $10.82
Blokbricks Custom (6243)
Qty: 1
Each: ~US $31.30
(EUR 28.92562)

Extended Description
NS Folding Doors Wagon. Suitable for 9V, 12V or RC track. Doors can be opened and locked with handles on the outside. Including stickered box, sticker of 18 different railway logo's, colourfull building instruction and list of parts. Nearly all parts brand new.
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